View Full Version : Margaret Cho - Queer - Huffington Post

Oct 11, 2011, 4:28 AM

Often people are curious about the fact that I am married to a man but call myself queer. It's because I have had sex with more than one person, and I had unmarried sex quite a few times, and roughly half the people have been men and the other half have been women, and then there were a few people in between those genders who identified in differing ways, so it's up to me to define myself, too, and so that would be queer. It's the most fitting description, short and concise, and really to-the-point. I don't know why it's a difficult concept to understand. Most of the people I know have had sex with more than one person, and many have sex outside marriage. I just happen to have had it with people all along the gender scale.

I think what I respond to is androgyny, in all its forms. It's often not obvious. Someone can look very male but then reveal himself to be a true lady. A woman can appear incredibly feminine yet be super butch inside. We are all creatures of infinite possibility, and sexuality is one aspect where our souls and bodies really collide. It is one of the few instances where we are both spiritual and physical, so lots happens.

Bisexuality, for me, is probably the right term, too; however, because I am also very attracted to transgendered people, that concept is limiting. To say that there are only two sexes is not true for me in my life, as even I feel somewhat transgendered myself, being female-bodied yet having so many male aspects to my personality. I think I would like to call myself bisexual more frequently because there is much invisibility for the "B"s in the LGBT community. Gays and lesbians might assume that we are not homosexual enough, and straight people might assume that we are in porn. These are both true and false for me. I am both too homosexual and not homosexual enough, and I have appeared in porn films but not having any kind of sex. I am considering this as a possibility for later in my career. How fantastic to start making hardcore porn at the age of 80. I am not threatening you, but I just might. You never know.

Sex is very fascinating to me outside purely prurient interest. In general, the more conservative a person seems from the outside, the stranger they are in bed. I may appear wild, as I discuss sex in a frank manner, have much of my body tattooed and make a sexual spectacle of myself with my comedy and politics; however, I am one of the most vanilla, boring, lifeless, selfish and easily tired lovers of all time. Seriously, I put myself to sleep. I am like a human Ambien and should be pursued by insomniacs the world over, as I will induce REM faster than any pill, with my weak grip and loose mouth. But it will be fun, and at least you could consider yourself queer for liking me, too. And get very sleepy.

Oct 11, 2011, 7:13 AM
Interesting.. but I found Cyndi lauper's article more interesting from the same page..


I found it interesting becaue Kate was homeless for a couple of years when she was in her teens and it kind of backs up her experience of homelessness, youth and sexuality.. I am not quite sure she or I would put the figure quite so high as 40% but many seem to involve in same sex experience for love and comfort as much as because they are actually gay or bisexual.. some are preyed upon by older guys and whether they are actually gay/bi or not is questionable and some rent themselves out for a quickie to live.. some certainly will be though.. but of the people Kate knows who have sorted their lives out and live stable homed lives, some are gay or bi, but quite a few, who reached out for that love and comfort from their own gender, now live pretty hum drum heterosexual lives.. so I think more work needs to be done before we can put quite so high a figure on homeless youth being gay or bisexual..

That a hugh proportion is gay and bisexual neither she or I would question, but the jury is out on that...

Oct 11, 2011, 8:03 AM
so it's up to me to define myself, too
Yes Margaret love. Just don't push it by defining yourself as an 'A' list top quality entertainer.:bigrin:

I'm an asexual celibate virgin lesbian, and I'm damned if let anybody tell me any different!:rolleyes:

Long Duck Dong
Oct 11, 2011, 10:05 AM
Yes Margaret love. Just don't push it by defining yourself as an 'A' list top quality entertainer.:bigrin:

I'm an asexual celibate virgin lesbian, and I'm damned if let anybody tell me any different!:rolleyes:

roflmao and a asexual celibate is actually possible too lol

Oct 11, 2011, 10:23 AM
Interesting.. but I found Cyndi lauper's article more interesting from the same page..


I found it interesting becaue Kate was homeless for a couple of years when she was in her teens and it kind of backs up her experience of homelessness, youth and sexuality.. I am not quite sure she or I would put the figure quite so high as 40% but many seem to involve in same sex experience for love and comfort as much as because they are actually gay or bisexual.. some are preyed upon by older guys and whether they are actually gay/bi or not is questionable and some rent themselves out for a quickie to live.. some certainly will be though.. but of the people Kate knows who have sorted their lives out and live stable homed lives, some are gay or bi, but quite a few, who reached out for that love and comfort from their own gender, now live pretty hum drum heterosexual lives.. so I think more work needs to be done before we can put quite so high a figure on homeless youth being gay or bisexual..

That a hugh proportion is gay and bisexual neither she or I would question, but the jury is out on that...

Depending on where you are. I think the larger cities (NY, LA, London(?)) seem to gather more LGBT youth. I think this pushes the numbers up in large cities.

Oct 11, 2011, 11:07 AM
Cyndi said................

"I was overwhelmed by the stories these young people were sharing with me about how they came out of the closet and the rejection that quickly followed by their family and friends, how they were forced to leave their homes or fled because they were scared or tired of the abuse and rejection."

Those who live(d) in more liberal areas find it difficult to believe the above is possible. Any person who is militantly for coming out, should live in one of the areas, for a while!

Especially, in the early '50s where I lived when I was a boy, it was near suicide to reveal that you were gay. (there were no "bisexuals", then!........as far as I know, everyone thought you were gay, or straight.)

Oct 11, 2011, 12:17 PM
Cyndi said................

"I was overwhelmed by the stories these young people were sharing with me about how they came out of the closet and the rejection that quickly followed by their family and friends, how they were forced to leave their homes or fled because they were scared or tired of the abuse and rejection."

Those who live(d) in more liberal areas find it difficult to believe the above is possible. Any person who is militantly for coming out, should live in one of the areas, for a while!

Especially, in the early '50s where I lived when I was a boy, it was near suicide to reveal that you were gay. (there were no "bisexuals", then!........as far as I know, everyone thought you were gay, or straight.)
I agree, Realist. Let me add that I think this is why it is essential for those of us who can be out to be out.

Without one to stand up and say that they are different, no one else will.

Oct 12, 2011, 5:50 AM
roflmao and a asexual celibate is actually possible too lol
Well I describe myself as a lesbian on a hookup site (all the licking n stuff), and nobody complains.:bigrin:

Oct 14, 2011, 1:55 PM
i love margaret cho. she is sooo hot!

Oct 14, 2011, 8:17 PM
Depending on where you are. I think the larger cities (NY, LA, London(?)) seem to gather more LGBT youth. I think this pushes the numbers up in large cities.

The cities are where the great majority of homeless youth get drawn to... streets paved with gold etc.. and London is where the dispossessed youth of other major cities, towns and the countryside in the UK all too often gravitate towards.. even shinier gold paved streets? They soon find out differently...:(