View Full Version : coming out - happy endings

Sep 15, 2011, 3:27 PM
A friend of mine, who has recently come out as trans, remarked about how easy everyone so far seemed to be taking it. How everyone they'd so far come out to had been absolutely fine with it.

They're worries about friends and family and such Not being ok with it was mostly fueled by the amount of unfortunate unhappy endings publisised, mostly on the internets.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we shouldn't be supportive of those who do need to come to sites, say like this one, and look for shoulders to cry on.

What I'm trying to get at is that there seems to be an absolute lack of people posting about happy coming out stories.

So, here's a start.

I myself, when I started coming out as bi to people, found next to no negative feed back. Many of my then new friends happily took it in their stride.
Then when coming out to older friends, they too didn't seem all that phaised by it.
When it was finally confirmed for my family that I was bi (I say "confirmed", as they had all actually guessed, or at least suspected I wasn't straight, long before even I did myself) they too were perfectly fine with it.

I've so far never had any trouble what so ever with bringing it up, often quite casually in conversation to people, about being bisexual.

I appreciate I'm lucky in many respects. But please, please tell me I'm not the only one.

If you too have a coming out tale that had a happy ending, please do share. I'm sure those who are still unsure about the whole idea of coming out will find it helpful to know that sometimes it's really not all garenteed to go bad afterall.

Sep 15, 2011, 9:24 PM
thank you sooo much for your inspiring story. you have given me a bit more courage to come out to my wife. i have been going back and forth for so long and keep saying i will, but have yet to do so. we have very busy schedules thru the end of october so my plan is to find a way to tell her by thanksgiving and your story has helped encourage me just a little more!!!
thank you!!!

Sep 26, 2011, 9:03 AM

ok everyone i finaly came out to my wife!!!!!

she was so undertanding!! she thinks its great and is looking foreward to learning more right along side me!!! she knows that this is all new to me and that it will take time for me to try different things and figure out my likes and dislikes. and get this!, she is now looking foreward to our first threesome!!! i am so excited and it just goes to show you what an amazing woman she is!!! i am truly a lucky man!!!

Sep 26, 2011, 7:17 PM
lol Thats fantastic JJ. Best of luck Darlin. And thanks for sharing, Druid..:}

Sep 26, 2011, 8:45 PM
Closeted happy out of the closet bisexuals LOL,

No bi-druid you definitely are not alone, I started coming out with a small posse of supporters including my wife and over 18 months expanded the circle to include everyone, parents,kids,boss, coworkers. My visibility allows me to be a role model, I am pretty normal guy so I very much get a if you are what bisexuals are like then I am fine with it.

Thats how the world is going to change, by showing the world that its no big deal, we can make it easier for the next guy. I tell people its not about sex its about who I am.

Of course it depends where you work and live and who your family is but in my case its been fabulous. Note being out is a very personal decision and I am simply giving a me too, I understand there are a boatload of valid reasons for people not to come out.

JJ congratulations best of luck in your journey



Sep 26, 2011, 9:58 PM
Three years ago I came out to my (ex) wife, to a friend from college, and a friend from high school. My friends were more than accepting. Since then, I've met so many people that have made me happy. I often wonder why I was so concerned with what other people think about me and hated the whole being called "gay" thing.

Oh well, the next twenty years of my life will be about finding myself and having fun.