View Full Version : C'ya all 4 a while

Nov 1, 2011, 7:08 PM
Well time has cum to say bye 4 now to all the good folks I've met on here....hope to be back when I can get to internet access again but 4 now is anybody's guess...side effect of the insurance co. (Liberty Mutual BTW) of staving us out...where we go whether to the kids, friends, the looney bin or under a bridge, will only be temporary and I'll be king of my own web personality once again. Love, peace, dove....

Nov 1, 2011, 7:10 PM
Sorry to hear, you'll be missed.:(

Nov 1, 2011, 9:54 PM
That is devistating for me to have read that. Freaking sad. Dr. I've seen you in the chat a few times and you were always a gent. I won't say that I'm sorry, because that and a buck fitty will get you a cup of coffee. Keep facing reality with acceptance and with pride. I wish you all the best that this great country has to offer and I am sure you will be back soon. The peace of God go with you, Doc.;)

Nov 10, 2011, 9:25 AM
Saw you on. Hope you're back.