View Full Version : Help with wedding vows

Sep 5, 2011, 9:01 PM
We're renewing our wedding vows at the end of this month and I have been trying to come up with ideas that would tell my hubby how much i love him but not have any religious wording, and kinda fit with our bi lifestyle without openly saying so. We're starting a new chapter in our lives and this is part of that to give you a bit of back history.

Suggestions would be welcomed


Sep 5, 2011, 10:01 PM
We're renewing our wedding vows at the end of this month and I have been trying to come up with ideas that would tell my hubby how much i love him but not have any religious wording, and kinda fit with our bi lifestyle without openly saying so. We're starting a new chapter in our lives and this is part of that to give you a bit of back history.

Suggestions would be welcomed


Here is an excerpt from a wedding ceremony I performed not long ago. It may contain the words and/or sentiment you wish to express.

[Name Husband or Wife], please repeat after me:
[Name of Wife or Husband], we entered into each others’ lives
and experienced love and happiness.
I find joy in the fact that we compliment each other
and that we are complete individuals in and of ourselves.
Today I am confirming my promise
for all of my life to love and respect you,
to be faithful and honest with you,
to give you encouragement, strength and trust,
to join with you in seeking the best of life’s experiences
and to enjoy with you all that life offers, 

to stand together in our times of joy and of sorrow. 

I pray that our home will be one
of love and understanding and patience ... 

not to remain the same,
but to grow better and stronger with the passing of time, 

through the love we have for one another. 

I am promising from this day forward that I will be your [husband or wife],
to walk with you throughout all your tomorrows. 

I love you.

Hope you find this helpful,


Sep 6, 2011, 4:23 AM
It doesn't have to be something that would win a literature prize.

Just write down why you want to be with him.

That's why you're marrying him.

Something that is genuinely from the heart is so much more than a beautifully constructed, artificial sounding passage.

Sep 6, 2011, 10:41 AM
You both are so lucky to have each other!

I know.................for the first time in my life I am loved the way I've always wanted to be. My GF feels the same...what a magnificent thing!

The piece Bity posted was well-done and should give you some good ideas.

Renewing your vows is an excellent way to affirm your love.

Sep 6, 2011, 10:47 AM
Kate and my wedding vow to each other:)

I, Frances/Katherine take you Katherine/Frances as my world
To care for and love throughout our lives
To be as one, a marriage of two free spirits
Never to injure or cause pain
Always to share our fears
and our joys
To love and to hold dear
To you Katherine/Frances
I give my heart and my life

Sep 7, 2011, 1:09 AM
Thanks everyone for sharing those words and giving me some ideas, I will post the words I choose once I figure them out.