View Full Version : Getting just dues

Oct 18, 2011, 7:26 PM
A friend's nephew has been bragging to him about keeping two women on a "leash". He's a good-looking guy, has a gift of gab and apparently knows how to sell himself to the ladies. For some time, he's been dating them both, leading them to think they each were his only "true love".

I've seen the girl he brought home to meet his parents and she is stunning, to say the least. Sweet personality, has a great job, and her looks are Playboy quality!

My friend says the other girlfriend is equal in looks and personality.

A couple of weeks ago, one of the GFs happened to see my friend's nephew in a Pizza Hut booth, with his other honey; they were all over each other and kissing so passionately, they didn't see the other girl coming.

A big scene erupted as the girls quickly understood what a player the guy was. Instead of the women fighting, like on some of the shows on TV, the two ladies realized they'd been played for chumps.

The cheater was left sitting with pizza sauce and cheese on his face and the girls left together!

This morning, my friend was on the phone, telling me that the girls are now dating EACH OTHER...... and his nephew can't buy a date around their town!

I can't help it, I think he got his just dues!

Oct 18, 2011, 7:41 PM
LOOL Karma watches and is a Bitch..lol Good on the girls! He got his just desserts..lol

Oct 18, 2011, 8:31 PM
What goes around, comes around... so he definitely got what he deserved!!
No one likes a cheater OR a liar!
Be REAL, be CONSISTANT and always consider the consequences!

Annika L
Oct 18, 2011, 10:52 PM
OMG, Realist, that is an *awesome* story!!

...funny, uplifting, social justice, bi-themed...and I *so* hope it's true! :tong:

Oct 18, 2011, 10:57 PM
I must say, Realist, that made me smile.

I remember once in an online chat community on AOL we had this one guy that was apparently dallying with quite a few of the female members of the trivia area. He had no idea we talked to each other and pretty much found out some of the things we sent him, he changed some pronouns around and sent to someone else as his "original". He thought he was meeting just one person in a private room, but about 14 other females were there. He was so busted. He left quickly but we all sat around shredding his character and making closer friendships with each other. I still talk to a few of my friends from those days, most have went on to other things as AOL no longer supports a Trivia Forum. I hardly ever think about the guy in question but in reminiscing about it, I do hope he eventually grew up or someone somewhere was gonna really give it to him.

Oct 19, 2011, 10:12 AM
I once worked in an office with a girl (17yo) who claimed to have 15 bf's.:eek:
She reckoned none of them knew about the others, because she was very organised in her social life.lol

She was a very busy and pretty girl indeed, but you'd think butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.:rolleyes:

Oct 19, 2011, 10:40 AM
No one knows, better than me, that lies will come back to bite you! I'm ashamed to say that I lied and cheated on my 2nd wife, for almost our whole marriage. I lost everything I'd worked for, for 23 years, too.

I deserved it!

It was a hard lesson, but one I needed to learn, if I was ever going to be able to live with myself.

Maybe my friend's nephew will learn from his fiasco, too!

Oct 19, 2011, 12:45 PM
I just love these kind of stories. One way or another that kind of thing ends up biting you in the butt.

Oct 19, 2011, 1:26 PM
This morning, my friend was on the phone, telling me that the girls are now dating EACH OTHER...... and his nephew can't buy a date around their town!

Just think! If he had been honest with both of them, he might have ended up with a great 3 some!

Oct 19, 2011, 3:58 PM
Its a nice little story that makes us want to believe in just dues.

How often does this happen in real life whether it is about a player or con person, I don't know.

Life hasn't been that tidy for me at times.

Oct 19, 2011, 4:17 PM
This little story is just one example of the endless possibilites, of which there are many in real life. The real culprit is... the intent to deceive for personal gain at the expense of others. In a perfect world, EVERYone is honest... yes of course, even bisexuals!! ;)

Oct 20, 2011, 12:09 AM
Hahaha!!! Best story ever!!! Karma IS a bitch, and she likes other bitches!! :tongue:

Oct 20, 2011, 11:29 AM
There was a film in the 1960's / 1970's ('Three in the Attic'?) where a young man strings along 3 young ladies (simultaneously). They find out about each other and then proceed to give him exactly what he was after to the point of total exhaustion (over several weeks?). In that story, the young man realises that he loves one of them.

Maybe your friend's nephew has lost out in more ways than one?