View Full Version : Proud Bi Male

Sep 29, 2011, 5:53 PM
27 y/o bi dude in Orlando, just joined the site today. I had my 1st gay experience when I was young. A few years later I was with a girl for the 1st time. I then spent the next few years (high school) chasing pussy like most teenage boys. In the back of my mind I knew I was attracted to guys. I dated both senior year and in college had my 1st real relationship with a guy which lasted 3 years. It was during this time that everyone around me started thinking I was gay. It happened slowly but over time I started living the life of a gay man, out and proud to the world. But it wasn't how I felt. I knew that I was still very attracted to women, and my very gay, very proud boyfriend hated it and made it an issue. Over time I just conformed. After our relationship ended, I started dating women and men, but my friends and family found it harder to take me as a bi-male, than as a gay male. My gay friends felt that I was abandoning "the gay cause", and my family acted as if I was lying to them the last few years. Finally I got a job and moved to Orlando. Over the past 2 years I have dated both men and women. I don't feel gay anymore. I am bi I like both and I am proud of that.

Sep 29, 2011, 7:02 PM
Good to hear a success story of sorts, and I'd say you moved to the perfect place. I've noticed the hottest guys I've seen always seem to come from Florida, Palm Springs or from some other country.

Wish I lived in Florida.

Sep 29, 2011, 7:08 PM
Thanks for sharing your story, mikadamus!

I've been with my boyfriend, Kevin, for going on 16 years now. During most of those years we both have identified as polyamorous (google it), but neither of us has yet to have a lasting other partner in love. Well, until recently. I recently met a woman that I really like a lot. In fact I love her. But she lives very far away and so we are "dating" by phone and email. I plan to go visit her soon, but I have to get on a plane to do it. >sigh< It could be worse, she lives only twelve hundred miles away and in the same country I live in. We've not yet met face to face, but have a delightful and intimate loving friendship -- with mutual romantic attraction.

I've only had one real girlfriend prior to this experience, and that didn't last very long. Mostly I've been in very long term relationships with guys.

Have you ever considered being with both a man and a woman, simultaneously?

Sep 29, 2011, 7:15 PM
Welcome to the world!!

You have lived through some of the worst you will have. Gays and Straights seem to think we're "confused" or whatever. Thankfully you've found your place in life and can live a happy life.

Sep 29, 2011, 7:58 PM
I've always pretty much known I was bi. South Beach, Miami was the first place I had my first real encounter with a guy. He gave me a blow-job and now I find I a am just as much attracted to men, if not more, than women.

Sep 29, 2011, 9:40 PM
I first got a kiss from another boy at 11...Went to a summer camp and myself and other 13 yr olds took turn humping on each others asses....mine got the most attention... a few more years I was getting screwed...during all this time I had girfriends and its still the same script...but only 1 male intimate friend now

Sep 30, 2011, 3:28 AM
Hey thanks everyone. I never get to talk about how I feel about being bi and the stuff that I go through. All my friends are str8 or don't get it. Once I started typing it all came pouring out. lol.

Sep 30, 2011, 1:26 PM
Bi male hear and proud. My first encounter with a man I was 8 and molested by my 16 year old neighbor problem was I enjoyed it as I got older chased woman through my teenage years same as you. Started messing around with another guy when I was 18 that lasted till I was 22. The whole time I was in the closet and fooling around behind my girlfriends. I got married at 27 too my wife and she found gay porn on the computer and I came out too her and she is the most understanding incredible woman I have ever know. We are still together and she has come too terms with me being Bi and I have never been happier in my life to finally express to someone I love and understands and supports me. I on the other hand have not come out to my friends and family and most likely never will.

Sep 30, 2011, 3:06 PM
Bi male hear and proud. My first encounter with a man I was 8 and molested by my 16 year old neighbor problem was I enjoyed it as I got older chased woman through my teenage years same as you. Started messing around with another guy when I was 18 that lasted till I was 22. The whole time I was in the closet and fooling around behind my girlfriends. I got married at 27 too my wife and she found gay porn on the computer and I came out too her and she is the most understanding incredible woman I have ever know. We are still together and she has come too terms with me being Bi and I have never been happier in my life to finally express to someone I love and understands and supports me. I on the other hand have not come out to my friends and family and most likely never will.

wow you give me hope.

Sep 30, 2011, 5:57 PM
wow you give me hope.

It was not ez I have never been more scared in my life as those few weeks I was nervous I would lose her we have children together which I believe for her made her decision a little easier but besides that she is a very open minded person as am I. I even dated a openly bi girl before my wife and still never had the nerve too tell her and she should of understood me better than anyone but I was young late teens early twenties your rep and having friends is everything at that age. I hope everyone could have the happiness I have with my wife and I love her more now for standing by me and being understanding.