View Full Version : Going to the gym!

Oct 23, 2011, 12:32 AM
Got a question here people. Have any of you ever felt a bit awkward about going to the gym when people are walking around half/fully naked in the locker room?

I donno if they do this in the mens room but almost every time I've seen tits and ass.

In fact I had a highly awkward moment when a woman with her breasts out followed me into the sauna and just lay there all glistening and lemme tell ya they were a very nice pair.:bigrin:

All I could think of was "dont stare at them, dont stare at them, dont stare at them":eek:

I now know why men have such a hard time!:tong:

roy m cox
Oct 23, 2011, 2:19 AM
heh i know what you mean you just can't help but look at all the wonder full goody's ,tho i wish i could go to a woman's gym and get to see them to :tong:

Oct 23, 2011, 5:18 AM
I decided to check out the local YMCA and they let you tour everything..well I really had to go potty and the next closest stop was in the men's locker room. It had been years since I was in a gym locker room - I forgot just how unbashful men can be when they assume no one else is interested. It actually felt a little weird..and yeah, tried really hard not to stare too long. The YMCA is a Christian based "family" organisation (and not just as in "Diana Ross") so I think it would have been VERY inappropriate to actually try to DO anything what, with young children around. The one I was at ALSO had a "private" locker room that you could pay more for..I think this is mostly for the folks who just don't want to deal with that "herd of cattle" feel in the other one.

It was actually very nice, considering besides the regular fitness equipment they had fitness classes, gym floors w/basketball & volleyball court, two pools, etc. it's a shame that when I play volleyball my first inclination is to step out of the way so I don't get HIT with the ball. Membership very expensive though. I would have to go without cable TV to pay for it. Come to think of it, it might be a lot more healthy and mentally/physically engaging than the crap that comes over that wire..

Oct 23, 2011, 6:14 AM
Yes it's hard not to look. Most of the men at the gym I go to don't even try to cover them selfs. There's a big shower room that has ten shower heads and it's wide open. You see everything.

Oct 23, 2011, 7:40 AM
Fortunately (or unfortunately) most of the ladies I have seen naked in the locker room at our Y need to work out more often or harder or something. You wouldn't believe how many of them are obese.

Where I see the sexy bodies is in the exercise rooms, which are used by both men and women. My hubby and I have had our eye on a particular sexy lady, but from a distance of course.

Oct 23, 2011, 9:04 AM
I'm comfortable nude in the locker room and I 'm comfortable seeing others nude. I must admit those nude guys who are obese or morbidly obese are something. It is better to view a more in shape person nude than otherwise. I look at people with or without their clothes on in a similar manner. Nudity just removes any doubt about certain physical features such as body hair (on a man). Many guys walk around naked and are comfortable. When I see some guy wrapping a towel around himself to put his shorts on or off, it tells me that they are not comfortable with their body. Hell I've seen a guy or two actually shower with their shorts on. Now, that just seems freaky and unhealthy.

It is each person's attitude and comfort with their own nudity that show by how they move about a locker room. If you are comfortable with your own body, you have a better chance of not finding another person's nudity titalating. It is better to grow to be comfortable with your own body. Look but don't stare...;) If I know the person and not seen them naked in the locker room before that is just an added bonus. I recall seeing a very physically fit neighbour nude in the sauna. I was surprised a bit to see that he had a dick with peronese (sp) or something. His dick was at a 30o angle soft. Nothing is said about it. His body was in good shape and it was great to see him nude. Conversation flowed just the way it did if we were clothed. None of us have perfect bodies...even those who appear near perfect clothed.

Oct 23, 2011, 11:18 AM
Interesting topic:

I used to belong to a local gym and showered with little uncomfortableness. I never gave it much thought.

Now today I no longer shower at the gym...

As I suspect as many young boys, I experimented with friends. Well experiment may not be the perfect way to describe. Just the hormones of puberty and the adolescent brain led to playing around to fulfill uncontrolled desires. As I moved into to young adulthood the attraction was strictly girls then women. When I moved into my own apartment, I secretly subscribed to playboy and of course rented the occasional adult movie (where I would go to a video store a few miles from home as not to allow anyone I know see I rented these...haha!) Still all were of the straight variety.

As I entered into late 20's/30's I began to have a few thoughts of the men in the videos. Yet whenever in a public venue I still only looked at women. At the beach, only women. At a night spot, again women, only looking at men, sizing up my competition for the the women.

Then comes the internet! Now unlike the public video store I could view and read erotica as often and privately as I choose.

My selections started out as straight, but with so many genres available I occasionally stumbled into bisexual sites (not unlike this). My fantasies began to evolve and include men. Still my public attractions remained women almost exclusively. But here lies the issue I have with this topic...

Though these sites, I found plenty of men who have similar desires as me, and these thoughts began to crepe into my mind where in past only women did. I began to wonder; could that guy be bi, what about this one?...and while fully clothed it was never an issue.

...So back to the gym. Because my bi-desires has slipped into my conscious I tend to think about both sexes and can get arousal for both in any setting; even though my gym gazes are still directed toward the women (not creepy just admire). Yet because the possibility that bi-thoughts may "peak" in such a vulnerable place as the shower I simply avoided using the showers the gym.

And though I have yet to fulfill any bi-desires as an adult, the thought of meeting someone from the gym shower just kind of feels weird to me.

Oct 23, 2011, 11:52 AM
Men should just come out and say "Hey that's a nice cock that I just had a swift look at!", in the locker room, because we really don't fool any body!:bigrin:

Oct 23, 2011, 2:05 PM
the line between gay gyms and sex saunas is constantly blurring. there's 3 treadmills at my local gay sauna. i've been told.
and those thick wipeable matts they put in the dark rooms are the same as the ones they use in gyms for stretching and crunchies. according to a blog someone sent me.

Oct 23, 2011, 2:31 PM
Honestly, most men that I see naked in the locker rooms, I'd rather not see, so no, I don't have any desire to stare.

Also-to be arrogant-I consider myself "pretty damn hot"-and I have creepy men hit on me all the time which I'd rather not have to deal with. I tend to not hit on anyone-male or female-in the gym for that reason. I do, however, stare at times when on the treadmills. That's excusable cause its not like there's much else to do :rolleyes:.

Oct 23, 2011, 5:55 PM
"I decided to check out the local YMCA and they let you tour everything..well I really had to go potty and the next closest stop was in the men's locker room. It had been years since I was in a gym locker room - I forgot just how unbashful men can be when they assume no one else is interested. It actually felt a little weird..and yeah, tried really hard not to stare too long. The YMCA is a Christian based "family" organisation (and not just as in "Diana Ross") so I think it would have been VERY inappropriate to actually try to DO anything what, with young children around.

The "Y" is one of the hottest cruising places in town. Forget about the "C" in YMCA - If anything, it stands for Cruising.

Oct 24, 2011, 8:24 AM
First of all, I am a nudist! As such, I have come to accept people for what they are, not for how their bodies look. I thought that this forum was pretty open and accepting, but I am greatly disappointed by the judgemental opinions being expressed here about how awful people's body's are looking when naked. I see a lot of chat in here about how difficult it is sometimes to be out as a bisexual because others will judge you. Maybe it is time for some of you to take at look at your own predjudices and judgemental attitudes. The world might just be a better place for all of us if we could rid ourselves of these attitudes that serve us no purpose. Remember the saying, "What goes around, comes around". People are what they are and how they are. As long as they are not hurting anyone, what does it matter?

I also belong to a gym, I have no problem being nude in the locker room. I also enjoy looking at the other nude men in the locker room. What I do different is that I don't judge how they look. Try it, you might feel a new freedom!

Oct 24, 2011, 11:27 AM
How ironic. Gymnastics originates from the Greeks in which athletics were performed in the nude (gymnos = naked). Apparently they liked to show off their foreskins and if the statues are anything to go by, their wee-willy-winkies in entirety.

Of course the biggest problem in changing / shower rooms is nothing to do with sexual prowess or picking up the dropped soap - it's verrucas.

Oct 24, 2011, 2:03 PM
At the risk of sounding like a perv, my conundrum going to the gym is as a bisexual man I find it so difficult eying EVERYTHING that walks by male or female!!! I can't help but find myself checking out an attractive female and seconds later doing the same for a hot guy walking by. At least being straight or gay one sex does not appeal to some people but, liking both, how does one concentrate on exercise when I see so many attractive people gathered in one place and how do other bi-s deal with it?!?!

Oct 24, 2011, 3:34 PM
I have never been to a gym except at school. For my first two years at high school starting off as prebuscent little girls about the only interest I ever had in other girls was in the state and colour of other girls underwear or a little later at their changing shape and budding breasts. This latter wasnt desire in any way except for my wondering when mine would hurry up and appear.

When my sexuality began to come to the fore and I took interest in my own sex, of course I began to look at the anew with very different eyes. My body shape hadnt changed much but my boobies were beginning to take form. It was very difficult to take my eyes off some of the sexier girls who were a bit farther into puberty than me but it was even more difficult disguising that interest.

In my 3rd year at high school we had a double period of PE last thing on Fridays and being so close to so many increasingly sexy girls in the locker room was almost too much. I used to rush my mum out of school to get home as quickly as possible and when we got home I rushed to my bedroom to relieve the frustrations which that close proximity forced on me.

I played hockey for school and had the same problem there but after 10 or 15 minutes showering with a dozen and more naked girls was even worse. The bad thing about hockey was that I had to make my own way home on public transport and anyone who knows rural bus services in this country knows that they are no help if you are in a hurry. Even then I had to walk the last mile and a half home. Sometimes for away matches it was desperately on my mind for two or three hours before I got home.

Oct 24, 2011, 6:36 PM
I have never been to a gym except at school. For my first two years at high school starting off as prebuscent little girls about the only interest I ever had in other girls was in the state and colour of other girls underwear or a little later at their changing shape and budding breasts. This latter wasnt desire in any way except for my wondering when mine would hurry up and appear.

When my sexuality began to come to the fore and I took interest in my own sex, of course I began to look at the anew with very different eyes. My body shape hadnt changed much but my boobies were beginning to take form. It was very difficult to take my eyes off some of the sexier girls who were a bit farther into puberty than me but it was even more difficult disguising that interest.

In my 3rd year at high school we had a double period of PE last thing on Fridays and being so close to so many increasingly sexy girls in the locker room was almost too much. I used to rush my mum out of school to get home as quickly as possible and when we got home I rushed to my bedroom to relieve the frustrations which that close proximity forced on me.

I played hockey for school and had the same problem there but after 10 or 15 minutes showering with a dozen and more naked girls was even worse. The bad thing about hockey was that I had to make my own way home on public transport and anyone who knows rural bus services in this country knows that they are no help if you are in a hurry. Even then I had to walk the last mile and a half home. Sometimes for away matches it was desperately on my mind for two or three hours before I got home.


In Scotland, I think that is classed as foreplay.lol

Oct 24, 2011, 6:53 PM

In Scotland, I think that is classed as foreplay.lol

Wiith school in Scotland and my bedroom in Northumberland I called it too far.