View Full Version : Interesting study, so what is your favorite sweet?

Oct 23, 2011, 11:55 PM

So now that we have "scientific" results about the goodness of a sweet tooth, what's your favorite?

Like many, I love chocolate and I love caramel. So I'd have to say right now my fave sweet is a Riesen.

Oct 24, 2011, 6:15 AM
Firstly, glad that you put "scientific" in quotes.

Back to your question (and excluding any person that fits the description) it depends on the mood. Currently I am addicted to nougat with the almonds and pistachios.

A while back it was white chocolate mouse shapes but overdosed on those and haven't eaten white chocolate for years. This may be the way it ends up for nougat (please God).

Natural fruits - grapes, pears oranges ..........
Honey things e.g. nutty
Maple syrup things
Chocolate (always)
Fizzing sweets and lollipops
Fruit gums and ices
Sweet coconut things with and without almonds
glace fuit mediterranean style
Ice cream

All may eaten eaten direct or from navels, nipples, toes or convenient orifice(s)
Unfortunately, as one gets older one has to be aware of type 2 diabetes.

Oct 24, 2011, 6:38 AM
Just accross the border from where I was brought up there is a little town called Jedburgh. I am a sucker for their local sweet known as Jethart Snails. There are a number of local sweets in the Scottish Borders such as Hawick Balls but of them all none quite satisfies like a Jethart Snail.

I am always sweetnesss and light, but sucking on a Snail I am even more so. My parents give me a tin every birthday and Christmas.

On my own side of the border the local delicacy is Berwick Cockles which I also adore and my partner buys me a packet of Cockles every first day of the month and my mum and Gran always have some in for me when I visit. Luckily, unlike Snails, they are much more readily available throughout the country so I am never deprived for long.:)


Oct 24, 2011, 9:14 AM
Dove dark chocolate candy and coated ice cream are my favorites, but those Snails look good, too!

I noticed one thing, here in the states, the folks making the Snails would have to be wrapped from head to foot in a while smock, hair nets, be wearing plastic gloves and face-masks, too.

My Mother's hands were in everything I ate, for 18 years, and I never caught anything from her!

Oct 24, 2011, 4:00 PM
milk chocolate, caramel nuts nougat chocolate with almonds peanut butter cups ice cream devils food cake w/chocolate frosting, many different kinds of pies, candy bars, assoted chocolates, fruits, nuts, and numerous other treats. Unfortunatly, I can't indulge too often. type II diabetic.

Oct 24, 2011, 4:39 PM
Well my favorite sweet is probably cheesecake or creme brulee. I used to like chocolate covered bing cherries, but I developed an allergy to chocolate, so I can't eat anything with chocolate anymore. It isn't a big deal though, I don't really like sweets that much anyways.

Oct 24, 2011, 5:02 PM
1/ "Scientists in the United States found that a liking for sweeter foods is an indication that a person is more agreeable and helpful, but not extroverted or neurotic."

2/ "people who ate a piece of chocolate rather than a non-sweet food were more likely to volunteer and help another person in need."

3/ "people also associate having a sweet tooth with a pleasant disposition"

4/ The research, which is published in the Journal of Personality Social Psychology, focused on sweetness and agreeability.

I'm not clear on how the article is a direct connection to the OP's request?
For me its like trying to be a fluffer for a porn when you don't know anatomy..:eek::bigrin:

Perhaps a more appropriate question(s) might be:

a/ Do you consider yourself as having a sweet tooth?
b/ Do you see a connection between having a sweet tooth
a/ and agreeability?
b/ and being a helper with others?

Yes, I have a sweet tooth. Personally, I don't see a connection between having a sweet tooth and agreeability but maybe a connection to helping others. ;) ( I can be a real bitch even on a chocolate high...;)

Ya...chocolate..even if I have developed a stomach problem that prevents excessive chocolate consumption...:bigrin:

Oct 24, 2011, 7:12 PM
I love toffee.:tongue:
For the first time I'll be making toffee this weekend. I've watched the vids on Youtube, seems easy enough. It's cheaper too I reckon.
I'm gonna get my face in a big tray of toffee and scoff till my teeth fall out.:tongue:

Lisa (va)
Oct 24, 2011, 7:17 PM
Does fruit count ?


Oct 24, 2011, 7:31 PM
Does fruit count ?


I eat fruit as if it is going out of fashion sometimes. I luv it. Oranges grapefruit grapes apples pears and plums. mmmmm Victoria plums. Rasperries and strawberries I would gladly sell my soul for. And loganberries. Brambles growing wild. Other than Pomegranite I cant think of any I dont like off hand. If it doesnt count it should.

When younger I was always in someones garden raiding their fruit trees and berry patches when the time was right and this sometimes got me into trouble at home. It was well worth it though.:tong:

Oct 24, 2011, 8:53 PM
Just accross the border from where I was brought up there is a little town called Jedburgh. I am a sucker for their local sweet known as Jethart Snails. There are a number of local sweets in the Scottish Borders such as Hawick Balls but of them all none quite satisfies like a Jethart Snail.

I am always sweetnesss and light, but sucking on a Snail I am even more so. My parents give me a tin every birthday and Christmas.

On my own side of the border the local delicacy is Berwick Cockles which I also adore and my partner buys me a packet of Cockles every first day of the month and my mum and Gran always have some in for me when I visit. Luckily, unlike Snails, they are much more readily available throughout the country so I am never deprived for long.:)



If they are anything like these two they are all barking. lol


Oct 24, 2011, 10:25 PM
My favourite sweets are any dark chocolate and especially dark chocolate bounty bars, and scottish tablet, which I can only ever eat one or two pieces of it's so sweet. I can't get a decent tablet here sadly

Oct 24, 2011, 11:37 PM
Bout 5'10 to 6 foot. nice build, 35 to 50. hung like a...
Oh! you meant Edible sweet! Used to be Chocolate Anything...lol
Silly Cat:bigrin:

roy m cox
Oct 25, 2011, 4:12 AM
chocolate malt balls & candy corn the most :tong:

blue bunny icecreem any of them yummy :tong:

i just can't have walnuts , they will kill me:(

Oct 25, 2011, 6:39 AM

If they are anything like these two they are all barking. lol


They seem perfectly normal to me.:)

Oct 25, 2011, 8:34 AM
They seem perfectly normal to me.:)

Wot? Wiv a poster of Shane Ward on the door? Who has a piccie of 'im cept maybe 'is mum!!! Think u an they hav ovadosed on them snails!!

Oct 25, 2011, 10:41 PM
I so had to come back to this as the season for pumpkin stuff is coming around. I will admit to a large obsession with Pumpkin Rolls. Not too sweet, but oh so yummy. Basically it's made with a jelly roll pan, made the pumpkin cake and then cream cheese and powder sugar for the filling, roll it up, refridgerate and then slice into rolls. I normally don't make them but I have a great recipe I'm stealing from my mother and making them this year for a potluck dinner at my apartment building.