View Full Version : Another weather posting--best wishes to our members who live in such places

Sep 8, 2011, 6:36 PM
Here in the US--we have a drought of historic proportions going in Texas and adjacent areas with massive wildfires---people are dying there and losing their homes, farms, businesses and communities.

In some parts of the country--they are still rebuilding from a record outburst of tornadoes a few months ago that killed nearly 400 people and wiped out entire towns.

Now we have massive flooding in the interior portions of the northeastern US.

I am sure there are all sorts of similar sorts of things going on in other countries where our members live.

Let us offer our best wishes, prayers or whatever that those from here--and their family and friends do not suffer death, loss of homes and such

I guess the old ad for margarine was right: "its not wise to fool mother nature!!!"

It almost does seem that mother nature or planet Earth is trying to give us a good kick in the ass with all the crazy weather all over the place.

If you live in one of the disaster zones--I hope you and yours are well.

Sep 8, 2011, 10:15 PM
iv been putting together and upgrading an emergency and survival kit for the past couple years. hurricane Irene passed my area but i didnt have much problem. PLENTY of water, food, clean dry clothes, flashlights and BATTERIES!, fire extiquisher, meds, first aid kits, even a portable generator and FUEL! are just a few of the items to have. you can customize you kits to suite your specific needs. oh PORTABLE RADIOS and BATTERIES! weather radios are good to. also a good idea to iventory and rotate items that have expiration date. know where every thing is so you wont have to hunt for it. and especialy!! TOILET PAPER!!!! dont depend on what you have in your bathroom, have some in your kit. CAN OPENERS, at least two that are manual. camp stoves and FUEL! are great to have. read, research, and be prepared. have enough of what you have for each individual in your family or group. dont underestimate what you may need, it can be the difference of having at least some degree of comfort or being miserable.

Sep 8, 2011, 10:36 PM
It sucks, the worst part is that we are getting rain where we can use it but don't need it desperately and it's missing Texas and the southwest in extreme drought conditions. I have a friend in Texas who is actually praying a hurricane hits them instead of blowing close enough by to make more wind gusts like Tropical Storm Lee did. Now Lee is making it like autumn here, we actually had a 45 degree swing between one day and the next with a temp of 103 and then down to 58. Isn't gonna get any better for us here in the Ohio River Valley, Lee is gonna retrograde and head out to St. Louis then possibly come back again. Happy Happy Joy Joy. In the meantime the rain is not rain, it's FUCKING DRIZZLE. Just drizzle...all day...all night. Enough to keep it looking wet without things being really wet.

But all we can do is grin and bear it and wait for another NASA mission, we always have some wicked weather swings after a launch.

Sep 8, 2011, 10:37 PM
i hope more people add to this thread. i know i havnt covered every thing. stay away from down power lines. know evacuation routes. dont mess around with flowing water. water is heavy and can move with tremendous force.