View Full Version : Underwear theif?

Aug 24, 2011, 12:38 PM
Well we have been living in this apartment complex for 7 months now and there is a universal laundry room. We have been noticing my husbands and my underwear starting to slowly disappear until we both had to buy more underwear. I am suspecting someone is stealing them because 1. I check the washer and dryer thoroughly when I am emptying them and 2. We both have had more then 10 pairs of underwear missing which has never been an issue before.

So do you guys think I am being paranoid (being from L.A. I live in a constant fear of people stealing my stuff), or do you think that I am right? Also I have heard of women's underwear being stolen, but not men's underwear. I am thinking about hand washing underwear from now on.

Also it has got me thinking about possibly selling my used underwear. I bet I could make a pretty penny doing that. How would I go about doing this? Any ideas? I know you can't sell them on Ebay or Amazon.

Aug 24, 2011, 1:04 PM
Have you tried Ebay?

Aug 24, 2011, 1:14 PM
As I said in my post, you cannot sell them on Ebay... you aren't allowed to sell used underwear.

Aug 24, 2011, 1:19 PM
I've heard some people who live in apartments mention how they've seen homeless people in laundry rooms. Not sure how they get in. In this economy, it could be anyone stealing them... might not just be a creepy pervert. Either way, it's really weird. Maybe just take a chair and a book or something and hang out in the laundry room until your laundry is done.

Aug 24, 2011, 1:23 PM
Well we have been living in this apartment complex for 7 months now and there is a universal laundry room. We have been noticing my husbands and my underwear starting to slowly disappear until we both had to buy more underwear. I am suspecting someone is stealing them because 1. I check the washer and dryer thoroughly when I am emptying them and 2. We both have had more then 10 pairs of underwear missing which has never been an issue before.

So do you guys think I am being paranoid (being from L.A. I live in a constant fear of people stealing my stuff), or do you think that I am right? Also I have heard of women's underwear being stolen, but not men's underwear. I am thinking about hand washing underwear from now on.

Also it has got me thinking about possibly selling my used underwear. I bet I could make a pretty penny doing that. How would I go about doing this? Any ideas? I know you can't sell them on Ebay or Amazon.


Sounds like your Kleptomaniac may also be Bisexual. lol As to selling used underwear, I've only witnessed this on porn sites. I can't say that it does anything for me, I prefer the person inside the underwear, but each to their own.

Why not stick a poster in the lobby advertising your old underwear free to a good home and see who replies. Or have a cross-dressing fetish party and see if you recognise any of your belongings on those that show up.

One way to ensure against it is to sit there in the laundry room with a good book whilst your laundry is drying. You could take a writing pad with you and catch up on correspondence, job applications etc.

It could be worse, they could return them the next time they needed washed. :eek:

If the block has a Supervisor you could try speaking to him/her to see if this problem has occurred previously, they might have had to speak to someone before about this problem. I would also suggest you check your mail box has not been tampered with or that anyone is observing you leaving the building, just as a precaution.

From your photograph you look fairly slim, if someone is taking your underwear to wear themselves that may narrow the list of suspects. You could also mention it to your neighbours to see if it is happening to them, or if your case is an isolated one. That way it gives you an idea if this is a Kleptomaniac or someone that has a personal interest in you and your boyfriend.

If the laundry room is in the basement or another isolated place in the building, you might think of doing your laundry with one of your neighbours, or your boyfriend. That way it gives you some company and makes it a little safer if someone does have an unwanted interest in you.

Aug 24, 2011, 1:44 PM
Well I am thinking of just washing them all by hand because I would rather not sit in the laundry room an hour and a half for all my laundry. I have other things I need to do. I have heard of people selling used underwear through craigslist, but I am not quite sure how that would work. I really don't want to ever see the people I am selling them to. I just want to send them the underwear in a package with no return address.

Aug 24, 2011, 1:57 PM
Well I am thinking of just washing them all by hand because I would rather not sit in the laundry room an hour and a half for all my laundry. I have other things I need to do. I have heard of people selling used underwear through craigslist, but I am not quite sure how that would work. I really don't want to ever see the people I am selling them to. I just want to send them the underwear in a package with no return address.


My apologies, I referred to your boyfriend when I should have said your husband.

If you don't wish to wait in the laundry room, set a timer to expire before the drying cycle is complete, that way you can collect them just before they finish drying.

Lastly, wouldn't you need to supply them your address for the cheques to be sent to? A paypal account or PO Box just for this purpose might be an expensive option for just the occasional sale. :)

Aug 24, 2011, 2:09 PM

My apologies, I referred to your boyfriend when I should have said your husband.

If you don't wish to wait in the laundry room, set a timer to expire before the drying cycle is complete, that way you can collect them just before they finish drying.

Lastly, wouldn't you need to supply them your address for the cheques to be sent to? A paypal account or PO Box just for this purpose might be an expensive option for just the occasional sale. :)
No worries, people call him my boyfriend all the time, but I think that is mostly because people think that we are teenagers. lol.

I do set timers, but still have had the problem of them disappearing. That is why I want to hand wash them.

I would not accept checks. I would prefer to do it through paypal, which really isn't that expensive ( I know because I used to have an online crafting store... the site was way more expensive then the paypal)... they just charge a little bit of the proceeds, which would just be change from each purpose and I would base my price considering the cost. I would NEVER have a return address... the last thing I need is to have a stalker or get fake checks or checks that bounce... way too much trouble for selling underwear.

Aug 24, 2011, 3:03 PM
I will suggest you to please keep track over your underwear one or two days.And wash these stuffs by your own hand.And there are no any sex tips related to underwear so that any one can take that and use that for his or her sexual pleasure.

Aug 24, 2011, 3:07 PM
This might be opening up a whole new can of worms. lol In the UK we have a Sale of Goods Act, that stipulates goods must comply with their description. If they don't, the buyer is entitled to reject the goods and ask for their money back. I might be wrong, but I would imagine you have a similar law where you live.

In order to have their money returned, they would need an address to return the goods.

So perhaps selling your underwear is not such a good idea after all, more trouble than it is worth. lol

Aug 24, 2011, 4:33 PM
Just a joke, but if I was to buy used underware, I would want to take then off the seller myself LOL :2cents: never know how much fun you might have

Aug 24, 2011, 8:52 PM
After the fire, I had a whole bunch of my Calvins stolen from the dry cleaners. That creeped me out.

Aug 24, 2011, 10:29 PM
Ah, yes - underwear thieves.... it seems like a good number of apartment complexes have at least one lurking around the building somewhere...

I've lived in two apartment complexes where there's been a thief - one of which got caught and had charges pressed against him. After he was caught, someone did some research on him, and it turned out that he was also a convicted sex offender (of which our lanldord never told anyone).

In other words - no, you are not at all being paranoid. There are some really shitty people in the world!
Oh, and with all of the underwear fetishists out there, you will be able to sell them off of any free site - especially craigslist I'm sure.

R. R. Wayne
Aug 25, 2011, 12:12 AM
My experience was different. Nothing stolen. Something added. Chicago apartment building. One washer and one dryer. Single gal used to fold my stuff so she could use dryer. One day she hid a pair of her panties in my tidy whitties. That evening she came to the door and said she thinks she "accidentally" put a pair of her in with mine.

Within an hour I had mine in hers. :tongue:

Aug 25, 2011, 7:08 AM
This might be opening up a whole new can of worms. lol In the UK we have a Sale of Goods Act, that stipulates goods must comply with their description. If they don't, the buyer is entitled to reject the goods and ask for their money back. I might be wrong, but I would imagine you have a similar law where you live.

In order to have their money returned, they would need an address to return the goods.

So perhaps selling your underwear is not such a good idea after all, more trouble than it is worth. lol

We don't have a law like that here. If I specify that all orders are final, then I do not have to have a return address.

Aug 25, 2011, 7:12 AM
Ah, yes - underwear thieves.... it seems like a good number of apartment complexes have at least one lurking around the building somewhere...

I've lived in two apartment complexes where there's been a thief - one of which got caught and had charges pressed against him. After he was caught, someone did some research on him, and it turned out that he was also a convicted sex offender (of which our lanldord never told anyone).

In other words - no, you are not at all being paranoid. There are some really shitty people in the world!
Oh, and with all of the underwear fetishists out there, you will be able to sell them off of any free site - especially craigslist I'm sure.
Ya our landlord mentioned nothing of the two convicted sex offenders in our building, but I found it out through the registry. I always check those things out. I use live in military housing and there were neighbors there who were convicted sex offenders... they are everywhere.

Aug 25, 2011, 10:19 AM
Damn, they didn't kick them out of the military?

I was in the service for 7 years and then worked for the Army for many years, I never heard of them allowing that kind of behavior!

I hope you know how to defend yourself!

Be careful, Girl!

Aug 25, 2011, 10:26 AM
Damn, they didn't kick them out of the military?

I was in the service for 7 years and then worked for the Army for many years, I never heard of them allowing that kind of behavior!

I hope you know how to defend yourself!

Be careful, Girl!

Hun they are everywhere, not just near me. You would be surprised what people get away with.You would be surprised to see the maps of where sex offenders are. People wonder why I don't go out alone unless it is in the day in very public areas, why I work out in my apartment instead of in the gym at our complex.

Aug 25, 2011, 10:42 AM
I have a dog who likes to raid the laundry basket, she especially likes underwear. It's not unusual for visitors to be greeted at the door with a pair of dirty underwear hanging from the mouth of a proud tail wagging dog.

Just thought I would add my underwear saga.

Aug 25, 2011, 12:06 PM

Cats will tell anyone who will listen, "Dogs are perverts!"

At least dogs love you...cats only tolerate you!

Aug 25, 2011, 2:19 PM
I have a dog who likes to raid the laundry basket, she especially likes underwear. It's not unusual for visitors to be greeted at the door with a pair of dirty underwear hanging from the mouth of a proud tail wagging dog.

Just thought I would add my underwear saga.

I use to have a dog who would do the same thing... he would also steal pads and tampons from the trash. eww....

Aug 25, 2011, 4:05 PM
Do what someone else suggested and stay in the laundry room and read a book or talk on the phone while your laundry is washing and drying.

Aug 25, 2011, 4:06 PM
I use to have a dog who would do the same thing... he would also steal pads and tampons from the trash. eww....

Growing up my friend's dog would do that with his mom and sister's pads and tampons and it would also drink from the toilet.

Aug 25, 2011, 5:21 PM
When I was about 11 or 12 we had a knicker nicker... the object of his desire was my sisters knicks and every week or two her knicker supply was reduced by a couple of pairs disappearing off the line. Always her best, so the knicker nicker had good taste if not good sense. Nicking knickers off a washing line in a walled back garden wasnt clever and he was going to get caught at some stage. Caught he did get... a 9 yo boy from down the road who has a thing about my big sister. She was appalled. She thought it was one of the local hunks and instead here was this little weed... I on the other hand laughed with glee at the standard of boys she was attracting... she was also dead miffed when she found out he didnt hold on to the knickers but was flogging them to the local lummoxes for a couple of quid a pair...

Realist is right.. dogs are pervs.. more than once my beloved Mist would nick my dirty knickers and shred them.. off my bedroom floor, out of the laundry basket, the utility room floor as they were about to be put in the machine..out of my hand... it wasnt until I left home I managed to go through knickers normally and put their disappearance down to normal wear and tear.

That very same mutt also used to love nothing better than barge into my bedroom as I was changing and stick her cold nose up my bare backside. Cold doggie noses and bare bums together are not nice:eek:... and if there was a pair of dirty knicks lying about.. well.. they disappeared and were shredded in a flash...:(

Aug 25, 2011, 7:58 PM
Secret camera saving onto high capacity photo card or wirelessly linked

Word of warning - you may not want your knickers back when you find out who it is and what they do.

Aug 25, 2011, 7:58 PM
he would also steal pads and tampons from the trash. eww....
That's one dog on the road to serial killer right there!:eek:
I'm so glad I was sitting down while reading that. I think my knees buckled.:eek:

Aug 26, 2011, 7:21 AM
Do what someone else suggested and stay in the laundry room and read a book or talk on the phone while your laundry is washing and drying.

I already explained I would rather not do that, because I have other things to do. Let me explain further. Laundry day is when I do a thorough cleaning of the house and between loads I am cleaning. Henceforth I will just be washing the undies by hand and not waiting an hour and a half in the laundry room reading while I need to be doing other things.

Aug 26, 2011, 7:23 AM
Secret camera saving onto high capacity photo card or wirelessly linked

Word of warning - you may not want your knickers back when you find out who it is and what they do.

If someone is stealing them, I wouldn't want them back anyways, but I would probably figure out who it is and make him give me money to replace the ones they stole because they are freaking expensive. lol. If only I had a secret camera and management would let me set it up in the laundry room.

Aug 26, 2011, 4:44 PM

'...That very same mutt also used to love nothing better than barge into my bedroom as I was changing and stick her cold nose up my bare backside. Cold doggie noses and bare bums together are not nice...'


This dog wasn't related to Elian by any chance? :tong: