View Full Version : Bi Belfast

Sep 15, 2011, 10:21 PM
Not very many bi guys in belfast, seems to be very hush hush??

Sep 27, 2011, 1:57 PM
Nor many bi girls or bi otherfolks from what I can tell -- in more than 15 years of reading and sometimes writing for the bi press in the UK there have been events and groups and suchlike all over GB but never a whimper from Northern Ireland :/

Sep 27, 2011, 3:11 PM
Nor many bi girls or bi otherfolks from what I can tell -- in more than 15 years of reading and sometimes writing for the bi press in the UK there have been events and groups and suchlike all over GB but never a whimper from Northern Ireland :/

Where is Darkside when u need the bugger??? He might be able to cast a light on the Northern Irish reticence of gay and bi issues..

The province has always been slower than anywhere else on lgbt matters and to some extent we can understand why that is with all the troubles and even since they ended NI has had plenty problems just getting power sharing to work... interestingly only in the last few days the Minister for Health over there has announced that NI will not be following the other three countries in allowing gay and bisexuals to donate blood... I am not up that much on NI affairs, but wonder like you, Softfruit babes, why it seems such a backwater and always lagging behind?

K Darkside me luffly.. u've been quiet long enuff.. time to pop back an give us ya wisdom...;)

Aug 16, 2020, 8:35 PM
hey i only joined tonight
fancy a chat?