View Full Version : hermaphrodites

Sep 4, 2011, 11:43 PM
one of my best fantasies is to be with a hermphrodite, cute predominately female with nice 35 c cup tits, a six inch not to thick cock, and a hot pussy. i saw some videos (years ago) one with a sexy hermaphrodite and a guy, and another with two girls. one video was called Bi and Beyond, i cant remember the title of the other. having a cock and a pussy, hot wild stuff!

Long Duck Dong
Sep 5, 2011, 12:39 AM
bi and beyond 3 : switch hitters

most hermaphrodites are now referred to intersex, which can be a bit confusing as not all intersex people are born with both genitalia fully developed, some are born with internal genitalia

however, there are people in the world like you envision.... that are born with both fully developed and functioning genitalia that do share the same interests as you... finding them is the hard part.......

Sep 5, 2011, 10:04 AM
thank Long Duck Dong. i will look for it and see if i can find it on DVD.

Sep 5, 2011, 12:32 PM
One of the female members here, had her first sexual experience with a hermaphrodite. Maybe she will reveal herself to you and discuss her experience.

When I posted about knowing a fellow who was married to one, she contacted me privately. She didn't want to begin a controversy, or have to explain her relationship ad infinitum.

These can be extremely interesting humans..........but I assume they are also rare anomalies.

Sep 5, 2011, 1:19 PM
I find hermaphrodites extremely appealing, special types of human beings that I very much admire. Hope one day to find one and become friends.

Sep 5, 2011, 5:07 PM
they are unique. if you ever can find an old issue of Hustlet magazine that had a pictorial with a hermaphrodite im sure you would enjoy it. its been so long ago and i have no idea what issue it was. the story title was Boston Bat Wanger, or some thing very close to that. she was absolutely adorable. perhaps contacting Hustler and inquiring about it they should have some record of it but it would probably be very difficult finding a back issue. hmm i think i might do that, id realy like to see it again. iv read about intersex. its quite interesting. there are a lot of diversified issues with intersex. many cases of not so good experiences for people born with hard to identify genitals, and a lot of parents and doctors that were perplexed with what to do. fortunatly there is more understanding of it now, and support groups that are intersex specific. its an issue that is not dissimilar to circumcision, which is now a major concern for many. btw, there is a website called foreskin- restoration. its actualy doable. one doesnt finaly result in having a foreskin like an intact foreskin, but its very close to it. i have started myself and i am having very positive results. it does take many many months, years actualy. surely its not for every one but any one interestedcanvisit the website foreskin-restoration or websites that offer restoration devices for more information.

Sep 7, 2011, 2:46 PM
Well this wasnt something I was going to divulge, but oh well..:}

I was 12 when I lost my virginity, and my innocence...but not in a good way. I was raped and nearly died from the wounds and trauma to my young body. But it made me grow up in a hurry, and made me much wiser than my years should have been.

My first sexual encounter would come at 14 when the hormones finally kicked in. I met a young girl at my Jr High school who was a fully functional Hermaphroditeand I found out about her atributes quite by accident. She was afraid for others to know about her, because even her own parents made her feel like a Freak, because she was born this way. She was beautiful; long red hair, pale green eyes and had a vulnerablity to her that I loved. Painfully shy because of her poor family, and was horrified that other girls would find out about her, and cause even more shame to her family. Her Mother was an iceberg personified towards Virginia and I think she was releaved to have her daughter find a friend to keep out of her hair..Religious zealot Bitch......

We became friends, and after a while, as young girls do we got to talking about sex. I found out that she had a large cock that would indeed get hard and yes...was delightfully functional. She also had a very tiny tight pussy. She and I became lovers for the year and a half that she lived in my city. We experimented in every sexual way that there was, and had a great time together. We were "Safe" for each other. She could not cause pregnancy because most Herms are sterile, and I was told I couldnt get pregnant. We experimented, and pleasured each other every chance that we got. I could have truly fallen in love with that girl....but the times were such that girl-girl relationships were unheard of. People just thought that we were great friends..no one ever knew that we were fucking every chance we got...lol

She and her family moved, and I didnt see her again util many years later. When we met again, it was like an electric charge and if the conditions had been right, I Know we would have wound up in bed fucking like rabbits...lol

If I get the chance to see her next summer, I'm going to pounce on the girl in a heartbeat..lol
Grinning Cat

R. R. Wayne
Sep 7, 2011, 3:41 PM
Cherokee Mountaincat,

Thank you for an interesting and honest post. Had I been presented with the same circumstances from a guy as a young man, I would have done exactly as you did. What a wonderful experience to have.

Let's hope that she found someone who is loving and understnding and able to give and receive sex from one of God's unique beings.

Sep 7, 2011, 11:19 PM
I think this is a common fantasy. Kind of a "having the best of both worlds" kind of thing. And while it would be nice to have the best of both, I have often thought about these people and felt it was so terrible for the shame they must have to endure. They are people with feelings who want to be loved and appreciated for who they are just as everyone else does. This type of special physical trait is no different for any other physical anomoly. It is often treated differently because it is sexual. But is it really any different from breast size, penis shape/size, etc? Height, head size, ear shape or eye color for that matter?

I am not sure how common this condition is among people these days with the medical community wanting to "solve" what is socially perceived as "unacceptable", especially at birth.

Personally I think it would be special indeed to choose to love someone in this situation. To be able to see and accept them for who they are, to love them as we would anyone else. To relate to them and make love to them as a man or a woman as the desire developed between you both.

So I suppose it would be a fantasy for me as well. Hopefully on a far deeper basis than sex alone.

Just saying

Sep 8, 2011, 1:16 AM
Ahhhh, Hermaphrodites one of the rare species on the planet that you can genuinely tell them to go fuck themselves. :upside:

Cheers Chook :bigrin: