View Full Version : Disagreements

Aug 29, 2011, 8:38 AM
Ok. I know I am going to get flamed for this and I can generally guess who will be flaming me. But "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."
One of the reasons I left several years ago was that I was sick and tired of seeing personal, flaming attacks on people. Now, this is a fairly large site and there will be the occasional troll. But these were regulars.
Upon returning, it is not fun to see that not much has changed.
May I suggest that if we disagree with something that someone says, we attack the argument, instead of the person. And if you want to get personal, you do it in Private Message.
Further, if you disagree with someone, don't keep harping on the same person. We get it after the first or second response. If you truly disagree with that person on everything they post, just don't go to threads where they post. No one wants to read your little rants and insults back and forth.
Ok. Off my soap box now.

Aug 29, 2011, 9:20 AM
Unfortunately this is the nature of most forums. Actually I have found that this site is a little better than other forums I have posted in.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 29, 2011, 9:24 AM
sends falcon a PM, ya soapbox, is too high and the wrong color and too much wood and the wrong sort of wood, and its not eco friendly and ...... oh... you are standing on a haybale..... oh.... shit...... :tong::tong::tong:

seriously tho... its good to see you back and hope ya post more, you had some very interesting points of view that I enjoyed reading....

and the thing about disagreements, its covered under rule 2
Be polite - flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.

Aug 29, 2011, 9:52 AM
sends falcon a PM, ya soapbox, is too high and the wrong color and too much wood and the wrong sort of wood, and its not eco friendly and ...... oh... you are standing on a haybale..... oh.... shit...... :tong::tong::tong:

seriously tho... its good to see you back and hope ya post more, you had some very interesting points of view that I enjoyed reading....

and the thing about disagreements, its covered under rule 2
Be polite - flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.

Thanks LDD. I always enjoyed reading your posts too. If it is there in the rules then why don't people follow the rules and why doesn't Drew enforce them?

Aug 29, 2011, 11:19 AM
Thanks LDD. I always enjoyed reading your posts too. If it is there in the rules then why don't people follow the rules and why doesn't Drew enforce them?

You should see what is allowed to continue in some forums. I find the worst are the religious sites especially the more "traditionalist" ones. As long as it fits one side of the argument (the traditional) you can say whatever you want, but if you are the other side (like me) you get in trouble with moderators for everything and get your words twisted and accused of saying things you did not say in some cases.

Aug 29, 2011, 11:33 AM
Well, rule #2 most-definitely has NOT been followed.

I have no problem whatsoever with someone disagreeing with me. I'm an adult, and that's what healthy discussions are all about. I always play devil's advocate and will see valid points to every side of a story or opinion before deciding where I stand. That's me speaking for me. As adults, name-calling and personal insults are immature and unacceptable.

LDD, I feel for you, and I admire your thick skin and intellect. I've rolled my eyes so many times at the ideas people have about your sexuality that it's amazing I can still see. It appears that, no matter how many resources are out there, people will still refuse to accept asexual-bisexual, or anything that's different from their own experiences. The irony would be laughable, if it wasn't so sad. We all fight against the ignorant and intolerant way people view bisexuals, yet some of us choose to be just as ignorant and intolerant to those who they a)don't understand (and refuse to learn) or b)simply don't like because they are different from them.

"Oh, you're bisexual, but you're not the same kind of bisexual as me? In that case, I'm going to tear you apart."
But of course! That makes perfect sense!... :rolleyes:

There has been a lot of judgement in these forums simply for different people having different opinions and different lifestyles. It's ridiculous. Last I checked, this is 2011, and we aren't 8 years old on some schoolyard somewhere, picking on one another for our clothes or hair. We are adults and this is real life. The mindless attacks are not only obnoxious, but useless. They aren't effective, they're just annoying. What exactly are they achieving by harassing someone? Where does it get these bullies when all is said and done? I'd like to know, because I surely don't understand the reason behind the undesirable actions.

Simply put, if I want drama, I'll watch a movie. At least in a movie, you get to watch in pleasure as the villian gets his just desserts.

All this being said, my advice is that we don't get too discouraged. There are many kind-hearted, wonderful people here! I was about to give up, too. I don't like arguing with others because I lose sight of the important issues and the real reason I'm here. I was becoming exhausted with politely sharing my my opinions, just to have people tear me a new one for being me. I was encouraged by one friend in particular, but also by many others, who have personally praised my writing and complimented my character. I don't claim to be better than anyone. I simply have good intentions, enjoy a sense of community and comradery, and don't have any tolerance for rude or heartless behavior.

Also, upon talking with other members, I've come to realize that there are only a select few "offenders". It tends to be the same people showing a pattern of rude behavior from post to post. This tells me that, instead of getting worked up, we need to just ignore them. In my opinion, if someone is going to try to tear me down and act like they know me when they obviously don't, then I'm not going to waste my time explaining myself. They don't deserve to know the real me. I've been cutting destructive people out of my life, why should it be any different here? Like I said, there are only a few of these people. There is a much larger number of great people here. There are a few bad apples in every social circle, everywhere around the world. They can't be avoided. Some people have something that's happening, or has happened, in their lives that makes them miserable, and they choose to put that energy into trying to make others feel like garbage. Just don't give them that pleasure.

We can't successfully fight discrimination by discriminating.
We can't successfully fight against judgement by judging.
We can't achieve tolerance while being intolerant.

Welcome back, falcondfw, and thank you for posting this thread! I hope you will stay and continue to be active in the forums! :)

Aug 29, 2011, 11:58 AM
We can't successfully fight discrimination by discriminating.
We can't successfully fight against judgement by judging.
We can't achieve tolerance while being intolerant.

But we can and do all of these things and it is right that we should... we discriminate against those who would do us down by fighting them and their prejudice, we judge them as in error, and we do not tolerate their intolerance... I know what you are saying, but in respect of each of those words there is a positive way to discriminate, to judge and to lack tolerance and that is part of the reason we have made progress to where we are regarding lgbt rights now. We do these things based on the arguments not on what a person is or believes, and that is what makes us different from them... or at least most of us...

The other reason is that we argue and debate among ourselves, and even bicker... that's how human society has evolved to where it is and is why we are on the cusp of achieving, at least in the west, proper equality for people like us. So I enjoy argument, even the less than pleasant ones which we sometimes have on site. Its a bit like the real world. The cyber world isn't that different and that in my view is a good thing... that is how we move on...

An' Falcie?? I knew it was you.. just been waiting forya 2 tell me.. wb me luffly..

Aug 29, 2011, 12:25 PM
But we can and do all of these things and it is right that we should... we discriminate against those who would do us down by fighting them and their prejudice, we judge them as in error, and we do not tolerate their intolerance... I know what you are saying, but in respect of each of those words there is a positive way to discriminate, to judge and to lack tolerance and that is part of the reason we have made progress to where we are regarding lgbt rights now. We do these things based on the arguments not on what a person is or believes, and that is what makes us different from them... or at least most of us...

The other reason is that we argue and debate among ourselves, and even bicker... that's how human society has evolved to where it is and is why we are on the cusp of achieving, at least in the west, proper equality for people like us. So I enjoy argument, even the less than pleasant ones which we sometimes have on site. Its a bit like the real world. The cyber world isn't that different and that in my view is a good thing... that is how we move on...

An' Falcie?? I knew it was you.. just been waiting forya 2 tell me.. wb me luffly..

I am not saying we should never disagree. That would be living in a fantasy world. And I try not to live there (although sometimes it is a nice escape ...).
All I am saying is the nastiness and personal attacks need to chill or be taken to PM. I don't care if you (general you, not you personally Dark) call someone a green-faced, purple-fanged, two-timing, sloth-like googly moogly in PM, because I don't have to read it and I can actually concentrate on the substantive discussion at hand.

P.S. No offense was intended to green-faced, purple-fanged, two-timing sloth-like googly mooglies. Any resemblance to said creature is merely coincidental. End of legaleeze.

Aug 29, 2011, 12:53 PM
I know there is good discrimination. It's like saying "I hate hate", or like you said, "I don't tolerate intolerance". I was referring to the type of disgusting, uncalled-for discrimination. I thought that was clear based on the rest of the post, but perhaps I should've clarified. At least now, with all our posts combined, it should make perfect sense.

I am not against disagreements, as I said. Although, I prefer to discuss and debate rather than argue and bicker. There's a difference. There's debating because you're opinions are simply different (not necessarily better or worse) from someone else's, which is healthy... and then there's arguing just for the sake of argument. Debate moves forward. Bickering makes us run around in circles just to "prove" who's right and wrong. The thing about opinions is, no one is right or wrong.

Aug 29, 2011, 2:28 PM
I know there is good discrimination. It's like saying "I hate hate", or like you said, "I don't tolerate intolerance". I was referring to the type of disgusting, uncalled-for discrimination. I thought that was clear based on the rest of the post, but perhaps I should've clarified. At least now, with all our posts combined, it should make perfect sense.

I am not against disagreements, as I said. Although, I prefer to discuss and debate rather than argue and bicker. There's a difference. There's debating because you're opinions are simply different (not necessarily better or worse) from someone else's, which is healthy... and then there's arguing just for the sake of argument. Debate moves forward. Bickering makes us run around in circles just to "prove" who's right and wrong. The thing about opinions is, no one is right or wrong.

Things were clear to me.. but not to everyone.. sometimes words of one syllable are required and even then some just cant take it in..

.. a debate is just an argument.. a polite way of saying it sure, but an argument nonetheless. The thing which this site does not do is come to conclusions and decide which way to go forward.. it can't.. so it is a sounding board for those of us who have have an interest and a point of view to put forward.. and so discussion, debates, arguments call them what u will, can go on and on.. interminably sometimes.. Drew has sometimes shut down a thread especially when it gets too angry and bitter.. and a few times Ive done my nut because I thought he was wrong to do so.. and a few months later it has all blown up again.. but we contribute to the advancement of lgbt by debating and discussing because these arguments are held elsewhere and sometimes probably the views of a few of us do contribute in some small way when what we say eventually sinks in throughout the lgbt.. thats not an arrogance, simply a probability..

..you are right, in that no one is right or wrong.. they can't be because we do not reach conclusions..we argue, or at least most of us do, out of a sincere belief we have something to say and hope to persuade others that we are right and in some small way hope that our voice has added something to the struggle for sexual equality, or whatever other matter we discuss..

Aug 29, 2011, 3:11 PM
Things were clear to me.. but not to everyone.. sometimes words of one syllable are required and even then some just cant take it in..

.. a debate is just an argument.. a polite way of saying it sure, but an argument nonetheless. The thing which this site does not do is come to conclusions and decide which way to go forward.. it can't.. so it is a sounding board for those of us who have have an interest and a point of view to put forward.. and so discussion, debates, arguments call them what u will, can go on and on.. interminably sometimes.. Drew has sometimes shut down a thread especially when it gets too angry and bitter.. and a few times Ive done my nut because I thought he was wrong to do so.. and a few months later it has all blown up again.. but we contribute to the advancement of lgbt by debating and discussing because these arguments are held elsewhere and sometimes probably the views of a few of us do contribute in some small way when what we say eventually sinks in throughout the lgbt.. thats not an arrogance, simply a probability..

..you are right, in that no one is right or wrong.. they can't be because we do not reach conclusions..we argue, or at least most of us do, out of a sincere belief we have something to say and hope to persuade others that we are right and in some small way hope that our voice has added something to the struggle for sexual equality, or whatever other matter we discuss..

Like I said, I'm not against argument. I'm not going to argue about argument, either, lol! :tong: I agree, it helps, as long as we are arguing about a topic and not about who's the bigger ass. My issue is not with argument, it is with personal attacks, that's all.

If someone disagrees with my opinions, that's fine. I don't stick to my opinion just because I'm stubborn and want to "win" an argument. If someone can persuade me, I might change my mind. I believe everyone has the right to speak, and the right to be heard and considered. However, it's when someone insults someone else for something personal that has nothing to do with a topic, that is unacceptable.

Hell, look at how often I reply and participate here. I'm not argumentative, but I'm passionate. My thing is this. As adults, we should be able to disagree on some things, but agree on others. My best friend and I will get into a heated debate about something, but afterward, we're still best friends. I don't suddenly hate her or try to destroy her because we disagreed on one topic. We may agree on many others. I've seen some people get angry at a person once, and then decide to just keep finding ways to single them out, just because they have a grudge. It doesn't help any cause if it has nothing to do with one. Causing trouble for the sake of causing trouble doesn't do anything except annoy the living piss out of people to the point of not wanting to participate in anything that's going to help in our visibility, or any other cause.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm all for debates, but people need to realize that it's possible to disagree and argue with someone without insulting them as an individual. It's not only possible, it's favorable and more successful. People are more likely to listen to someone who states their opinion in a professional manner.

Aug 29, 2011, 3:19 PM
Yeah, I've been frustrated by this as well...

Aug 29, 2011, 5:14 PM
It is human nature to judge and have prejudice, we are creatures that make very good use of a neural network so we are typically programmed to CONSTANTLY judge, especially by a society that constantly bombards us with messages of valuing THINGS more. I find the Buddhist practice of NOT judging but just experiencing a very interesting idea but I haven't seriously tried it yet.

The difference in good or bad is whether you judge something based on IRRATIONAL criteria or not. To judge a person by the color of their skin without getting to know them personally - to say that someone is less human for choosing to love someone of the same gender - that is the type of judging that leads us away from helpful experience and possibly tolerance.

I happen to actually agree with one point some of the fundamentalist folk make when they say gay people are motivated by some trauma in their past. The reason I agree with them is because every single gay person I've really gotten to know personally has experienced some form of trauma in their life related to intimacy - myself included.

However, I do not follow their line of reasoning that you can just "repair" that person as simple as putting in a new light bulb and flipping a switch; and I certainly do not think there's anything WRONG with loving men OR women. How can I tell you if something as fundamental to the core of our being as LOVE is right or wrong? Sometimes people base those judgments on past experience, but how can a straight person with no feelings of same-sex attraction make that judgment for another person? They really can't as far as I'm concerned. It's like telling a wall not to stand up.

Every once in a while I meet someone who shares a story about just knowing they were gay, lesbian, or bi and always being happy and secure with it. I think to myself, what a blessing - to have always been secure in your identity. I think like everything else in life we may be born to predisposition, but environment and life experience also play a role in developing who we are.

One thing is for sure, if nobody ever told me it was wrong I would've been a lot happier growing up.

I hated growing up in a house with argument because that usually lead to dishes flying past people's heads and such but I am actually glad that I have this community to bounce ideas off of... ADULT people can have a conversation with some disagreement and still not walk away in a big huff..

But we can and do all of these things and it is right that we should... we discriminate against those who would do us down by fighting them and their prejudice, we judge them as in error, and we do not tolerate their intolerance... I know what you are saying, but in respect of each of those words there is a positive way to discriminate, to judge and to lack tolerance and that is part of the reason we have made progress to where we are regarding lgbt rights now. We do these things based on the arguments not on what a person is or believes, and that is what makes us different from them... or at least most of us...

The other reason is that we argue and debate among ourselves, and even bicker... that's how human society has evolved to where it is and is why we are on the cusp of achieving, at least in the west, proper equality for people like us. So I enjoy argument, even the less than pleasant ones which we sometimes have on site. Its a bit like the real world. The cyber world isn't that different and that in my view is a good thing... that is how we move on...

An' Falcie?? I knew it was you.. just been waiting forya 2 tell me.. wb me luffly..

Aug 29, 2011, 5:33 PM
Ok. I know I am going to get flamed for this and I can generally guess who will be flaming me. But "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."
One of the reasons I left several years ago was that I was sick and tired of seeing personal, flaming attacks on people. Now, this is a fairly large site and there will be the occasional troll. But these were regulars.
Upon returning, it is not fun to see that not much has changed.
May I suggest that if we disagree with something that someone says, we attack the argument, instead of the person. And if you want to get personal, you do it in Private Message.
Further, if you disagree with someone, don't keep harping on the same person. We get it after the first or second response. If you truly disagree with that person on everything they post, just don't go to threads where they post. No one wants to read your little rants and insults back and forth.
Ok. Off my soap box now.



jk of course

Aug 29, 2011, 6:56 PM


'...It's like telling a wall not to stand up...'

I can only speak for myself of course, but personally I don't talk to the wall. We are not, as they say, on speaking terms, we are incommunicado. Which is a nice place to be, nice beaches, nice scenery...

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that even Sammie, much as she believes in free expression, does not talk to walls. Why would she need to, she has Fran to argue with?

So I think that in telling a wall to go to the corner and stand there and not say a word, that you are pretty much on your own kid. Likewise if you throw it a stick, it just does not seem to want to fetch it for you. Walls are like that, sullen, moody sometimes downright truculent. Even if you send them to their room, they still just stand there and do nothing.

Walls are walls, they are different to us, we just have to learn to accept them as such. :tong:

Aug 29, 2011, 7:29 PM
Oh Darkside.. <nuzzles> I'm a big fan of glass block myself..or maybe something with wrought iron and glass in it..oh wait, that's a ceiling..

Thank you for emphasizing my point, a straight person telling a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered person what they feel in their heart is wrong has just about the same effect as talking to a wall.

Sorry I said it in too many words.

..and to stay on topic, I dislike the constant PERSONAL disagreements as well - I would give each of these people a great big HUG if I knew they wouldn't punch me in the head for doing it.

Aug 29, 2011, 8:01 PM

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that even Sammie, much as she believes in free expression, does not talk to walls. Why would she need to, she has Fran to argue with?


Believe it or not Fran and I argue very little. Thats why we are friends. :)

I hate to ruin your illusions but I have several times had serious differences of opinion with walls. Once when I sat on top of a dry stone dyke and the top stones gave way. It got a serious telling off.

When little, I tried to jump the foot high wall around my parents garden and found it seemed to have grown to double that height. I still have the scar on my knee from that wall's selfishness. The rendering patch on the wall is still visible to this day where I kicked it in pained irritation as I gave it a piece of my mind.

Most recently, I tripped over my cousin's daughter's school bag and fell against the wall in their flat. The wall and I spent several minutes comforting each other as I calmed myself down, composed myself and chilled before I strangled the little *BEEEEEEP*. Both wall and I agreed leaving a schoolbag immediately outside a bedroom door was quite a silly thing to do.

Aug 29, 2011, 9:42 PM
Believe it or not Fran and I argue very little. Thats why we are friends. :)

I hate to ruin your illusions but I have several times had serious differences of opinion with walls. Once when I sat on top of a dry stone dyke and the top stones gave way. It got a serious telling off.

When little, I tried to jump the foot high wall around my parents garden and found it seemed to have grown to double that height. I still have the scar on my knee from that wall's selfishness. The rendering patch on the wall is still visible to this day where I kicked it in pained irritation as I gave it a piece of my mind.

Most recently, I tripped over my cousin's daughter's school bag and fell against the wall in their flat. The wall and I spent several minutes comforting each other as I calmed myself down, composed myself and chilled before I strangled the little *BEEEEEEP*. Both wall and I agreed leaving a schoolbag immediately outside a bedroom door was quite a silly thing to do.

This house was old enough so that the phone jack was still in the hallway. right between the bedroom and the bathroom.. one of the FIRST things I did when I moved in was rewire it.

Aug 29, 2011, 11:25 PM

Quote: 'This house was old enough so that the phone jack was still in the hallway. right between the bedroom and the bathroom.. one of the FIRST things I did when I moved in was rewire it.'


Taking liberties with the wall, huh? No wonder it isn't talking to you. :bigrin:

Aug 29, 2011, 11:29 PM
Believe it or not Fran and I argue very little. Thats why we are friends. :)

I hate to ruin your illusions but I have several times had serious differences of opinion with walls. Once when I sat on top of a dry stone dyke and the top stones gave way. It got a serious telling off.

When little, I tried to jump the foot high wall around my parents garden and found it seemed to have grown to double that height. I still have the scar on my knee from that wall's selfishness. The rendering patch on the wall is still visible to this day where I kicked it in pained irritation as I gave it a piece of my mind.

Most recently, I tripped over my cousin's daughter's school bag and fell against the wall in their flat. The wall and I spent several minutes comforting each other as I calmed myself down, composed myself and chilled before I strangled the little *BEEEEEEP*. Both wall and I agreed leaving a schoolbag immediately outside a bedroom door was quite a silly thing to do.


Ah! You're all as mad as a box of snakes over there. If it wasn't for our Irish Missionary work among you, God only knows what sort of state you'd be in.


Long Duck Dong
Aug 30, 2011, 12:19 AM
..and to stay on topic, I dislike the constant PERSONAL disagreements as well - I would give each of these people a great big HUG if I knew they wouldn't punch me in the head for doing it.

roflmao..... I would do worse, I would stick me tongue in ya ear and my cold hands on ya back lol

Aug 30, 2011, 1:19 AM
Is this the only profile that you have had on this site?

Did you have another profile on this site using a different version of the words "falcon"?

Aug 30, 2011, 2:23 AM
nope. this is the only one. can't remember when I signed up. 2006? 2007? something like that. why?

Aug 30, 2011, 6:15 AM
I agree in full with most of what you say. We do not need the name calling. It serves no purpose save use as verbal aggression. We also do not need trolls. Mature disagreement is fine without resorting to slinging fecal matter.

Think I am probably where you were, though. No longer enjoy visiting here due to sling fests and trolls. Add to that some generic reasons for lurk (http://www.mit.edu/~mbarker/fill980506/fill980309.txt)ing and you have rational for infrequent visits / posts. Besides life is too short not to live.

Aug 30, 2011, 7:56 AM
Most people are susceptible to occasional bursts of irritation and temper when they are liable to make personal remarks to other people. This is especially so when personal remarks are made to us of a particularly unpleasant nature, and more so if these remarks are considered by us as unjustified and unnecessary. Such remarks, if not excusable are understandable.

What people object to is not the occasional retort when we are goaded into reacting in a personal way, but the continual drip which in time often turns into torrents of ignorant personal abuse which emanates from the keyboards of certain individuals.

These comments are not always ill thought out as some may think, but deliberate incitements which sometimes many of us will be tempted to respond to in kind. Such remarks are unwarranted and unpleasant and do nothing to further debate, and potentially can have a ruinous effect on not only debate, but the reputation and standing of a community in the eyes of outsiders.

Some people wish this to occur because they do not have the best interests of the community at heart, some because they know no better, some are simply being vindictive and some because they crave the attention our responses can give to them, and if we respond in a personal manner, so much the better.

I understand the need for those of us who have been so slighted by remarks about ourselves which have hurt, and it is best to ignore such remarks and deny those who instigate reaction the attention they crave. But if we feel we must respond, it is so much better to respond thoughtfully with considered argument and not feed the baser instincts of those who are so destructive. It is they who look foolish and spiteful, and considered argument if we must respond is the best way to make them look even more so.

For those who continue with attacking the person, but who do have some genuinely good arguments to make, I say this; by attacking the person, any arguments you may make are damaged by your apparent spite and stupidity. Very few people will listen to anything you have to say and the merits of any arguments that you make will be lost.

Aug 30, 2011, 10:42 AM
Exactly. Well-said, Katja! :)

Aug 30, 2011, 10:56 AM
You should see what is allowed to continue in some forums. I find the worst are the religious sites especially the more "traditionalist" ones. As long as it fits one side of the argument (the traditional) you can say whatever you want, but if you are the other side (like me) you get in trouble with moderators for everything and get your words twisted and accused of saying things you did not say in some cases.

I belong to several Jewish forums, and even with vigilant monitoring, it is impossible to keep antisemitic posters off the forums.

Aug 30, 2011, 12:01 PM

Ah! You're all as mad as a box of snakes over there. If it wasn't for our Irish Missionary work among you, God only knows what sort of state you'd be in.


I used to go out with a very nice Irish boy from Co Wexford. We were both 17 and his stated ambition was to become a priest and a missionary. What he always had in mind regarding me wasn't the kind of work I expect of missionaries, so I'll treat that comment with the same good humour and wry smile I used to when he uttered such nonsense.

Aug 30, 2011, 1:36 PM
Believe it or not Fran and I argue very little. Thats why we are friends. :)

I hate to ruin your illusions but I have several times had serious differences of opinion with walls. Once when I sat on top of a dry stone dyke and the top stones gave way. It got a serious telling off.

When little, I tried to jump the foot high wall around my parents garden and found it seemed to have grown to double that height. I still have the scar on my knee from that wall's selfishness. The rendering patch on the wall is still visible to this day where I kicked it in pained irritation as I gave it a piece of my mind.

Most recently, I tripped over my cousin's daughter's school bag and fell against the wall in their flat. The wall and I spent several minutes comforting each other as I calmed myself down, composed myself and chilled before I strangled the little *BEEEEEEP*. Both wall and I agreed leaving a schoolbag immediately outside a bedroom door was quite a silly thing to do.

:) Sam knows bettern to argify wiv me 2 much... I get huffy an cry buckets an' lock mesel away for a few days cos I'm so sensitive an' take everythin' 2 heart...:tong:

..am seriously worried 'bout u girl.. this talkin 2 walls malarky will havta stop... peeps get wind thats wotyas like an they will begin 2 think me is as potty as u...;)

Aug 30, 2011, 3:25 PM
I'm so sensitive ...:tong:

:eek: Great big huge fib :bigrin:

Aug 30, 2011, 10:40 PM
nope. this is the only one. can't remember when I signed up. 2006? 2007? something like that. why?

It shows on your posts that that profile started in 2005. Just curious because some posters have stated that they wondered if it was you. (as if this was a new profile or something for you and you had another profile) I think that the site started in 2005.

Aug 30, 2011, 10:52 PM
I used to go out with a very nice Irish boy from Co Wexford. We were both 17 and his stated ambition was to become a priest and a missionary. What he always had in mind regarding me wasn't the kind of work I expect of missionaries, so I'll treat that comment with the same good humour and wry smile I used to when he uttered such nonsense.


You haven't heard of a hands on approach to work? :rolleyes:

Aug 30, 2011, 11:36 PM
Welcome back, Falcondfw and as for your post...I have learned there is no point in arguing with people who when shaved bald would have more hair than wits, ignore is a lovely tool :)

Aug 30, 2011, 11:58 PM
DD, that sense of humor is one of the reasons I am back. lol. Along with some friends i missed.

Aug 31, 2011, 12:01 AM
It shows on your posts that that profile started in 2005. Just curious because some posters have stated that they wondered if it was you. (as if this was a new profile or something for you and you had another profile) I think that the site started in 2005.

Yeah. I saw that after i made the response post.
It is the one and only me. If anybody has been making posts in my name, I'll ... I'll ... sick Void Dweller's Avatar on them!
Gee, does that make me an original? Do I get a prize? huh? huh? c'mon, what do i win? lol

Aug 31, 2011, 4:44 AM

You haven't heard of a hands on approach to work? :rolleyes:

lololol. He was certainly very hands on. It ended because of a disagreement over just how often and where the hands on approach was acceptable.

Btw, he never did become a priest or missionary. He is now a trained paramedic in the Newcastle area where his hands on approach is far more important if less fun than the one he used on me.

Aug 31, 2011, 5:57 AM
So instead of healing spirits he's healing bodies? That's a fair trade, especially if he likes to use his hands. ;)

Aug 31, 2011, 6:08 AM
So instead of healing spirits he's healing bodies? That's a fair trade, especially if he likes to use his hands. ;)

It is a fair trade, and he certainly likes to use his hands. He is absolutely brilliant at wood carving and I still have a carved squirrel he made for me out of an old piece of wood we found down by the River Till, but at no time do I remember him using his hands for any spiritual purposes, although at times you could say it was quite uplifting.:)