View Full Version : negativity

Oct 14, 2011, 9:23 PM
i know most of us don't like to talk about it, and most of us come here to get away from it. but in a way, it makes us who we are... So my bisexual friends, whats the most negative expearence you've had concerning your orentation?

Oct 14, 2011, 9:31 PM
This may be tame compared to what others write after this, but what comes to mind first is the general attitude most people have against all same sex activities. It's kept me from exposing my desires to others all these years.

Oct 14, 2011, 9:41 PM
i know most of us don't like to talk about it, and most of us come here to get away from it. but in a way, it makes us who we are... So my bisexual friends, whats the most negative expearence you've had concerning your orentation?

Bad hygiene. Nasty odor & taste. And selfish attitude.

Oct 14, 2011, 10:18 PM
I would have to say my church experience. They always preached love and acceptance. They said "love is patient, love is kind..." and that they love the sinners but hate the sin. As long as you fit into their norm and you are 'straight', you are welcome to the church. However, 'gays' are not welcome, cause when you are 'gay', you would be a bad apple or the ugly duckling in the church and they didn't want to accept 'gays' in their very holy church. I found that to be rather hypocritical. They would say that they love all men, they would accept you being a homosexual, but you cannot be a practising homosexual. So, in other words, it would have meant unless you are an abstainer, that you never have sex, then you can be homosexual and would be welcomed, otherwise, please go somewhere else. To me, it would be like you are a fish but you cannot have water or you are a bird and not be allowed to fly ever. I decided to leave the church and seek what I believed to be the wholesome human thing to do, to accept people regardless what their religions are or what their sexual orientation are etc and just to treat people the way you want to be treated. Your sexual orientation has absolutely no bearing of how you should be treated as a human being created in the image of god (if you believe there is a god of course). I would say my most negative experience
would have been seeing all the teachings of love and acceptance in church yet the actual practise was rather hypocritical.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 14, 2011, 10:42 PM
the most ongoing negative reactions I have had, have been in this site and its been a handful of members... some of the personal attacks have been on me cos I suffer from depression, some have been on my relationship and my partner....
but the most attacks have been by members based on my bisexual / asexual nature....including the constant trolling of threads where I posted, drawing into question my bisexuality.....

for over 20 years I had sex with males and females, and I have a attraction to males and females, yet apparently cos I have a asexual nature ( I lack a sex drive ) that discounts me as a bisexual and rules any experience or opinion that I have, as invalid, according to the members

thankfully there are so many genuine, understanding and caring members in the site that have been supportive and vocal in their opinions over the personal attacks and its cos of them, that this site is still a place worth coming to

Oct 14, 2011, 11:06 PM
For me I think it has to be having my ill mother move in with us. She was cool when she was younger and healthier, but now she is a finger wagging, bible preaching homophobe who never passes an oppourtunity to belittle those "tootie fruitie fairies" she sees on tv or on the news. Her attitude goes against everything my wife and I are trying to teach our children about love and acceptance of all people. I think the worst part is that I know now that my mother would never accept me for the real me, so she will go to her grave never really knowing her son and how her homophobic methods affected how I am today.

Oct 15, 2011, 7:48 AM
i know most of us don't like to talk about it, and most of us come here to get away from it. but in a way, it makes us who we are... So my bisexual friends, whats the most negative expearence you've had concerning your orentation?

Being outed and all that went with it.

Oct 15, 2011, 11:09 AM
Sammie wrote....."Being outed and all that went with it."

Damn! I was outed once, in public school, by a girl I had confessed to that I was bi. After an argument, she told everyone she knew that I was a "QUEER"!

At the time, I knew everyone in school, played sports with them, raced cars on weekends, went fishing, camping, etc, etc. I had known most of them since childhood.

The girl had a reputation for being vindictive, prolific exaggerations, and having a wild imagination.

I was scared shitless, because that was a kiss of death in our little town..... especially in that era.

When people began coming to me telling me what they'd heard, I just said, "Oh yeah, didn't you know it?"

They'd laugh and I'd ad-lib a little and that was the end of it. No one believed her! If I'd gotten upset and denied it, I'm sure everyone would have suspected me. That allowed them to believe what they felt comfortable with.........

Oct 15, 2011, 7:18 PM
The inability of a very few people to comprehend that loving another of the same sex is natural and healthy.

Another would be the term bi-curious.
I am (was) not a laboratory for others (again only couple) to "experiment" with what they thought they wanted, and discovering that there is a world of difference between reality and fantasy.
It was embarassing and demeaning.
But it was a long time ago.

Oct 16, 2011, 6:52 AM
Sammie wrote....."Being outed and all that went with it."

Damn! I was outed once..

Me an all, Realist... used to work for the city council and had dealings with a girl in another department.. we weren't m8s or owt like that but we used to share a joke and a laugh on the phone or in the corridor and sometimes if we met each other in the pub at lunch..

Had known her for a year or so and she saw me one night in a pub havin' me face snogged off by a certain nurse of treasured memory... on Monday mornin' walked into work to be be asked if me wos gay by me boss an given funny scowlin looks by the other peeps in the office.... seems she had gorrin an first thing she did wos ring my office on some pretext or otha jus so she cud blab..

After a few seconds silence, we all burst out gigglin.. cos the 1 thing the peeps in me office knew wos that Fran wos hardly str8.. in fact if the daft cow had asked about me 2 just bout ne 1 in her own dept 'bout me she wudda found out that an all...

...now me asks.. an nev did get a convincin answer... just wot was she doing in that particlar pub? Hmmmm? Ne 1 who knows Edinburgh knows what kinda pub Planet out is...:bigrin:

Oct 16, 2011, 8:21 AM
I don't have any negative experiences that are associated with my sexuality per se. And that's probably because I never came out about it. But what I can tell you is my fears (which if I was to reveal my sexuality it would probably go the same way that I imagined it).

I was raised in a conservative, seventh-day adventist Jamaican family. My mother is deeply religious as well as the rest of my family and in addition to that, Jamaicans are not really that fond of homosexuality or anything close to what they might consider homosexual. So my fear for the most part is being disowned by my whole family especially my mother (who I am so attached to/close to).

In addition to that, I am afraid that I might lose my friends. I tried to talk to them...you know, tease them with "what if's" and etc and I always get negative reactions and responses to it. I only told one friend of mine and he was fine. He was the only who had a positive reaction to it and he never told anyone. Awesome friend but I don't want to put him in an awkward position (where if anything were to happen, he would have to choose between his friends/our friends/my friends).

Anyway, it just sucks. So I guess one of my most negative fears about being bisexual is whether or not I should tell anyone about it.

Oct 16, 2011, 9:36 AM
The most negative and offensive has been on this site by certain judgmental individuals who viscously attacked sexual bisexual men because they did not live by the judgmental individual's monosexual moral standards. Then they prance around the site offering "expert" advice by the thousands to sexual bisexuals all while claiming to be a victim of attack.

Oct 16, 2011, 1:04 PM
I need to add 1 additional negativity now. One of the most negative things that I've experienced with respect to sexual orientation is that there are some people who are outrightly anal retentive and think they are morally superior to other sexual beings and think they are of a different elite class altogether and have that exclusiveness in the bisexual world and that explorers and others of different sexual orientation would be unacceptable. :rolleyes: :wiggle2:

Oct 16, 2011, 1:18 PM
@Alloiledup- Oh really?:eek:
You come from one thread where you spout your Homosexual superiority bollocks, make out that bisexuality isn't a 'proper' sexuality, slag off 20% of bisexuals on the site for being 'Elitist bisexuals' when you know sod all about them, making out that your some kind of victim while you degrade others.:eek:


Oct 16, 2011, 1:30 PM
@Alloiledup- Oh really?:eek:
You come from one thread where you spout your Homosexual superiority bollocks, make out that bisexuality isn't a 'proper' sexuality, slag off 20% of bisexuals on the site for being 'Elitist bisexuals' when you know sod all about them, making out that your some kind of victim while you degrade others.:eek:


Ya think he is wrong then bout this, Gearbox babes?... an that Tenni's principally, an 1 or 2 othas lil posts an petty prejudices don give 'im an in 2 say as he has?

Oct 16, 2011, 2:38 PM
Ya think he is wrong then bout this, Gearbox babes?... an that Tenni's principally, an 1 or 2 othas lil posts an petty prejudices don give 'im an in 2 say as he has?
I'm not sure what your saying lovely lady.:(

I do think Alloiledup is completely wrong though. I also think he knows that too. He just adds a heap of dramatic effect to conceal his degradation. Just read all his posts. Nothing is ever written without the smearing and judgements of others.;)
He has taken on an attitude from a poll that is very misleading and vindictive IMO, so I can understand why he's feels that it's ok to be insulting here while claiming the victim. He has lots of support.

The difference between 'a site' and 'the world' is being confused as badly as 'prejudice' and 'exclusiveness' in a nutshell.:bigrin:

Oct 16, 2011, 2:39 PM
@Alloiledup- Oh really?:eek:
You come from one thread where you spout your Homosexual superiority bollocks, make out that bisexuality isn't a 'proper' sexuality, slag off 20% of bisexuals on the site for being 'Elitist bisexuals' when you know sod all about them, making out that your some kind of victim while you degrade others.:eek:


I was referring to bed performance with my man you idiot!!! Oh yes, when it comes to that, I am great!!! Like the James Bond movie theme song said, "Nobody does it better, make me feel sad for the rest...." I was not saying I was morally superior. You could make idiot comparisons and twist the truth whatever and however you want. But someone here was literally saying others had no moral standards and were attacking the bisexuals when they had no acceptance and promoting literally hate crimes for someone that have different orientation from them and that this site should be exclusive to these self professed real bisexuals. Continue being close minded. Be my guest to continue to live and act the way you have lived. We do live in free societies and you could be as much of an idiot as you want to be. :rolleyes:

Oct 16, 2011, 3:20 PM
Sigh....this thread about negativity is starting to feel very, very negative.....sorry I looked!

drugstore cowboy
Oct 16, 2011, 5:00 PM
I have a asexual nature ( I lack a sex drive ) that discounts me as a bisexual and rules any experience or opinion that I have, as invalid, according to the members

You are correct, when you claim how you are somehow "bisexual" but then admit that you're actually asexual and have no sexual attraction to anyone of any gender, and lack a sex drive you're using the wrong term for yourself since you're not bisexual.

If you actually were bisexual you would actually have sexual attraction to both men and women, and a sex drive too both of which you lack.

Tenni is correct that you do like to attack actual bisexual men who are not asexual like you are and who do have sexual attractions to men and women, and actually have, want, enjoy, and love sex which is something you can't comprehend.

drugstore cowboy
Oct 16, 2011, 5:07 PM
The most negative and offensive has been on this site by certain judgmental individuals who viscously attacked sexual bisexual men because they did not live by the judgmental individual's monosexual moral standards. Then they prance around the site offering "expert" advice by the thousands to sexual bisexuals all while claiming to be a victim of attack.

I agree.

Neither of these people are bisexual at all and yet they both like to attack bisexuals, and the asexual one should not be attacking bisexual men or pretend that they're somehow experts on a sexuality that neither of them are.

Both of these people would love for bisexual men and women to become completely complacent, completely monogamous even if said bisexuals want an open relationship or open marriage, politically silenced, and as boring as heterosexuals are.

Oct 16, 2011, 5:22 PM
"whats the most negative expearence you've had concerning your orentation?"

What I wrote is my most negative experience as a bisexual man who does not live by monosexual morals. I was horrified and spoke out when more than three posters continuously attacked bisexual men on a supposed bisexual site.

This is why I do not feel safe discussing my real bisexual thoughts on this so called bisexual site. I've not always been able to articulate my thoughts clearly about my bisexuality. I don't present myself as a weak frightened person. I've said it before..only people who present themselves in that way are accepted.

Who are you to tell me that those events did not impact me seriously and that I'm being petty? I answered the question. LEAVE ME ALONE

Oct 16, 2011, 5:39 PM
I was referring to bed performance with my man you idiot!!! Oh yes, when it comes to that, I am great!!! Like the James Bond movie theme song said, "Nobody does it better, make me feel sad for the rest...." I was not saying I was morally superior. You could make idiot comparisons and twist the truth whatever and however you want. But someone here was literally saying others had no moral standards and were attacking the bisexuals when they had no acceptance and promoting literally hate crimes for someone that have different orientation from them and that this site should be exclusive to these self professed real bisexuals. Continue being close minded. Be my guest to continue to live and act the way you have lived. We do live in free societies and you could be as much of an idiot as you want to be. :rolleyes:
Do you really need to call me an idiot? I can actually read things that you write you know?:rolleyes:

So, back to this topic, if this site has been only exclusive to truly bisexuals, some bi guys who think they've got great sex with other bi guys, might have missed out a whole lot and never be able to experience with someone who is gay and truly know how to please a man.
That ^ isn't some personal claim of being 'good in bed'. That is a claim that bisexual men are not as good as homosexual men sexually.
It's very silly to lie about that really if it was just an opinion.:rolleyes:

And what 'hate crimes'?
I can't understand the rest of your post. It's just nonsense with no specifics, just ranting and judging.
Can you be clearer about it?

Oct 16, 2011, 6:12 PM
I think that it would be best to let bisexuals express their most negative experience without commentary.

Sadly, some seem to want to comment even if they are not bisexual.

Oct 16, 2011, 6:25 PM
It's just nonsense with no specifics, just ranting and judging. Can you be clearer about it?

Was I judging? Or was the 'exclusive' judging how superior they are? Yes I did make a statement of bi men not into kissing and bi men never experiencing being with a gay guy who is all out to be with men. What's wrong with that? If you have not experienced one yourself, you should try it cause you never know what you're missing. I said it in a joking way earlier with a "LOL" and you know it and then I moved on to talk about my relationship with my man how incredible it has been with him being bi and I have more a gay orientation, so don't now try to make these idiotic ZDcomments and say I was lying you idiot. Read things in context!!! Don't your teacher in school teach you comprehension? Then you moved onto making a statement of me declaring moral superiority which was an outright lie!!! I never on here made that statement and all along I was talking about being open minded and acceptance you freakin moron!!!!! So, if you can't comprehend, refrain from your outright lies!!!!! As for hate crimes, an individual on here was claiming that this site should be exclusive to the bisexuals and accuse others of attacking him when he was attacking others. Well, may I refer you to the Wikipedia definition of bisexuality, it refers to a "continum". People change. The society change. Bisexuality can never truly be exclusive. So, bluff whatever you want and relate and accuse whatever you want and lie whatever you want, making a statement I was declaring moral superiority and making vain comparison. You need to sit back and use your brain more to really know what you were saying were all vain attempts to make a point. Be as defensive and offensive as you like. It's a free society afterall and you can voice your opinion. These vain attempts though would lead you to nowhere cause while bisexuality is an evolving continum, so is the world becoming more and more open minded and accepting. The statistics proved it: 80% said inclusive and 20% said exclusive. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Oct 16, 2011, 7:28 PM
Do you really need to call me an idiot? I can actually read things that you write you know?:rolleyes:

That ^ isn't some personal claim of being 'good in bed'. That is a claim that bisexual men are not as good as homosexual men sexually.
It's very silly to lie about that really if it was just an opinion.:rolleyes:

LOL Gearbox this is coming from AllOiledUp who in one post one day will say that he's "gay" and then the next day he'll say that he's "bisexual" and has been all along since he's sexually attracted to women.

I agree with you that his ramblings don't make any sense at all even though we can understand what he writes.

Oct 16, 2011, 8:53 PM
LOL Gearbox this is coming from AllOiledUp who in one post one day will say that he's "gay" and then the next day he'll say that he's "bisexual" and has been all along since he's sexually attracted to women.

I agree with you that his ramblings don't make any sense at all even though we can understand what he writes.

There is absolutely no contradiction there. Everyone's bi experience is different. I am oriented towards sex with men as a male. I am also bicurious i.e. curious of being with a female. If you read the chain of comments in the other chain that someone made a comment that you DO NOT have to have sex with neither sexes to be bisexual. The fact that I am mostly attracted to men as a male does not mean I have not been attracted to women idiot
!!!! As a matter of fact, the only dates I had when I was in school was with women although I never went to bed with one. There has always been an attraction there, but somehow I did prefer men but still have that yet unfulfilled curiousity to try out with women. It is only closed minded people who don't get IT!!! They think in a 'straight' line like I said before and could not relate to anything different from their own experiences and choices they made. If you have the slightest inclination to going to bed with the sex that is not your normal orientation, you are bi-curious. Some people just don't get it cause you know <ahem> they are just...you know what you are... If someone declares themselves as bisexual and yet they are a couple and the partner describes himself/herself as 'straight' or 'gay', does it mean either of them or both of them should be banned from this site? Well, one of them is not bisexual and should this have been an authentic bisexual site, then either one should be kicked off or both should be kicked off then. People don't think and don't know what they were talking about when they said 'exclusive'. So for some, would you be excluding your own partner then if he or she does not consider himself or herself as bisexual. You guys know you're wrong to the bone. You just can't admit it because of ego and use this or that vain attempt to attack people with different orientation. A 'straight' person can be bicurious and a gay oriented person can also be bi-curious. Just how stupid and idiotic people can be when they made the statements earlier that you cannot be both!!!!!

Oct 16, 2011, 9:07 PM
That's nice AllOiledUp but you can't be both bisexual and gay. If you're sexually attracted to men and women then you're bisexual and not gay.

In another post you wrote about how in order to be in your words "true bisexual" someone would have to have had sex with a man and a woman at the same time, and that whoever you first had sex with either a man or woman would be your actual sexual orientation, so you're the one who does not understand bisexuality. :rolleyes:

Remember your first sexual experience? Was it with a woman? Was it with a man? OK, so say you are a man and your first sexual experience was with a woman. So, did that make you 'straight'. You're not bisexual then. If this site is exclusive, you would NOT be welcomed to come to this site, as you are 'straight', cause you never had experience yet with the same sex. Our preferences and choices are an evolution process. I would think it is next to zero percentage that one would have both genders in their first sexual experience, and so given the case, you are either 'straight' or 'gay' and you would not be welcomed ever to this site cause you're not 'bisexual'. Most people on here probably started out 'straight' and became 'bisexual'. A few like me are 'gay' and wanted to try out bisexuality. So, let's not be close minded and say the word 'exclusiveness' ever, cause you would have excluded yourself to this site if you are that close minded. You would not have been welcomed or accepted if your first sexual experience was a 'straight' experience or 'gay' experience, cause you would not be right for the true 'bisexuals'. I bet very few people on here started out as a 'bisexual' with sex with both genders in their very first sexual encounter.

Oct 16, 2011, 9:21 PM
That's nice AllOiledUp but you can't be both bisexual and gay. If you're sexually attracted to men and women then you're bisexual and not gay.

In another post you wrote about how in order to be in your words "true bisexual" someone would have to have had sex with a man and a woman at the same time, and that whoever you first had sex with either a man or woman would be your actual sexual orientation, so you're the one who does not understand bisexuality. :rolleyes:

BiDaveDtown, you totally misunderstood my point of view, but you were thinking too 'straight'. I can be both because gay is the dominant orientation but bi-curious nevertheless. Like I said before, it's a continuum. People evolve and change. Some women are so intelliegent like Littlerayofsunshine and some men are so dumb and think too 'straight' they can't think in other dimensions so I can't blame them. My gay orientation and bi curiosity with women have no conflicts. A lot of 'straight' men having curiosity with men would still say they are 'straight' but nevertheless they are curious of being with men. It does occur to 'gays' too since they have not had sex with women before they are curious how it feels like to be with the opposite sex. The 2 have no contradictions but 'straights' tend to think bisexuality only occurs unilaterally and this feeling cannot happen to people with 'gay' orientation. This is completely untrue. How are you to make a judgement call to say I do not understand bisexuality. Have you examined on a scale my hard on when I do see a beautiful woman. I do get a hard on when I see one but somehow I do not understand whether it is my upbringing or whatever reason, I do prefer sex with men and have the fear but also curiosity to be one day with a woman. This feeling has never left me just like some 'straight' married men who want to be with men and the feeling never has left them. So, you're making a judgement call to say I do not understand bisexuality and it is completely unevidenced, unfounded, and unfair!!! You are not me so who are you to tell me and judge how I feel inside? :rolleyes:

Oct 16, 2011, 9:24 PM
AllOiledUp you're not describing being bi-curious, since you're bisexual and you are describing bisexuality. If you were actually gay you wouldn't be sexually attracted to women at all or getting hard from them.

My cousin is gay and he knows I am bisexual. We've talked about the differences between being bisexual and being a gay man, and he has never had any sexual attraction at all to women or any woman at all, while bisexual men like myself have.

Oct 16, 2011, 9:35 PM
AllOiledUp you're not describing being bi-curious, since you're bisexual and you are describing bisexuality. If you were actually gay you wouldn't be sexually attracted to women at all or getting hard from them.

My cousin is gay and he knows I am bisexual. We've talked about the differences between being bisexual and being a gay man, and he has never had any sexual attraction at all to women or any woman at all, while bisexual men like myself have.

Sorry, your cousin is not me. I am not your cousin. This assumption to equate how he feels to how I feel being the same is already very close minded. That's why I said before and I said it again, I do not like labels. 'Gay' and 'Straight' and 'Bi' are all labels but thats how people associate with. To be more accurate, I am a male with a dominant preference for men and want to try out with women because of an unsatisfied curiosity. Does that answer your question now without the use of labels? I am very open minded and I want to try everything I could imagine before my life ends. So, 'gay', 'straight' and 'bi' are all labels to me. The orientation is me being a male with a dominant preference to men but also have the curiosity for women. Period. Whether that makes me 'gay' or 'bicurious' or 'bisexual' to you makes no difference to my feeling, and please do not equate your cousin's feelings to mine. They are not the same.

Oct 16, 2011, 10:20 PM
I think that you should read the rules in particular rule 2.
2. Be polite - flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.

You have called gearbox an "idot". That violates rule 2. You have slurred others.

You are a bit confused as to this "exclusive" concept.

I agree that in your position, you should not worry about a label but get on with it.

How are things moving along with finding a woman to move your wishes along? Why not start a thread about it rather than comment and break rules on this thread?

Oct 16, 2011, 10:50 PM
I think that you should read the rules in particular rule 2.
2. Be polite - flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.

You have called gearbox an "idot". That violates rule 2. You have slurred others.

You are a bit confused as to this "exclusive" concept.

I agree that in your position, you should not worry about a label but get on with it.

How are things moving along with finding a woman to move your wishes along? Why not start a thread about it rather than comment and break rules on this thread?

Tenni, even though I do not agree with you for your position, I agree with you I should not have called Gearbox and idiot and I am publicly apologizing to him for calling him as such. That was not right and I am very sorry. It was just the heat of the moment. I maintain my view that bisexuality is not something for the closed minded and so 'exclusiveness' would not work, not in theory, and not in practice. I have heard so many so called 'straight' men who just LOVE oral sex from other men cause they would say men do it so much better than some women, but some would never admit that to them it's related to bisexuality in having sex with both sexes in part or in full. That's just too 'gay' to them. 'Straight' men want to try out with men. 'Gay' men could also want to try out with women. With the comment earlier that said 'my gay cousin said....'. Well, I sure hope his gay cousin did not express his view on this site then because should this site have been exclusive to the real bisexuals, then why did he accept his gay cousin's opinion? Friends of him might think that is just too 'gay' to listen and even accept the view of a gay cousin. Is his gay cousin's view so right and powerful? If his gay cousin tells him to bang his head to the wall and go die, would he do it readily? We all have a brain and a mind to think and to discern what is true and what is wholesome thing to do. 'Exclusiveness' would never work on this board. 'Straight' men want to try out with same sex and move onto being 'bi curious'. To say 'gay' men would never have this same feeling ever is also a complete misunderstanding, cause while some 'gay' men do not have that tendency at all to ever try out with a woman, I do, but I am nervous about it, like any newbie 'straight' men would be nervous trying out with men. About 3 months ago, I met someone who had zero experience with men and 'straight' and want to try out with men. He wrote me and we met for coffee. He was such a newbie and like a kid wanting to try but never had the guts to try it. I felt he was somewhat a reflection of my state of mind. I never had a woman and I wanted to try it but am nervous about it. My man then suggested maybe we could try a MMMF combo, which I posted as my profile accordingly. I would need guidance. Just like a newbie 'straight' man needs to test the water with a man. I said I am so 'gay' yet so 'bi-curious'. I cannot describe it more accurately. I love men. I truly had amazing sex with my bi buddy. But there is a tiny part of me who wants to try it with women. Bisexuality is such a continuum. It's about open mindedness, so how in this world can it be 'exclusive'? It cannot ever be, cause 'straight' men love men to suck their dicks. and 'gay' men might want to stick their dicks into a pussy to really know how it feels. I do not know if I am going to even like it. I just want to try it. So, predominantly, I never denied I am gay, but at the same time, I never denied either I want to try it with women. Maybe I would like it. Maybe I would not. I do not know. But I am open minded and 'exclusiveness' just would not work in theory nor in practice. You cannot bring explorers who are predominantly 'straight' and predominantly 'gay' to this site. They would not have a choice to stay or not stay because of lack of information. They would not have a chance to come if this site is 'exclusive' to ones who are already 'bisexual', cause a vast majority of people do not start right away as 'bisexuals'. They need to try it and like it.

Oct 16, 2011, 11:23 PM
Points taken.
Are you sure that this last post is on the thread topic?

"whats the most negative expearence you've had concerning your orentation?"

It may be best to start a new thread because I think that you made your on topic comments twice much earlier on.

Oct 16, 2011, 11:55 PM
1. What's with all the negativity toward one another? (It's a rhetorical question, I don't really want you to tell me why you are being so negative toward your fellow members - take a hint, I am suggesting you not be.)

2. A lot of narrow definitions of "bisexual" and "gay" and "straight" being tossed around. The late Dr. Fritz Klein, who was a friend of mine, and a friend of this site, I think would have suggested that such narrow definitions do not accurately describe the spectrum of human attraction to one another and therefore are not particularly useful. He coined the terms "bisexual-gay" and "bisexual-straight" to describe some people's attractions so he would be unimpressed, I think, with pidgeon-holing such as "you aren't bisexual you are gay." And he even went beyond those broad hybrid terms and developed the famous Klein Sexual Orientation Grid to help people better describe the varied dimensions of human sexuality.

His landmark book "The Bisexual Option" is in it's 2nd Edition and is available here: http://www.amazon.com/Bisexual-Option-Haworth-Lesbian-Studies/dp/1560230339
or here from the American Institute of Bisexuality which he founded: http://www.bisexual.org/thebisexualoption.html

I highly recommend it.

I was going to close this thread, but I think I will leave it open, because I trust our membership to put the negativity that sprouted up in this thread (and other threads where the same people have crossed swords) behind us all and, in the spirit of this site, embrace it's openness and diversity. As a community, we can do better than this.

Oct 17, 2011, 12:08 AM
Yes, it was off topic. But my view on 'inclusiveness' was so strong that it has transcended over forum borders. Now back to this topic. Another negtive experience I would say would be not being to express every sex, every sexual orientation, every sexual position, every sexual orgasm of both genders, with different feelings moment by moment at your free will and totally under your own control. Talking about being open minded. Maybe science can one day accomplish that. Imagine you can experience every thing a man or a woman can feel at free will and control by the second or simultaneously at will? Wouldn't that be awesome? You can be as 'gay', 'straight', or 'bi' as you like. You can experience every sexual sensation and orgasm a man or a woman would feel at free will, squirt some cum or squirt some juice, scream like you are being penetrated with the most massive endowment or yell like tarzan on a mind blowing orgasm. I want to live sexually to experience every sensation of a man or a woman at my free will and all under my control. Unfortunately, with a dominant orientation, I cannot experience that. But as a full sexual human being, I want to experience all the sensations by the changing second or simultaneously. That would be my regret or negative 'experience' by having one predominant orientation and gender that I cannot experience it all. Be like water, change into the form of ice, liquid, or steam!!!!! :tongue::tongue:

Oct 17, 2011, 8:27 AM

Now that is "NEGATIVITY"

Oct 17, 2011, 9:47 AM
people should just learn to get along.

Oct 17, 2011, 12:26 PM
Negativity and sexual orientation... like the little sod who shouted to me this afternoon while climbing into my car to come home..."Hey dyke, come and get some cock and then ye can go hame wi' a smile on ur face.. ye ken ye want ti".

I know his name, rank and serial number.. his home address as well since I taught him for two years... pity he didn't put so much effort into his schoolwork as he put into his gob.. he may have achieved better than a 5 for Standard Grade English.. always wondered what went through his mind when in class.. seems I have just found out...

...and the tragedy of it? He is actually far, far brighter than his stupidity makes him out to be... one of my great failures and regret never having been able to get through to him just how bright he is and just what he could achieve if he only used that brain of his...:(

Oct 18, 2011, 12:15 PM
Negativity and sexual orientation... like the little sod who shouted to me this afternoon while climbing into my car to come home..."Hey dyke, come and get some cock and then ye can go hame wi' a smile on ur face.. ye ken ye want ti".

I know his name, rank and serial number.. his home address as well since I taught him for two years... pity he didn't put so much effort into his schoolwork as he put into his gob.. he may have achieved better than a 5 for Standard Grade English.. always wondered what went through his mind when in class.. seems I have just found out...

...and the tragedy of it? He is actually far, far brighter than his stupidity makes him out to be... one of my great failures and regret never having been able to get through to him just how bright he is and just what he could achieve if he only used that brain of his...:(

Big gob wos ther 'gain this time wiv 'is m8.. lil bitta lessie name callin'... lil bitta hassle... stopped wen e' realised Fran wos filmin' 'im on 'er fone... lil word in 'is mum's lug'ole shud do the trick.. if not.. the cop shop is only just down the road an ther r laws bout doin wot 'e wos doin.. can hardly deny it wen 'e is on film doin it.. last resort tho cos 'e has m8s still in school but if need b.. will havta b dun...

Mind u, the thot just struck me..long time since I called in me big bruv 2 sort sum 1 out for bullyin poor lil shrinkin' violet me.. wos bout 14 the last time.. size of Alex shud quieten 'im down... size of Alex quietens most peeps down.. dus brick shit house mean owt to yas??? O wy o wy is me the only haff pint in the family?:(

Oct 18, 2011, 7:47 PM
You tell em Drew-Honey. :}
People Always have a way of taking something simple and magifying it more than its worth, and neither men answered the question in question. :rolleyes:
Life is too damn short Loves. Learn to get along and agree to disagree like mature adults. Play Nice.

Oct 18, 2011, 10:15 PM
Redirecting this mad train back to ballerbeauty's question: My sexual orientation has not been so much of an issue as my penis length. Most folk think my penis is too short for me to be considered a man, which leads to a lot of sexual abuse regarding all my supposed feminine traits. Some folk go all the way and say I should have a sex change for their convenience or decide which sex I should mate with in order for it to be natural. Bisexuality was only a real issue with a homosexual therapist I met once who thought bisexuality was disgusting. If it's not a sexuality thing then some think I should identify as genderqueer (for their convenience, as usual) and get angry if I don't practice that lifestyle. Others wish I were transsexual so that they can have someone to talk to about the issue-once again, it's always for their convenience. No one bothers to ask what's convenient for me, what is biologically natural for me-they're all peckercheckers. I have lived in total isolation for I don't remember anymore. I am paranoid at times. Now I am a little curious about the lives of others.

Oct 19, 2011, 7:41 AM
You tell em Drew-Honey. :}
People Always have a way of taking something simple and magifying it more than its worth, and neither men answered the question in question. :rolleyes:
Life is too damn short Loves. Learn to get along and agree to disagree like mature adults. Play Nice.

MountainCat, disagreement on an issue is one thing. When someone quoted what you said and just twisted the truth and made a statement saying that I declared moral superiority when all along I was talking about openness and acceptance that was an outright lie and you had every right to be angry. But as I responded to Tenni I apologized for the use of the word 'idiot' to Gearbox. Yes, I totally agree with you that we need to play nice and stick to the point of the topic of discussion.

Oct 19, 2011, 10:05 AM
@Cherokee_Mountaincat- Geeee thanks for that!:rolleyes:

@Alloiledup- I don't make a habit of replying to anybody who uses degrading terms such as you do.
But if you can find were I accused you of being morally superior AND quit the abuse, we can talk about it as ADULTS!:)

There you are! Love & peace reigning once more in a thread about negativity.:bigrin:

Oct 19, 2011, 6:38 PM
I had people sending me private messages telling me to hang in there that I was the victim of personal attacks and that I was only responding to these attacks as they supported my view. Let readers of the forum decide who was actually being attacked. I am, however, adult enough to publicly apologize for my incorrect choice of words. I would not have taken this though, by what the respondent just said, as an opportunity to further step on others. Readers on here are intelligent enough to see what have been going on. :cool:

Oct 19, 2011, 8:05 PM
I had people sending me private messages telling me to hang in there that I was the victim of personal attacks and that I was only responding to these attacks as they supported my view. Let readers of the forum decide who was actually being attacked. I am, however, adult enough to publicly apologize for my incorrect choice of words. I would not have taken this though, by what the respondent just said, as an opportunity to further step on others. Readers on here are intelligent enough to see what have been going on. :cool:
So some gutless stirrers were egging you on to spew degrading remarks at me?
Do you really think they had your best interests in mind when they did that?

Even now you are not prepared to discuss anything, and instead want to play the victim in some kind of popularity pole. Which is for their benefit I assume!
I except your apology and don't mean you any harm, but if somebody doesn't agree with you, and points that out to you directly, that isn't an attack on you! It's NOT personal!;)

How about you let those who private messaged you have their say with me? I'm sure they know how to type.:rolleyes:

Oct 19, 2011, 8:59 PM
For the benefit of the doubt, what you have said or pointed out might have been misinterpreted by me and what I have said might have been to you the same way. I don't want any more confrontation but it does not mean avoidance either, but just accepting the fact that oil just doesn't mix well with water and leave it at that. In due respect to the site, I am not making additional comments to this forum topic as I do not want to make it more negative than it already is.