View Full Version : Question on Cremation

Sep 22, 2011, 7:45 PM
Can people who has been cremated still go on to be burned in hell,like a second roasting??:eek:

Sep 22, 2011, 10:39 PM
Okay...with all due respect but how the hell would we be able to answer such a question? I'm not sure if you are attempting to be funny or if you are really in need of a theological discussion board.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 22, 2011, 10:40 PM
in a single word, yes... the soul is not the body,

Sep 23, 2011, 1:26 AM
in a single word, yes... the soul is not the body,

But what if I'm condemned to hell already??

I making a "WILL" and wants to know the best way to go when times comes.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 23, 2011, 6:32 AM
the best way to go.... is what ever way you go... cos you are dead and you will not really be worried about if you have a hard on or not when you are cremated

btw, medical fact, first and second stage rigor mortis can result in 2 of the biggest hard ons a man..... a body can have.....

exactly what happens to your spirit, soul, lifeforce etc when you die, I am not sure on... give me ya cell phone number and if I can work out how to ring you from the grave, I will ring you and let you know... cos everybody that tells me what will happen when I am dead... is not dead themselves so how would they actually know....

I may be a wiccan person, but it doesn't mean that I buy into the wiccan ideals of ascending, being reborn, etc etc..... cos I honestly do not know and I have been clinically dead a few times in my life... and strangely enuf I had no idea I was dead, cos I was dead....

Sep 23, 2011, 6:40 AM
For my wife , I think not . Living with me was hell enough . For my father , I can only hope . He sexually abuse my step daughter .

Sep 23, 2011, 9:45 AM
The soul has no calorific value, which means it cannot burn, as it is not a fuel.

The soul is ephemeral and therefore completely incombustible.

When people say “burn in hell”, it’s just a turn of phrase.

Moreover, since hell is in the center of the earth, not exposed to the atmosphere, there is no oxygen in hell. Therefore, nothing actually burns in hell, because the presence of either oxygen or fluorine gas are required for any kind of combustion to occur.

The “burn in hell” misconception grew out of the poor state of scientific understanding that existed during the ‘dark ages’. The church now understands this, but because correcting this misconception would jeopardize their rhetorical position, they let this misconception persist.

At most, there is severe melting (due to hell’s proximity to the molten core of the earth), but there can be no actual combustion, for lack of oxygen (or fluorine).:rolleyes:

Please, spread the truth. If someone ever says “burn in hell” in your presence, whether to you or to someone else, take the time to explain the science, so that perhaps one day, we may emerge from the dark ages.:2cents:

Sep 23, 2011, 2:01 PM
Well this post is better than, What does cum taste like or Does anal sex hurt. I have a reservation in hell but have been putting off using it.

Perhaps cremation is the hell they were referring to. If you fear burning in hell why not go for a grave at sea? Plenty of water there to put out a fire. Take along a few bars of soap in the event you need to clean up. Assuming you are bisexual............just think of all the seamen on the bottom of the ocean. Seamen is semen no matter how you spell it.

I worry more about important things, like does hell have high speed Internet yet. Coffee should be hot but can you sue if you drop it in your lap? What are the garbage pick up days? How long do I need to be there to have a vested interest and voting rights. Are my dues paid in full when I am accepted for entry? What is the economy like there? Do I need a green card?

So many questions and so few answers.

Have a fun day :tongue: