View Full Version : "Nothing to see here, move along ..."

Oct 25, 2011, 9:38 AM
Void sits being really quiet in a dim corner in the back. People wander by and tout various theories. He mingles here and there a little. A deep chasm rips through his being. None of the distractions keep him well, now. He feels a need of something lost.

Eventually, a lectern seems to appear near the front of this jolly pub. Void notices a moment when no one is paying much attention. He ambles slow to the lectern. A palm is lain down across the edge of it. He sees a conductor's wand on the lectern top. He picks it up and raps the lectern thrice.

People continue on their merry ways. He moves to stand directly behind the lectern, both hands draping from it. He clears his throat. A few people pause, then go back to merriment.

"I have come to a decision ..." He says. People hear his soft, low voice and stop. He looks down, then back up into the throngs of people milling around.
This is something he needs, something which he ought to have not let become lost. It is difficult putting 'out there' despite how easy it should be.

"It is a decision of faith and belief. One that resonates in my core. Not able to be a hypocrite any more. I write. I do so well, despite lacking formal education." The people look at him. He seems lost, eyes looking here and there. A hint of a smile crosses his face.

"Been doing some research. There are people writing web based fiction. They are not getting affluent by any means, yet are at least earning a living from it." Void's eyes seem to become flame. "Over many years, I tell others to follow dreams. Many years I have not dreamed. Not dreaming now, either. The point being, who am I to say follow your dreams if I lack conviction to do so myself?"

He pauses and then chuckles softly. "Used to get really inspired by Poe, Le Guinn, Hemmett, Dent, even Lucas. They all wrote. That is something I can do, too. Maybe, I should dream." He grins. "So, I'm writing again. It is still nothing complete or solid but I'm back into it." He steps away from the lectern and ambles back to his dark zone.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 25, 2011, 10:09 AM
Studies the quiet gentleman across the room, his worn clothes, the distant look in his eyes, the air of a man lost in his own thoughts and dreams.

" what thoughts are in this mans head " I can only muse, raising a half full glass of rich amber necter to my lips and savour the aroma of fine scotch whisky, " how can a man be so silent and invisible, yet have a air about him that one would find around a great painter, a musician, a sculptor... a man that knows beyond knowledge and dreams, to the wisdom of oneself "

" I think too much " sighing, resting the glass on the table " I know him not, yet i assume so much... and why ? "

So lost in thought that I barely notice him make his way to the podium and stand, looking lost and out of place, only the sound of his voice, soft like the whispering flutes with a touch of strings to accompany him, tho as I listen, the brass creeps in a note or two... a a drum march adding to the melody, I can feel the words gaining strength, a crescendo of words building into a statement crashing over me like a oceans storm driven wave, taking my breath away, heart pounding, eyes wide open........

This simple man that spoke from a podium in a pub.... he said lil....but he spoke truth... and I can only wonder how many of the masses that milled around while he spoke, heard what I heard, felt what I felt and realised what I realised.....

" voids thoughts into words.. words into minds..... minds into realities.."

Oct 25, 2011, 10:35 AM
He pauses in thought, looking from his journey thousands of worlds away. Someone has pondered of his journeys and he senses this. It does not startle him in the least. He lifts the pint sized wooden mug of rum spiked coffee, drinks, sets it aside. His hand instinctively finding the cigarette now cold. He flashes the lighter and draws a sanguine breath. Looking back to his journeys a second, then back into the pub, smiles and scurries off again. He wanders many a universe this day.

Briar Rose
Oct 26, 2011, 7:54 AM
Void, have you heard of National Novel Writing Month? It's a self-promise sort of thing--50,000 words in 30 days every November. This is my third year and every year I've learned something new and written more during the year--after NanoWriMo. BTW, It's become international if anyone in other countries are interested as well.

Just in case you haven't and you are interested:


Oct 26, 2011, 12:49 PM
Very good Void-Honey!!! I'm so very glad to hear this. Write On, Darlin!