View Full Version : waving the bisexual banner and waving the I am me flag

Long Duck Dong
May 23, 2006, 12:04 AM
i am mildly curious...lol

how many of us wave the bisexual banner as a symbol of pride and how important is it to be recognized as a bisexual.... and how many of you wave the I am me flag and how important to you is it to be recognized as a complete person

a lot of us in this site are bisexual... and thats cool lol the rest are hetero / gay / experimenting lol and thats cool too but outside of using the site to meet new friends... partners and as a source of info......

now I am gonna wave my :bipride: banner and say i am bisexual, and now outside my sexuality... I am also a writer, a poet, a website designer, musician
i was also one of the top intuitive sensitives in new zealand ( psychic but now retired ) i am a counsellor / therapist / natural healer....
I hold belts in martial arts and competition titles.. I have served in the armed forces...I hold certs in engineering, welding, carpentry, mechanics, website design, graphic design, music composition....etc

smiles.....what banner do you fly and what banner is the one you want to stand under and be known by ??

May 23, 2006, 12:45 AM
I am a lot of things, as I'm sure anyone else would say the same. Label-wise, I'm a female biracial bisexual - though there's some much more to it than just those words and that identity is infused in everything I do.
(I'm half black and half white, though never really a part of the black community; I'm in a closed monogamous "heterosexual" relationship and wouldn't change that for the world...)
I like to fly my "I am me" banner, but without giving away all that is incorporated in that. Just take me as I am. I'm not really in a place that i can fly my BiPride banner for all the world to see, just yet. I hope to be in that place soon though.


May 23, 2006, 6:40 AM
I think a lot of bisexuals are not in a position to raise and wave the bisexual flag openly. It's a shame that bi people get caught in this position but sometimes circumstances warrant it.

Long Duck Dong
May 23, 2006, 8:46 AM
lol true cassie

its just i notice a lot around the site, people posting about how the gay and lesbian groups tend to treat us as outcasts....lol and how we need to have equal rights and recognition etc

the trouble is with that is I want on my grave stone....

here lays yadda yadda yadda.... beloved friend, lover, teacher, student and class idiot

and not

here lays yadda yadda yadda.... bisexual

May 23, 2006, 2:50 PM
Meh! No wurries, I likes flying flaggies. If you wish to live in your own fishbowl thats fine with me. I on the other hand will wear my flags on my sleve even if it means wearing one on my headstone.

May 23, 2006, 6:59 PM
i would have to make my own flag/banner because i really don't think there is one out there that just screams out "this is what russ is all about!! this is who i am!" i have a lot of different things to be proud of. i: am bisexual, am aiming for a master's degree, work hard for what money i make, live with my heart on my sleeve, was raised to love my family and my friends and my country and my freedoms, and there's so much more. i am german/dutch/native american. i have made mistakes (and will do so again, i'm sure) but i am proud that i've learned from my errors. if anything, religion-wise, i am agnostic. i am openminded. there's no way i can fit all of this on one flag. i think if i did have a banner to wave, it would simply say "i am me." :bibounce:

May 23, 2006, 10:13 PM
It has been harder for me to wave the bisexual flag lately. I think I am reacting to how some bisexuals reject association or comparison with the gay community, often based on stereotypes they don't identify with.

As a result I have looked at the steroetypes within our own community that I don't identify with and it makes me feel inclined to seperate myself from them.

I am still working through this.

May 23, 2006, 10:42 PM
To be or not to be (bi)... that is the question.

I would be lying if I said I was out to everyone in the whole world. After all, I am always on this website under an alias! Yes, it may come as a shock, but I am not Aqua Man, as my avatar would imply, and while my name as some loose relation to "Johnny V" my birth certificate does not indicate "First name Johnny, last name V."

I support sexual rights for everyone, including gays and bisexuals and women (lest we forget the importance of women's rights in all these discussions), and I believe that bisexuality is a real and legitimate sexual identity. In that sense I wave the flag, even if I don't make the issue always about me and who I am.


May 23, 2006, 10:44 PM
It has been harder for me to wave the bisexual flag lately. I think I am reacting to how some bisexuals reject association or comparison with the gay community, often based on stereotypes they don't identify with.

As a result I have looked at the steroetypes within our own community that I don't identify with and it makes me feel inclined to seperate myself from them.

Tell me more. I'm curious what you mean.


Long Duck Dong
May 24, 2006, 4:46 AM
lol the main trouble i have with being bi sexual is people automatically assume that i am regularly sleeping with males and females....lol.....I WISH.....

the trouble with the LGBT community is they give us that image lol
and no i am not slamming them for it.....its just that my bisexuality comes from the fact that I have two sexual identities in the same body and mind.....it has stuff all to do with who i sleep with..... i base that on the fact that while undergoing tests ... it was noticed during a EEG that my brainwaves changed according to the dominant side at the time......7 EEGs later they realised what i was saying was true.... i have a dual feminine / masculine side to my singular personality lol

imagine being me.. a male with jock itch... moaning about period pains lol

if the studies do prove a gay gene... then that proves a person is gay from birth..... so gayness is not who you sleep with..... but your mental / emotional standing.....the sexual side is only a factor when you are having sex lol and so the same would apply to bisexuals and prove that my sexuality is not sex based but mental / emotional based... and so waving the bisexual flag for me would be celebrating my uniqueness

May 24, 2006, 7:49 AM
I disagree with the statement below. I believe that many of us project this stereotype pretty well on our own and I don't think gay people assume we are sleeping around more than your typical church going folk.

The bisexual "community" is very diverse, but the most visible members of our group are usually the swingers and a small handful of activists. So, of course we are all perceived that way.

people automatically assume that i am regularly sleeping with males and females....lol.....I WISH.....

the trouble with the LGBT community is they give us that image lol

May 24, 2006, 8:00 AM
I have personally met over one hundred bisexuals in person over the past 3 years. That group consisted of cross-dressers, wiccans, swingers, prostitutes, homophobes, housewives, students, lawyers, activists, cheaters, and many many more labels.

Some of these labels I respect and can identify with, others I do not. In the past, I could see that putting these 10 people in the same room they would have more differences than the commonality of bisexuality. The same is true of gay people, or straight people.

But when that group of 10 bisexual people is faulting other groups based on the stereotypes associated with the sum of their group, it makes it harder for me to overlook the sterotypes associated with the sum of our own group.

If that makes any sense.

Tell me more. I'm curious what you mean.


May 24, 2006, 8:00 AM
... it was noticed during a EEG that my brainwaves changed according to the dominant side at the time......7 EEGs later they realised what i was saying was true.... i have a dual feminine / masculine side to my singular personality lol

That is interesting about you EEGs. I would like to see a study about people like you :tong:

I wave my bi flag. I just made a new bead in sculpty that has a bi flag on it... i wear it on a braclet with rainbow beads.

May 24, 2006, 4:55 PM
Maybe some of us wave our flagies from the inside and maybe some wave theirs on the outside. It just depends on how OUT you are. We need to be true to our selves and that is what matters to me. I know what i like :female: and I am not really too afraid to do something about it. But on the other hand maybe I should just........................ well hell I better go find something to wave :bigrin: .


May 24, 2006, 6:12 PM
Maybe some of us wave our flagies from the inside and maybe some wave theirs on the outside.

Nicely put.

May 25, 2006, 12:41 AM
i do not loudly proclaim anything, unless there is just cause; as to personal causes, i will share with those that should and/or need to know it. as to others, i have never cared a damn about their opinion of me and mine, and with those that i share my life, time, and innerself. for me, actions speak far louder and carry more meaning than proclamations and unspported statements.

too many groups or identities seem to think that to shore up their message one must trash or belittle anothers path. i am bisexual, i am satisfied with it, understand it, enjoy and revel in it; it has taken a long path to come to terms but i have not been sorry, regretful, or ashamed at any time or place. if this is not to your taste, then some day may you come into the light and find out my truth; as to your chosen path, practice what you preach, and leave others to their own choice.

i am a eurocentric, with a healthy dose of ashkansy and spheradic jew thrown in; my family tree is thick with those that have slaughtered the other half; our whole path through history, back many generations, has been shaped by religious persecution and sheer obstinency, catholics in protestant countries, protestants in catholic countries, jews in christian lands. how much is this me and how does that shape me? it has definitly shaped and affected me, but it does not limit me or define me as does anyone thing or trait.

i am a eurocentric; white male of upper middle class status and family; i live in a big city; am a liberal capitalist; with a college education and degrees; own my own company; of good health, except my eyesight, but i blame my parents! :) ; opinionated, disciplined, and focused; agonstic, raised atheist; tempermental; expressive when engaged in conversation; intolerant of intolerance; impatient, one of my pet statements, "get in, sit down, shut up, and hold on"; hell, as anyone can see i can go on and on!

none of this limits me, hinders me, contains me; when i reach the end of my life, may my headstone read "pray for the dead, fight like hell for the living!"

bye for now!

Long Duck Dong
May 25, 2006, 6:37 AM
lol sorry glantern.....that remark of mine was badly put ...

people automatically assume that i am regularly sleeping with males and females....lol.....I WISH.....

the trouble with the LGBT community is they give us that image lol

what i was refering to is the things like the hero parade ( a gay march in nz )...its like a dress up parade and often is censored over the revealing nature of a lot of the costumes... or big gay out ...another nz event........ they mainly portray gays as flamboyant feminine bed jumpers... lesbians as butch females... and bisexuals as toilet flies.....

sadly if thats the best that the LGBT community can do, at portraying a large cross section of society... then we are in serious trouble

and I have often noticed that when people find out that I am bi sexual.... they react as if i am a bed jumper.....tho it tends to get peoples noses outta joint when i say " if i wanted to be a bed jumper... i would be hetero rather than bi "

amonst my friends. i can admire a male or a female....and they know i am admiring the qualities of that person... but in the broader community.... they tend to take it as I am interested in the person as a potential bed partner... and sadly thats why waving the bi sexual banner can create issues for me
it took 6 months at the local gym before people realised that me looking at all the different males was not about sexual attraction... but me admiring some of the build and muscle defination of the guys and even some of the ladies.... and they struggled with the idea that bulk muscle doesn't turn me on.....i was simply admiring the years of effort and self control the people had, in creating their bodies.... turns out they were more comfortable with the idea of me being a flamboyant gay... then a bi sexual...

May 25, 2006, 7:01 AM
To fly the banner or not to fly the banner,
There stands the Bi.
To celebrate or suffer from the thousand misconceptions or understanding,
Based on each individual and their unique ideals to accept or condemn.

I fly my flag.
I am me.
Led through my actions, lifestyle, words, thoughts, and caring...my soul.
Others can think what they like, judge me on their own views, like me or not...it doesn't matter. It won't change who I am, or who I become.

May 25, 2006, 8:05 AM
No apology needed.

That is one of the sad things about the whole scenario. We have largely left it up to the Gays and Lesbians to fight for our same sex interests.

Mardis Gras ain't exactly a "G" rated event either and that parade is celebrated by a large part of straight culture.

PS. I like your Avatar

sadly if thats the best that the LGBT community can do, at portraying a large cross section of society... then we are in serious trouble

May 25, 2006, 2:25 PM
I've come out to my fiancee, my then counsellor, and my bisexual friend but no-one else yet. Sorry to sound stupid but how do you start a new topic?

May 25, 2006, 10:24 PM
From the Home Page: Go to Forums, then Main Forum, Then New Thread

I've come out to my fiancee, my then counsellor, and my bisexual friend but no-one else yet. Sorry to sound stupid but how do you start a new topic?