View Full Version : Stupid question

Sep 22, 2011, 8:23 PM
Ok, I'm sure I know the answer, but I'm still confused. I have thoughts and fantisies sometimes of men. I find it hard to be physically attracted to men but the thought of playing with a man turns me on. It's not everyday, but I still have these thoughts. Oh, and I did have an oral encounter with a friend when I was younger. He was the only man so far, that I have been attracted to. So...am I bi or what? I haven't acted on any of my thoughts or fantisies in my adult life and I have been married and have kids. I'm completely lost. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Sep 22, 2011, 8:37 PM
The varieties of bisexuality are infinite, kdog79, so you fall within the range of being bisexual. The reason why you haven't found a manfriend yet is probably because all the guys you've been looking at are not really compatible. A lot of bisexuals who are with one person at a time often fantasize about the sex they are not with when having sex. It does not necessarily mean you need to have man-sex that week.