View Full Version : Line of Beauty

May 22, 2006, 3:43 PM
For anyone in the UK that missed it, or those of you elsewhere interested in watching it, the first episode (of three) of this adaptation of Alan Hollinghurst's novel about gay love (and politics) in Britain in the 80s is available to watch via the BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctwo As someone who was finishing university and getting my first job around this time, I found it a fascinating view of London, the class structure in society, and the way the politicians appeared to behave in the Margaret Thatcher years. I thought the characters were convincing and the love story made for compelling viewing (IMHO). I've seen the previews of episode 2 and I won't be missing it. There are some interesting and diverse opinions sent in by viewers on the BBC web site - make your own mind up.

May 22, 2006, 7:08 PM
hey thanks pmg :) ...

i did intend to watch it.. then missed it, probably because i was too busy messing about on here :rolleyes:

yup.. i too am especially intrigued because it is set in the eighties

Cheers Julie :female: