View Full Version : Amsterdam. Interesting town.

Sep 11, 2011, 10:33 PM
Well my trip to Amsterdam is over. My 4th trip over here. I did get a chance to walk up and down the Red Light District again as some new coworkers have never been. Just as whacked and wild.

http://www.holland.com/upload_mm/3/3/9/512_fullimage_amsterdam%20red%20light%20district%2 0gracht%20by%20night.jpg_560x350.jpg

Still amazes me that the ladies will tolerate such drunken jerks who think alcohol boasts their confidence, prowess, and their attraction of the opposite sex but only amplifies their arrogance. The $$ must be good for the ladies in order to take the chance and risk their safety and health.

And walking thru the small Blue Light district there were the a-holes who felt necessary to call the TG ladies names. They just can't be tolerant of that lifestyle.

ok rant off. time to sleep.

Sep 18, 2011, 8:41 PM
Luff Amsterdam.. nice free an easy place. gr8 clubs an bars an caffs.. gud shoppin.. triff art galleries.. canals r brill 2.. have sed b4 but wos 1ce propositioned an offered bout 500 quid 2 do a naughty vid.. daft bugga.. askin me wen me m8s wer ther.. lotsa piss takin an gr8 laffs.. poor sod..:tong:

NOT as triff as Paris tho.. but nower is.. but is def worth a visit.. an gr8 fun is 2 b had..