View Full Version : A Bisexual Story

May 22, 2006, 9:15 PM
My first bisexual encounter was with a casual friend in my last year of high school, (1976), and it was almost purely because we were horny teenagers without any woman available for us to have sex with so we "improvised"; it was a clumsy, awkward, and uncomfortable experience and pretty much a one-time thing riddled with guilt and denial and shame. Pure sex, no emotional attachment.

My second time was approximately 10-12 years later, with my very best and closest, long time friend from jr. high and high school, (different high school), and we were in our late 20's-early 30's. We had numerous sexual get togethers between just the two of us, over the course of a few months; we both performed oral, and he had me "top" him and although I attempted to be a bottom, he was too large for me to bottom for him. Again the lack of female sexual partners played a large part in the start of our "exploration", but not completely. We were both curious about sex with another man. In part his refusal to accept and come to terms with our being bisexual, but mostly his drinking finally pushed me away from any continued intimacy with him. I told him that I loved him like no other friend I'd ever had, but I could no longer stand by and watch him self destruct with the booze. It was a very painful decision, and I moved cross-country a short time after-never saw or spoke to him again after I moved away. A few years later I found out, much to my sorrow but not my surprise, that he had drank himself to death.

My third and most recent encounter was in 1998. My gal and I met a married bi couple, (m/f), online and after six months of online chatting and such we met in real life. We've become close friends, and had a number of get togethers with all four of us in same room sex, all combinations. Unfortunately we live a fair distance apart, and have conflicting work schedules, so our get togethers are infrequent and spread apart time wise. They have since had a grown child move back in with them and had a grandchild, so we haven't been together in a sexual sense for over 4 years now.

None of my family or co-workers knows of this side of my sexuality. My girlfriend of 14 years, (lived together for the past 10 years), is one of only two women that know I'm bi. The other is my best friend and his wife, (both straight). They actually asked me and I told them the truth, scared as hell but I told 'em the truth. They respect me for my honesty, and they accepted this as just another instance of me being "brutally honest" with them. Great folk, and my gal and I love them like nobody's business. They are our closest and dearest friends. My g/f and I talked long and in depth before we made the decision to step into this as a couple; I made it clear that I wasn't looking to replace her, and that she wasn't lacking in sexually fulfilling me as a woman. I don't look for sex with a man/men alone without her. I've never had a man "top" me, but it's something that I'm curious about experiencing if I ever happen to meet the right guy and the right circumstances present themselves.

I've had some dark moments emotionally, and self-esteem-wise over this issue of my sexuality. Without my gal walking along with me through this third bi-sexual experience, I might never have taken that step into self-acceptance and self-discovery; the soul searching and realization of my bi side might not have come to me as it has. Without her support and love, I might never have come to accept being bi, might have been in denial for who knows how long.

Also the Internet has had a hand in this as well; the hundreds of thousands of other bi-sexual men, (and women), out there that I'd never have been aware of without the Internet. I had no idea how many of us there are out there until the Internet opened my eyes to their existence.

So now here it is, 2006, and at 48 years old, I'm a registered member of a bisexual web site, and talking openly and honestly, (admittedly only on that web site, and only to my gal), about my being bisexual, and my experiences with bisexuality. My oh my, the times have changed, how I've changed. Whew!

May 22, 2006, 9:37 PM
I know how your feeling and understand all experinces you've talked about. THanks for the note. It made me feel better and I hope you get what your looking for.

May 22, 2006, 10:05 PM
Times have changed for you, and for many of us haven't they. Your note gives me the feeling that you've finally arrived and found a place like home, realizing you're not alone and now able to talk freely with others about something that you've had to keep in for so long. It's a great feeling isn't it?

May 23, 2006, 6:45 PM
Thanks Flounder and Biboz, nice to know one is not alone in this. Keep on keepin' on.

May 24, 2006, 10:18 AM
Also the Internet has had a hand in this as well; the hundreds of thousands of other bi-sexual men, (and women), out there that I'd never have been aware of without the Internet. I had no idea how many of us there are out there until the Internet opened my eyes to their existence.

So now here it is, 2006, and at 48 years old, I'm a registered member of a bisexual web site, and talking openly and honestly, (admittedly only on that web site, and only to my gal), about my being bisexual, and my experiences with bisexuality. My oh my, the times have changed, how I've changed. Whew![/QUOTE]

I know how you feel I feel like my eyes have been opened and that I am not alone nor is how I feel wrong.

May 24, 2006, 5:38 PM
Thanks for sharing

The internet has helped lots, and most of all it is people like yourself, sharing on sites like this, that helps beyond belief.
Well it does for me!

May 24, 2006, 6:22 PM
Thank you for telling your story. This is how a person like myself learns and understands the feelings of a bisexual. As Flounder's wife, I want him to be able to tell me anything. Everytime I read something like this it just makes me feel so proud that you have dealt with your feelings and decided that it's not wrong to feel as you do. I feel bad for the one's who stay in the closet out of fear. It's a shame anyone should have to live that way. It's not fair!

But cheers to those of you who have realized who you really are and have spouses/significant others who stand by your side. Your all very special people in my eyes. I've met many on here who I consider dear to my heart and without the internet/Bisexual.com I would never have met any of you.

Mrs.F :)

May 25, 2006, 12:02 AM
beautiful story and an honest statement! probably more than any other tool of communication, the internet has allowed the populace at large to learn that there are many, many others that share what we experience and know about ourselves. it is this open communication between people of such differing backgrounds, across incredible boundries that helps to release the inhibitions that hinder our search for understanding. and it is probably why governments fear the internet as much as they do!

maybe i was lucky that growing up in a time of less available information, that i was such a smart ass and ornery. it was dangerous to share this kind of intimate information, so as a release i used existing situations to access and satisfy my innate curiostiy. i knew early on that i liked guys as well as girls; while attempting to figure out the female, which never happened, and will never happen, but as they liked me as much as i liked them, getting together was never a problem, and hell society applauded these unions. so how to be around guys and get away with being close and not tipping off anyone as to your more pruient passions? join into sports and athletic orgainizations; especially weightlfiting, water polo, and swimming! all those glorious bodies and muscles, and nearly as naked as one can get in public! mmm, mmm, mmm!

a bit of my story!

May 25, 2006, 6:55 PM
Again I thank you Wolleygirl, Mrs. F, sulu, and citystyleguy, . . all of ya's, . . . the positive feedback is one of the most encouraging things I find about this particular specific "bi" web site. Mrs. F and Flounder, to me, are one perfect example of the "spirit" of this haven. I have trouble thinking of one single other place I've visited on the web where the particulars of their relationship would be so openly and encouragingly accepted and embraced: what I mean by this comment is his being bi, her being straight, and both being married and open to each other and accepting of each other, rather than looking to change-"fix" one or the other; and/or others looking to try to do so. As a mechanic by trade, I'm fond of the saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." LOL

May 25, 2006, 8:52 PM
I must agree, this is a fantastic site. I'm still used to much more rough-and-tumble forums so I'm constantly biting back sarcastic remarks but I think I'm doing fairly well for the most part. :) It's just so nice to have an open, relaxing, casual atmosphere... Such fantastic people here. I swear, I want to run around giving everyone hugs. :tong: