View Full Version : Have you or do you kiss your same sex lover out in the open/in public?

Nov 5, 2011, 7:45 PM
has anyone kissed the same sex in a public place? just wondering. i would'nt do it to catch attention or in a crowded place for all to see, but i have done it with the guy i'm seeing at moment.
I met this gorgous guy a few weeks ago on bus and we started chatting, then had a date together, and we got intimate a cuppla days later. He actually prefers my female side, which I love the most.
But he loves kissing me, and what a kisser he is. We've done it at the back of bus while it was only us on bus. In a pharmacy the other night, we just started smooching while in a quiet aisle, and the other night we strolled along beach area, under the stars, found a cozy little spot on grass and had one long smooch. it was very beautiful.

Nov 6, 2011, 1:14 PM
I would posit that women would be more likely to have done so seeing as to how female-female contact is more readily accepted than Male-male.

So the likelihood is less on the male side than female.

Hence, your question is more likely to find more females having done this than males.

Nov 6, 2011, 5:06 PM
Yes, but only hello or good bye at the airports. And they're full on lip lock smootches, not just pecks.

Nov 6, 2011, 5:45 PM
We hold hands, occasionally we put our arms around each other but neither of us as people are overly touchy-feely in public.
It's got nothing to do with being two women, I'm waaaay over that hang-up, it's really just the way i am.
I do nothing different to when it was my husband with me.
The only time she's been with me at the airport, yes we had a long cuddle, as others do with a nice kiss; But not "over the top."
we don't have to prove anything.

The real passion we save for private, where we are far more comfortable.

Nov 6, 2011, 9:03 PM
I've always been the same way, Innaminka.

Never felt comfortable demonstrating anything more than subtly how I felt emotionally, or sexually, in public.

Some folks do feel the need to be flamboyant and overtly sexual in public and, as long as they don't infringe on my space, they can have at it!

Nov 6, 2011, 9:13 PM
But not "over the top."
we don't have to prove anything.

Some folks do feel the need to be flamboyant and overtly sexual in public and, as long as they don't infringe on my space, they can have at it!
Ouch. :(

Nov 7, 2011, 1:34 PM
I never was very touchy feely in public with ladies I dated over the years so I would not be such with a guy I might be with.

I have had sex in public places with ladies----but that was done at times that there were few or no other people about nor was there much chance there would be----the same thing would apply for doing stuff with guys--because I would love to try having sex with a guy in a public place--but once again done when there is little chance of encountering someone else.

Nov 7, 2011, 2:48 PM
Ouch. :(

No need to ouch Mikey... its easier for me I know, but what you do at the aiport is right and proper.. all our lives we have watched straight couples snog and hug in public to show affection and love... some pretty ostentatiously as well.. have always thought it nice... have done it meself with bf's and me ex hub.. and have always said that whats good enough for het couples is good enough for me.. thats why ever since I first went with a girl I have refused to buckle down to the tuts of the bigot.. not with every girl I accept cos they have sensitivities too but when I could and they were willing... snogs, hugs, cuddling on the beach..tenderly stroking each others faces and arms... the affection of lovers.. why not? It isnt obscene and it isn't shameful.. it is rather nice... but it is easier for women even if still not entirely accepted, but the double standards of society still baulks hysterically at guys doing the same.. every bloody great snog u give a lover at the airport is a little step towards acceptance and breaking down the barriers of bigotry..

.. now its slightly different for me.. cos I live with a gem and want the world to know it.. we are affectionate in public, me prob the more so than her.. but we kiss and hug, snog and nibble ears, stroke faces acts which say to the world "we are in love".. and as a subtext, it is me saying to the woman I love "I belong to you". I will go to the ends of the earth for every lover to be given the right to do that in front of the world... their gender or sexuality shouldnt matter one whit...:)

Nov 7, 2011, 8:43 PM
I kissed a man in my porch (after sundown)!:eek:

No way I'd do all that Darkeyes canoodling about in public though with ANY gender. I get hard holding hands, and it's embarrassing in public!:eek:
(Except for discreet bulgeplay under a pub table or up a lane of course! I don't mind a bit of that.;))

@Darkeyes- Bucket of water for the ladies?:rolleyes:

Nov 7, 2011, 9:35 PM
I can assure you it isn't because I am ,"flamboyant and overtly sexual in public," or "have something to prove". We really do love eachother and are happy/sad when saying hello/good bye after many months apart.

Also, I have never had anyone say a derogatory comment to us about our affectionate, yet tongueless smootches (I do have a little bit of class). Surprisingly, we've had many people, both male and female smile warmly at us. LOL! Actually one guy kept smiling and winking at me the entire flight home.

I believe that one doesn't necessarily have to get naked and parade under a rainbow flag during Pride to fight for equal rights. I just go about my life and do things that make me happy. I can affect a much more positive change in society that way.

Geez, you'd have thought I publically fucked him in the line of a theatre or something. It's just a kiss. If someone can't show their affection for me in public, then I have no business being with that person.

Nov 8, 2011, 7:08 AM
I kissed a man in my porch (after sundown)!:eek:

No way I'd do all that Darkeyes canoodling about in public though with ANY gender. I get hard holding hands, and it's embarrassing in public!:eek:
(Except for discreet bulgeplay under a pub table or up a lane of course! I don't mind a bit of that.;))

@Darkeyes- Bucket of water for the ladies?:rolleyes:

No way ya havta babes... nowt I described is extravagantly sexual.. tho hav seen the day... an its nowt that ya dont see in just bout every public park in the land.. every beach...

Not wiv ne gender huh? Sounds me like yas a lil 2 suppressed... am not talkin bout gettin it on. Just bein nice an warm and showing howya feel bout sum1. Dont need a bucket of water for ne of that babes... well not much.. tee hee:tong: Not until we go private.. :bigrin:

Used 2 watch me grandparents canoodle wen me wos young.. they didnt care.. they werent ashamed of how they felt and showed it 2 the world... same wiv me mum an dad.. wen a kid used 2 blyugh. as ya do.. but as I grew into an beyond adolescence thought it luffly... am doin nowt they didnt used 2 do.. an in case of me mum and dad still do... God help ne 1 who tries 2 stop me mum hugglin an giving me dad a llil kissie in public.. wos taught by example and education to not be ashamed of affection I felt.. am not.. an so I display it.. an if ne 1 objects (as peeps have) then they catch sharp end of me tongue..

Nov 8, 2011, 9:25 AM
^ You are very right lovely lady.:tongue:
We should all show affection for our lovers, no matter what or where. It's just that the line between affection and foreplay blurs very rapidly if your not careful.Hence the phrase "Get a room!".:bigrin:
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE foreplay in public (discreetly). But I doubt any onlookers would feel the same. Makes them feel like they've intruded on a private moment like they got the job of Voyeur that they didn't apply for and didn't want.

An incidental kiss, a hug and holding hands is lovely, and it warms the hearts of all (or should).:)
But when the world gets blocked out for two lovers during a public performance, it's only fair that they'd have the same level of affection for the lovers as the lovers have for them.:rolleyes:
I know my limits. Holding hands=cock hard=head gone=bucket of water!:bigrin:
Your probably not that easily led, and can still think though.:tongue:

Nov 8, 2011, 11:42 AM
^ You are very right lovely lady.:tongue:.....

......Your probably not that easily led, and can still think though.:tongue:

Wy ta gearbox.. yas not so bad yasel...;)

.. an' not easily led? A touch on the back of me hand, a lil word in me ear an the sweet scented breath on me neck of a ver cool yet extremely hot, gorge if sumwot naggy person don't u believe it... am led 2 the bedroom like a lamb 2 the slaughter.. luckily wiv much more pleasant an yummie results.. an God help the lil horrors if they wake up!!!!:eek:

Nov 9, 2011, 2:11 PM
I meet my friend in a theater. While its a dark and usually sparsely attended theater, we do cum kiss quite often.

Nov 9, 2011, 3:45 PM
I don't really like PDA regardless if it is same sex couple or man/woman. But my BF is very affectionate so we do kiss from time to time in public, but no tongue I just find that pretty tacky. Dancing at a gay club on the other hand is another story LOL, full on make-out then.