View Full Version : Woot New Place is Ready to live in

Nov 3, 2011, 7:26 PM
I finally am staying the night in my new apartment. Got cable hooked up today so I have tv and net, had the bed delivered. Got shower curtain put up and a bit of food in the cabinets. Need more groceries tomorrow.

There is only one huge downside, it's near the train tracks. First time the train went through we had the windows open waiting for the bed and cable tech and the whistle was so damned loud that both me and Dad jumped out of our seats. It's been through three more times and I am just thankful it doesn't run all night. I suppose eventually I'll get used to it just like I never hear the wall clock at my parents after years of listening to it.

Nov 3, 2011, 8:22 PM
Congrats on the new place.:)

Nov 3, 2011, 8:31 PM
Don't forget to pull everything that looks remotely suspicious to see if it reveals a secret passage. You never know!;)

Good luck in your new home.:)
(The candle sticks! Try the candlesticks!!;)).

Nov 3, 2011, 8:32 PM
Thanks Yoyo and Gear, also ROFLMAO, this is a historic building so you never know :)

Nov 3, 2011, 8:33 PM
Woot woot!!!!! Congrats! It's been a long time, eh?

Nov 3, 2011, 9:08 PM
That's great DD, congratulations!

After a little while your body may get used to the noise. I used to live in a 70's trailer that had a toilet that ran, a water heater that seemed to "stir" itself, big rig trucks backing down on the highway (flywheel noise), a train to the rear of the trailer park, airplanes flying overhead and a furnance in a closet with not enough recommended clearance - so every time the plenum would cool down it would sound sort of like a gunshot going off. After about two weeks my body got used to all of those noises and I could sleep like a baby.

Nov 3, 2011, 10:00 PM
I'm not gonna be able to sleep, tonight, with all this talk of noise!

I'm happy for you DD!

Nov 3, 2011, 11:09 PM
I finally am staying the night in my new apartment. Got cable hooked up today so I have tv and net, had the bed delivered. Got shower curtain put up and a bit of food in the cabinets. Need more groceries tomorrow.

There is only one huge downside, it's near the train tracks. First time the train went through we had the windows open waiting for the bed and cable tech and the whistle was so damned loud that both me and Dad jumped out of our seats. It's been through three more times and I am just thankful it doesn't run all night. I suppose eventually I'll get used to it just like I never hear the wall clock at my parents after years of listening to it.

Good luck w/trying to get used to it! Lived in a small town for years where train passed through in middle of the night; used to wake me up; heard it coming miles away; assholes just layed on that loud horn all the way through town instead of just at crossings. I was so damned relieved to move to a better town & get away from that!

Nov 4, 2011, 2:41 AM
Congrats on your new place! That has got to feel good.

I actually live across the street from some tracks. It took a while to get used to at first, but now we hardly notice the trains rolling by.


Nov 4, 2011, 4:04 AM
Is "Woot woo-o-o-oot" the right phraseology to be celebrating with?

Good luck DD. Hope the glassware and china stays on the shelf.

There's no place like home

Nov 4, 2011, 7:35 AM
Glad yas got the place up an runnin' Darlin' darlin... musta been hard not havin ya own place since the fire.. bout time ya went down an sorted out that argumentative ole coot in the land of the Kiwi tho..:tong: B happy babes..

..an talkin of trains.. me dad's cottage up north overlooks the Strathspey Steam Railway.. lucky ther r no choo choo's through the nite, an not that many durin the day but the sound of ancient puffers steamin up the glen an tootin' ther whistle is ratha nice.. we dont havta grab the ornaments an ther is no vibration... we not that close it.. the ole man is a member of the preservation society and he is up there a lot muckin 'bout with old engines an carriages an wagons... big boys toys.. I dunno... tee hee


Me dad is takin the kids up ther next month for the runnin of the Santa Specials.. wottan excuse 2 play wiv trains.. soft ole bugga..:bigrin: