View Full Version : Halitosis...

Sep 4, 2011, 12:11 AM
How would you tell someone close to you that they have horrible breath without hurting their feelings? :eek:

Sep 4, 2011, 12:25 AM
Sorry hon, I don't think that's one of those things you can do so tactfully that you won't hurt their feelings at least a bit. Is there any chance it's due to a health issue rather than just bad hygiene?

Sep 4, 2011, 4:43 AM
There isn't any easy way. They should be grateful that their health and well being is being taken an interest in.

If it is not tooth decay - rotten tooth (caries - go to a dentist), then it could be food stuck in a gap, it could be hard deposits in the gaps or borders (tartar - descale at the dentists if necessary, floss regularly and use an ultrasonic toothbrush).

It could be that sinuses are blocked and that the airways are congested / under attack from phlegm (tiredness, smoking, snorting diesel fumes, city grime, building dust) and trapped food e.g. in the nasal cavity (hence the washing out of the buccal and nasal cavities in Islamic rituals). Try eye drops, nasal irrigation with purpose made products e.g. SteriMar.

It could be a throat infecton causing inflamation and food trappng in the area. Try gargalling.

Sep 4, 2011, 6:31 AM
There isn't any easy way. They should be grateful that their health and well being is being taken an interest in.

If it is not tooth decay - rotten tooth (caries - go to a dentist), then it could be food stuck in a gap, it could be hard deposits in the gaps or borders (tartar - descale at the dentists if necessary, floss regularly and use an ultrasonic toothbrush).

It could be that sinuses are blocked and that the airways are congested / under attack from phlegm (tiredness, smoking, snorting diesel fumes, city grime, building dust) and trapped food e.g. in the nasal cavity (hence the washing out of the buccal and nasal cavities in Islamic rituals). Try eye drops, nasal irrigation with purpose made products e.g. SteriMar.

It could be a throat infecton causing inflamation and food trappng in the area. Try gargalling.

No excuses u!! Sometimes there are reason wy peeps hav the dreaded hali.. but as often as not.. they dont clean eitha ther teeth or ther tongue!! Nowt worse than seeing nice cutie who open's 'er gob 2 great iff an gungie unpink tongue.. guys tend 2 b worse... not all.. not even most.. but some have gobs like sewers..

..no easy way.. ya iggie it, make a voluntary or involuntary face an hope for the best or speak nicely an ask 'em 2 do summat bout it..

Sep 4, 2011, 8:01 AM
This is the main reason why I much prefer kissing, necking and mouthing other body parts to deep passionate French kissing.

Sep 4, 2011, 8:21 AM
It's like a bandaid (is that what u call them in the US?). You just gotta rip it off fast, it will hurt at first then you'll get over it.
A friend of mine told me about a first date with a girl. He really like her but he described her breath like 'smelling decaying dead animal'. He though to himself that she was too good a person to not see again because of bad breath so he told her outright. She went to the dentist and found she had a rotting tooth. Tooth ripped out, bad breath fixed, relationship happy and healthy.
Give it a go. I would like to be told (as mortified as I would be at first!)

Sep 4, 2011, 8:34 AM
First you say " You want a mint ?" . If they say " No thanks ". Then you say " Let me rephrase that . You want a mint ! "

Sep 4, 2011, 6:04 PM
You could take a mint or stick of gum for yourself and offer a piece to your partner, that works without even mentioning the bad breath. If you plan on something sexual or just making out, say over the phone or internet, you could tell your partner that you'd like to shower and brush your teeth before meeting so you're fresh, chances are they will want to do the same thing.

Sep 4, 2011, 6:24 PM
There's no real gentle way to bring it to them. Its not an easy pill to swallow, But its also one of those life things, Where only our dearest loved ones or closest friends will tell us. Cause other people can just leave and walk away and never have a second thought.

Halitosis, is a symptom and not a disease in itself. So its important to let someone we care about know, especially if its something that they suffer with chronically. Some halitosis is based on oral health, but a majority of it is also due to stomach issues that have life long consequences if not dealt with promptly.

So maybe you can kindly say "Please don't find this offensive, but I worry for you and I know that this can end up either being nothing serious, or something very serious. You have halitosis, which isn't your fault, but something that you should seek help for. I care for you and don't want to see you in the end suffering, for something that is treatable".

Their dentist or their GP should be able to find a solution. With either more frequent dental check ups or medicines to treat acid reflux or related issues.

Acid reflux is nothing to toy with and can end up being more than just "Heartburn". Over time it can force your esophagus to change its environment and tissue composition to that of the lining of the stomach and make acid more prominent. Also increasing someone's risk for esophageal cancer/throat cancer.

Its one of those issues, its better to be safe than sorry.

Sep 4, 2011, 8:35 PM
No excuses u!! Sometimes there are reason wy peeps hav the dreaded hali.. but as often as not.. they dont clean eitha ther teeth or ther tongue!! Nowt worse than seeing nice cutie who open's 'er gob 2 great iff an gungie unpink tongue.. guys tend 2 b worse... not all.. not even most.. but some have gobs like sewers..

..no easy way.. ya iggie it, make a voluntary or involuntary face an hope for the best or speak nicely an ask 'em 2 do summat bout it..

Stewart Granger was being interviewed on TV and without a moments hesitation told of the most beautiful actresses that he dreaded kissing on stage as they had breath that could take the paint off cars.

Sep 4, 2011, 10:57 PM
Man, you guys are all great! I'll proceed compassionately.

Sep 5, 2011, 1:53 AM
Man, you guys are all great! I'll proceed compassionately.

you don't make it their problem you make it your problem e.g. say "i only like kissing people who have just brushed their teeth. It's a weird thing I've had ever since i was a young man. I find it turns me on even more."
so you're not saying that they have bad breath, but you are ensuring that they have minty fresh breath without appearing unreasonable.
this only wouldn't work if their breath was so bad that brushing made no difference, in which case you have to consider which u prefer a) a 20min toe curling, embarrassing conversation (and they'll be more embarrassed than you) or b) a growing sense of revolution when they even enter the room.

Sometimes though i find if you know a bad smell well, you can tune it out.
for example.
cat food makes me sick (i know i should stop eating it), but i have to have it smelling the place up cos of my little kitties. now after 10 years, I can tune it out, but if im in the flat and someone else feeds them and I don't know about it, the smell hits me sideways like crap in the sun.

ultimately think of it like this. the only reason he's got bad breath is because you haven't told him he's got bad breath. It's your own fault so fix it.
but do it with pride and clarity, a certain amount of campness "Darling what the fuck have you been eating? your breath stinks today" slap your thigh, laugh deeply, hand him some gum and then give him the best blowjob of his life. it's called positive mental association.

be warned, sometimes excessive drug abuse can result in bad breath. For me personally though, it can be easily solved with gum so it's a side effect I'm willing to put up with. ;)


Sep 5, 2011, 5:58 AM
It isn't nice to be so rude to people about their halitosis, but occasionally we have to say something and by being as tactful and sensitive as we can.

I know it isn't always easy being sensitive especially with those who do little or nothing about it. In the days when I was single, I just used to decline a dance, hug or kiss by boy or girl because of their bad breath and would never take things any further. This I felt was the right thing to do.

Sometimes it isn't their fault and is nothing to do with oral hygeine. I eat a lot of garlic in my food and can't smell garlic on the breath of others. I am passionate about oral hygeine but garlic is something which is very difficult to remove from the breath and in fact it's scent oozes out of every pore in our body. Some have turned away from me because of my breath and even made quite insensitive remarks for the very simple reason that they have little or no garlic in their diet. It hurts me deeply and we should never blatantly inflict hurt on anyone.

What I find as good as mint or gum to disguise the smell of garlic, is chocolate. Unfortunately it doesn't have a long lasting effect but I happen to like chocolate:). Another thing is fish and chips with plenty of vinegar but chocolate for preference. Its quicker, tastier and cheaper and easier to keep in a handbag.:tong:

Sep 5, 2011, 8:10 AM
Ze German lady (of the couple) she wished to move to ze 'Du' form of address (same as vous to tu in French) denoting an increasing comfortable familiarity. In the pursuance of this there was much wine and hanging around my neck in overt intimacy. She was lovely and her husband was dishy too but I was fit for nothing after 4 hours of anoxia brought on by cheap alcohol fumes and intense garlic breath. Fond memories of Vienna.

Sep 7, 2011, 1:42 AM
There once was a Tibetan Monk who spent his life wandering from village to village. He walked bare foot every where he went and his feet soon became heavily calloused. Due to poor nutrition he grew frail with age and developed chronic tooth decay. One could say; He was a supper calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis!

Sep 7, 2011, 3:30 AM
There once was a Tibetan Monk who spent his life wandering from village to village. He walked bare foot every where he went and his feet soon became heavily calloused. Due to poor nutrition he grew frail with age and developed chronic tooth decay. One could say; He was a supper calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis!

Wenyas lil ole man ya expect bits not 2 b in prime condition.. an ver much doubt the cheeky lil monkie wos goin round snoggin peeps.. at his age more likely 2 b the sound of boozin rathan than owt else..:tong:

Sep 7, 2011, 5:10 AM
There once was a Tibetan Monk who spent his life wandering from village to village. He walked bare foot every where he went and his feet soon became heavily calloused. Due to poor nutrition he grew frail with age and developed chronic tooth decay. One could say; He was a supper calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis!

Ha! ha!

PS - asume the word 'super' was intended

Sep 7, 2011, 8:31 PM
Ze German lady (of the couple) she wished to move to ze 'Du' form of address (same as vous to tu in French) denoting an increasing comfortable familiarity. In the pursuance of this there was much wine and hanging around my neck in overt intimacy. She was lovely and her husband was dishy too but I was fit for nothing after 4 hours of anoxia brought on by cheap alcohol fumes and intense garlic breath. Fond memories of Vienna.


Should that be Austrian lady? :bigrin:

Sep 8, 2011, 4:29 AM

Should that be Austrian lady? :bigrin:

No. Visiting German couple.

As an interesting aside, I have met more German ladies called Ingrid than from the Scandanavian countries combined.


Sep 8, 2011, 7:08 AM
No. Visiting German couple.

As an interesting aside, I have met more German ladies called Ingrid than from the Scandanavian countries combined.


Have met more Scottish girls called Ingrid than from all the world combined for that matta Heph.. tee hee. Even just from this lil town.. 2 to be precise... have nev met a girl from ne wer outside of scotland called Ingrid.. an have nev slept wiv 1 eitha... an Naggy wont let me correct that oversight... sighhhh...:(

Sep 8, 2011, 8:49 AM
Ingrid??? Copenhaven and Malmo is loaded with em!!!!! tourists, not paying attention again, get off of those stupid bus' :rolleyes::cool::tong::):)

Sep 8, 2011, 5:15 PM
Ingrid??? Copenhaven and Malmo is loaded with em!!!!! tourists, not paying attention again, get off of those stupid bus' :rolleyes::cool::tong::):)

They're probably German tourists

drugstore cowboy
Sep 8, 2011, 5:17 PM
Man, you guys are all great! I'll proceed compassionately.

Buy them some mouthwash, toothpaste, and a toothbrush and tell them to use them daily.

Sep 8, 2011, 10:06 PM
Problem solved. I just sat her down, told her that I loved her more than she'll ever know, and said that after much consideration, I had something very important to tell her. Her eyes were wide with fear !! I paused (for dramatic effect), took a deep breath, and just spit it out. She tried to slug me, then burst out laughing and called me some bad names. Her only question? "Why didn't you tell me sooner, asshole?!

Ahhh, ain't she sweet? :)

Sep 8, 2011, 10:37 PM
LMAO Mikey, glad it was solved. Enjoy the freshness and invest in Wrigley's.