View Full Version : Bisexual Playground

Paul B.
Sep 13, 2011, 7:12 PM
Anyone have any feedback on the above site-positive or negative?

Sep 13, 2011, 7:58 PM
Not bad...not great, but I've spoken with a few people through it. None panned out, but the site wasn't at fault.

Sep 13, 2011, 8:58 PM
My wife and I were members a few years back; not a bad site but a little pricey. We met a bunch of wonderful people and "hooked up" with 2 who we remain in touch with. Most of the members are great folks (like here) and the webbies who run it are nice...just not real computer people so they have others who do the hardware/software side of it and I wasn't real impressed with they abilities (I'm a tech/consultant so I catch things no techs don't). They tend to get carried away with some silly games (Easter Egg seach that drives you crazy) and strongly don't allow any references to other sites and like this site have member profiles and pics, forums and the like. All in all I'd give 'em the thumbs up...BTW they did have a 1 month free trail (but only 2 weeks of be able to see pics) so you may want to try that 1st.


Sep 13, 2011, 9:31 PM
Similar experiences here as others have had, and similar opinions. The cost of the site did not justify our staying with it, as well as a lack of connections. We met our first there and as a result we got into the lifestyle. Other connections did not pan out, but then again we didn't hang around beyond one month after the trial.

Sep 14, 2011, 12:41 AM
They seem to say they have a lot of members but many people put up good pictures for the two weeks but never come back. They use these peoples pictures to get new members, it appears?

We could not even take our pictures down after our pay time was up. We still could go on site but not take our pictures down.

They seem to be very bossy for people taking your money.

I chatted with people that said they thought there was fraud going on and the site had long list of complaints with Better Business?

We met some nice people and had lots of fun there.

Sep 14, 2011, 8:55 AM
I got booted from that site for some reason. I guess it was for referencing this site. Maybe it wasn't so much being booted, but all of the sudden it started telling me I had to pay to access the site because of "misuse", or some such thing. I gave up on it.

One thing I saw there that I thought was neat- something I don't think I've ever seen here- was a couple that posted pictures of a meet they had with a few other guys. They had a narrative of how their get together along with pictures of the guys screwing the wife. Pretty neat.

Sep 14, 2011, 10:45 AM
Yep. Just tried getting in there again for the first time in at least a year. It says my membership has been disabled. Reason given:

"THEFT OF SERVICES! Duplicate Account! You need to Upgrade to a Paid Membership to avoid theft of service penalties and to use this site again. Other members will only be able to view your profile and read mail you sent them if you Upgrade to a Paid Membership."

Sep 14, 2011, 11:59 AM
Bisexual Playground is very restrictive to what you can and can't say
and the monitors are bossy and will kick you out....

there are lots of FAT people there... and if that's you're thing
well then you'll love the place

it's too restrictive and why pay and feel like you're a prisoner.

I'd say thumbs down.. way down

most of the ads there are from people who can't get their pics off
and have left cause they didn't want to pay
the high price of being there

Sep 14, 2011, 12:09 PM
most of the ads there are from people who can't get their pics off

Silverdaddies.com is a good web site but I read something from a guy who posted his picture there that once you've posted a picture there and it ends up in their Daddy Galleries you can't remove it.

Sep 14, 2011, 3:08 PM
Well I guess I should not had been so reserved in my opinion LOL...Had a similar problem as fredtyg (not quite as harsh but they threaten with same action) and I couldn't ever get a straight answer of what hennas act I committed. I'm certain I stayed within their rules but again, no clear reason for their censorship. I think I know what couple you're talking about fry, and the wife was a professional porn actress decades ago, but very hot stories and easy on the eyes.

And orallybi4cpl is correct about their restrictive nature and the monitors are self serving pinheads. If you said ANYTHING negative against the site or mentioned or linked to a another site, they came down like gangbusters. They have their share of bigger peeps but also plenty of different types of folks as well. They also have (more than ?) their fair share of con artist too.

As love1234 hit the "nail on the head" about the bossy attitude and pics. We had heard warnings about the inability to remove pics so before we left we got our pics off. I'd venture to say at least half their "membership" haven't logged in for YEARS.

Like Chaos_Couple said, the high cost just isn't worth it.

Again, I thought maybe I shouldn't be so harsh of my opinion, but after seeing so many others who had similar experience I thought I'd rephrase my earlier response. Like love1234, we met some very nice people and are still in touch with some. Most of them are lifetime members which the site abruptly ended just as we were going to upgrade to lifetime. Then they started raising rates so we left. Drew has made a this wonderful site here with almost as many features as BP but without the high cost or the Nazi attitude BP owners and monitors seem to have. Hope this helps.


Sep 14, 2011, 9:33 PM
We were members there too, as soon as my wife tried to add a solo account they said we were using duplicate accounts and blocked access to both. They never responded when we tried to contact them about the issue, no refund, no explanation!

Sep 20, 2011, 11:47 PM
We were members there too, as soon as my wife tried to add a solo account they said we were using duplicate accounts and blocked access to both. They never responded when we tried to contact them about the issue, no refund, no explanation!

That is a terrible way to treat people. I do not get taking peoples money and treating them bad.

Jan 17, 2013, 3:36 PM
you can remove any photo you like. They can be copied onto another computer if anyone wishes to do so.

Jan 17, 2013, 5:46 PM
We mentioned this site and were immediately banned from their site. The chat moderator did PM us to let us know we couldn't mention another bisexual site. I told the moderator to censor my ass. With that we were banned. I could care less, censorship isn't something I tolerate well. As for their membership, they don't purge their membership database any more than this site does or any other site. More members makes the site look good and worth more. They may have 100,000 members but only 2500 active members. SLS is a perfect example of total members vs. active members.

Jan 17, 2013, 7:24 PM
They seem to say they have a lot of members but many people put up good pictures for the two weeks but never come back. They use these peoples pictures to get new members, it appears?

I feel the same about Adult Friendfinder and all their related entities....a billion people who never answer. Those who do, well it;s usually one answer then they are gone. I swear they pay people to do that....

Jan 18, 2013, 2:05 AM
My fiance and I are both very good looking people........BUT, when it comes to putting yourself out there, looks aren't so much the factor, as the advertisement, i.e. personality. We got into the swing life style for a while, and we used an approporiate screen name for both AOL and swinglifestyle.com Both of us being bisexual, of course, on both accounts she got the lions share of hits (no wonder, she's gorgeous) This included all the liars, fakes, phonies and frauds...........all men. If you are going to rant against any one website hosting to your own sexuality, I'd be more concerned with the forementioned idiots that contacted us. All in all: we never had not ONE problem when it came to meeting people. We were both very good at vetting contacts, and had the summer of our sexual lives.