View Full Version : First Time Trio

Aug 22, 2011, 6:54 AM
So, I recently came out to my wife as bisexual after waiting for far too long and I would like to share this aspect of my sexuality with her. And although I may be getting a bit ahead of my (our) self (ves), I would like to hear stories about the first time folks got together with a third in the bedroom (or living room floor, or kitchen table, or camper van, or ...) I'm curious really to learn about how to orchestrate an encounter and also I would like to know how things went. Spouses, sig oths, of the bi partner are more than welcome to respond as I would like to be respectful of my wife's emotions and volitions. Just describe, if you would, what that first encounter was like, how it came to be and what was going through your head. Besides sheer ecstacy of course ! :tongue: Thank you.

Aug 23, 2011, 6:27 AM
Wow ! 166 views already ! (But no replies)
please, don't be shy, can anyone help with some sage advice from wise experience ?


Aug 23, 2011, 7:12 AM
It's really about how much each of the people can open up their minds and just let go.

My first mfm threesome was with my wife and a guy she had been wanting to have sex with for a while. She started talking to him about sex, and had mentioned that I was bi. At some point in the conversation a threesome came up.

This guy is straight, but said he would try anything once. We got together one night late and started fooling around. Both the other guy and I focused on my wife, got her off time after time. At one point while I was going down on her he started rubbing on my shoulders while he was kissing her.

I had agreed not to start the contact between the other guy and myself, but once he started the contact I realized he was really getting into it.

Needless to say, once everyone just let go and was in the moment, we all enjoyed ourselves a great deal. So much so, that we are trying to work out our next encounter.

Start slow, by lightly talking about it. Make it all about her, and in the heat of the moment that line will blur and it will be all about each of you.

Don't push though. If she's into it, she will let you know. Then take your time, and find someone that respect boundaries. Set those boundaries a head of time and stick to them. Also consider how both of you are going to feel afterwards.

Good luck! :)

Aug 23, 2011, 7:24 AM
Wow ! Thanks BiGuy !! What great advice and what a HOT story... That's a great approach, to have her choose someone who she has been attracted to...
Yes, we are taking it slow, and it will be fantastic when we finally find the right man. Together.

Aug 23, 2011, 7:46 AM
I have enjoyed many threesomes, with my late wife, and since and also group scenes with both sexes.
I believe that it is important for all the people to be relaxed and comfortable both with themselves and their bodies, and being naked with each other.
It is of prime importance that the lady is made the centre of attention by the males as most are multiorgasmic, or soon find out they are!! the guys can have some fun after she has reached several peaks, never fails in my long experience.
Many ladies too are very turned on at seeing their partner making out with another guy.
My late wife for years loved using a vib on my ass which did prepare for my first anal receive which I now love- and my pelvic muscles have been commented on.
Talk through everything with her, discuss any boundaries, then have fun!

Aug 23, 2011, 8:14 AM
Thank you Nicco. Very inspiring and thoughtful contribution. And my condolences to you. Hope to make it to one of your parties some day !