View Full Version : What would you do with yourself?

Aug 17, 2011, 7:54 PM
Imagine that you're home alone, there's a knock at the door, you open the door to find another you standing there. He/she says that he/she is not allowed to explain how, but he/she has come back in time two weeks to visit you for 12 hours.

What would you do with yourself?

Aug 17, 2011, 8:27 PM
I'd get a pen&paper to jot down the Lotto numbers.:bigrin:

No I wouldn't fuck him! I'm not my type. But for the rest of the time, I'd prob make some fuckbuds very happy together.:rolleyes:

Aug 17, 2011, 8:29 PM
..wouldn't YOU like to know.. <wink wink>

..sorry I couldn't resist..I'm not THAT narcissistic.

Well, if my dreams are any indication I would just try to reassure myself that I am worthy and loved, and that what I do matters.

Aug 17, 2011, 9:35 PM
Ooh! I like this!!!

Man where do I start? I'd do everything to him that I want done to me but was too chicken to do with anyone else. Absolutely no inhibitions at all. :eek:

Long Duck Dong
Aug 17, 2011, 9:54 PM
I would thank them and ask them to leave...... as just the fact they turned up from 2 weeks in the future, tells me that I am still alive and thats all I would need to know

Aug 17, 2011, 11:42 PM
Imagine that you're home alone, there's a knock at the door, you open the door to find another you standing there. He/she says that he/she is not allowed to explain how, but he/she has come back in time two weeks to visit you for 12 hours.

What would you do with yourself?


I'd probably grab my chest and watch him fade away as I had my heart attack.


Finally follow the instructions I've occasionally been given, like "Go fuck yourself!"



Aug 18, 2011, 12:34 AM
I'd tell him to give me the lotto numbers from the week he came from.

Aug 18, 2011, 4:51 AM
God now that is a nice thought. But i think like Mikey 3000 i'd ask/tell him/me to do all the things i've always wanted but been to shy to ask. X

Aug 18, 2011, 5:22 AM
I'd get a pen&paper to jot down the Lotto numbers.:bigrin:

No I wouldn't fuck him! I'm not my type. But for the rest of the time, I'd prob make some fuckbuds very happy together.:rolleyes:

Not sure havin it off wiv mesel wud be wise.. cos if we touch our future or past selves dont we blow up? Or is that just science fiction bollox?

.. but personally I'd give me the onceover and make sure I havent gone downhill too much in the space of two weeks an that my future self was still gonna look good... an if I didnt look just so.. I would cop some right earache from me 'bout ruinin' me reputation...:tong:

Aug 18, 2011, 5:25 AM

I'd probably grab my chest and watch him fade away as I had my heart attack

..least u can have the confidence that yas gonna survive the heart failure... tee hee;)

Aug 18, 2011, 6:18 AM
Review the drawing board and our ever continual plan of global domination by subliminal messages of Sporks Rule & Silly Putty Is Best. We shall eventually win the war against Scientology.

Yes, I say review because, well I get visitors of myself from two weeks ahead all the time. It's the ones from twenty years out that are frightening. They act all "yeah we've dominated the world man" like, and it gets really convoluted.

Actually, I'd plot a mass epidemic of armed bank robberies, establish a large plantation to grow an herb, kill a few select idiots in very bizarre ways, build a transatlantic bridge, microwave myself.

If you buy all of that, I got a handy toy for ya, too. It's the amazing, the one and only ... Sit & Spin!!!! Yay!!!!! :))

In all seriousness, not sure what I would do with another me. Surely wouldn't tell anyone I'd visited myself. And doubtful I would reveal anything we did.

Aug 18, 2011, 6:22 AM
Review the drawing board and our ever continual plan of global domination by subliminal messages of Sporks Rule & Silly Putty Is Best. We shall eventually win the war against Scientology.

Yes, I say review because, well I get visitors of myself from two weeks ahead all the time. It's the ones from twenty years out that are frightening. They act all "yeah we've dominated the world man" like, and it gets really convoluted.

Actually, I'd plot a mass epidemic of armed bank robberies, establish a large plantation to grow an herb, kill a few select idiots in very bizarre ways, build a transatlantic bridge, microwave myself.

If you buy all of that, I got a handy toy for ya, too. It's the amazing, the one and only ... Sit & Spin!!!! Yay!!!!! :))

In all seriousness, not sure what I would do with another me. Surely wouldn't tell anyone I'd visited myself. And doubtful I would reveal anything we did.

Microwave yourself? What good is having a teleporter that is only line of sight? I guess you can use some repeaters to get around the corners but I would hate to think that choice bits of your anatomy would be reconstituted differently because someone was heating up a bag of popcorn. <evil grin/HUGS>

Aug 18, 2011, 7:08 AM
this actually just happened to me!

Aug 18, 2011, 6:19 PM
Then we are agreed..popcorn should come with more warnings on the package...!?

Aug 18, 2011, 6:38 PM
Guess I am a party pooper. With the movies and unknown, the whole space & time continuam, I would not touch myself. (that sounds funny). I would learn how to get more more from the lotto #s as mentioned above.

Annika L
Aug 18, 2011, 10:04 PM
Let's see...hopefully I would take myself to the doctor and have a full battery of tests run to make sure I was still in great working order. THEN, assuming no weak heart, head injury, broken bones, or STDs surfaced, I would live the next two weeks with all the reckless abandon I've ever fantasized about but was too concerned about longterm repercussions to try.

I could windsurf with certain knowledge that I'd be ok, but that's far too mild. It could be fun to experiment with trying to get myself killed several dozen ways. Jump out of an airplane at 10000 feet without a parachute. Swim in a tank full of sharks. Pet the lions in the zoo...or what the hell, in the wild. Screw the lottery...I could probably rack up plenty of bets against my life insurance policy! What's that delicacy that's 10% likely to kill you? Blowfish? I'd be sure to try that! Bungee jumping I might try. I could go to New York City and play superheroine, leaping from rooftop to rooftop in search of crime, and confront muggers and robbers with absolute lack of fear! Oh, the possibilities are simply endless!

Then, when it's all over, I would of course go back in time two weeks. But as soon as I got back, if I hadn't accumulated enough money from bets, I would set to work writing my book describing the whole experience. Of course, I'd already be famous from all those stunts and crime-fighting and whatnot, so I'd have credibility on my side...what else could explain surviving all that stuff?

Aug 19, 2011, 12:01 AM
Well, first I would hugh myself, tell me that it's okay and that I love me and that everything's gonna be fine, then, I would go to my room with myself, talk for a while and then start making out and have a looot of sex with myself. I mean, I would so do me...

Aug 19, 2011, 2:21 AM
I have often looked at my own cock in the mirror and wondered what it would be like to suck my own cock.

So the first thing I would do would be invite me into the bedroom and gives myself a blow job.

Aug 19, 2011, 4:17 AM
I have often looked at my own cock in the mirror and wondered what it would be like to suck my own cock.

So the first thing I would do would be invite me into the bedroom and gives myself a blow job.

If wot they say bout peeps touchin their otha self from diff time zone u may just get a blow job the likes of wich ya neva dreamed...:eek:;)

Aug 19, 2011, 4:41 AM
I may very well play with myself regularly, but my other me - NOOOOOOO!

As she's only come from 2 weeks into the future, there's not a lot of change.
Lotto numbers is good, but usually i don't dabble.
The quaddie at most tracks would do nicely.

Actually, I might ask "myself" to make love with Christine and watch my style...........

Aug 19, 2011, 5:14 AM
I would suck my gorgeous cock

Aug 19, 2011, 12:05 PM
Sounds like the perfect opportunity to establish a rock-solid alibi.

'nuff said.

(Only partially kidding -- mostly.):cool:

Aug 19, 2011, 12:47 PM
Come on, for all the times a person gets told to go f**k themself in their lifetime, how could you pass up the opportunity to actually do it?

Aug 19, 2011, 2:47 PM
I would send the 'visiting me' out on a blind date with hubby and not let him know it was me...just to be sure that I am truly his type.:tong:

Aug 19, 2011, 3:32 PM
Blow my self and thenHave my first 3some with the wife

Aug 19, 2011, 8:39 PM
first i will control myself. i will start talking with him. If he will be interested in some sex chat then we can move further.

Aug 19, 2011, 8:40 PM
All seems rather like incest to me. I wonder what Freud would have made of it. lol :rolleyes:

Aug 20, 2011, 12:35 AM
Since I'm into twins/brothers, it's all good to me. :bigrin:

Aug 20, 2011, 5:43 AM
I think I would be more comfortable with myself than with any other guy. I have always wanted to do to myself what others have done, so I would be very happy to fuck myself and visa versa.

Aug 20, 2011, 10:09 AM
What I would do depended on well my future self dealt with my future freckles.

Aug 20, 2011, 10:26 AM
Wow, I would invite myself in and fuck together each minute of those twelve hours, in every way possible.

Aug 20, 2011, 2:05 PM
What I would do depended on well my future self dealt with my future freckles.


The word you are looking for is HOW. After that you lost me, wouldn't the freckles you have in two weeks time, be the same as those you have now? Or are you cultivating more in a jar as we speak? You could always bring a pen along and have fun joining the dots. :bigrin:

Aug 20, 2011, 5:58 PM
Very interesting, if somewhat sci-fi scenario ! LOL I think 1st I would have other me suck my cock the same way he (me) sucks other men's cocks and judge if he (me) does a great enough job of it LOL If I moan and my cock throbs and pulsates and explodes all over him (me), it will confiirm that I do a pretty good job it ;) Of course then I would return the favor and try to outdo him (me)

Aug 20, 2011, 7:46 PM

The word you are looking for is HOW. After that you lost me, wouldn't the freckles you have in two weeks time, be the same as those you have now? Or are you cultivating more in a jar as we speak? You could always bring a pen along and have fun joining the dots. :bigrin:

How indeed. Silly mistake.

In two weeks time they would be two weeks older. How much different they would be I don't know. Nor do I care much except they have been the bane of my life since they first erupted on my face. I'd rather do wthout thank you and I do all I can at some considerable cost to myself to hide them. This is never entirely successful so I have learned to live with them.

In winter, they fade a little and never seem quite so bad, but the one thing I will never need is a jar in which to to cultivate them. They appear quite readily without any help from me. Some warmth and a little help from the sun seems to do very nicely.

As for a pen to join the dots, I am unsure with the number of freckles which exist on my face and body there is sufficient ink in any pen to get more than half way.

Aug 20, 2011, 8:59 PM
How indeed. Silly mistake.

In two weeks time they would be two weeks older. How much different they would be I don't know. Nor do I care much except they have been the bane of my life since they first erupted on my face. I'd rather do wthout thank you and I do all I can at some considerable cost to myself to hide them. This is never entirely successful so I have learned to live with them.

In winter, they fade a little and never seem quite so bad, but the one thing I will never need is a jar in which to to cultivate them. They appear quite readily without any help from me. Some warmth and a little help from the sun seems to do very nicely.

As for a pen to join the dots, I am unsure with the number of freckles which exist on my face and body there is sufficient ink in any pen to get more than half way.


You can always borrow my pen if you run out of ink. Poor little freckles, no one seems to love them, friendless in all the World. Perhaps they should organise, form a union, cultivate their own language, apply to the Government for a grant. Seek recognition at the UN as an ethnic minority...:rolleyes:

Aug 21, 2011, 11:14 AM
"has come back in time two weeks"
not sure
a future me would know what i was about to do and may say no.

Aug 25, 2011, 9:25 PM
If my future self was not my current size body wise but had six pack abs and a bigger cock and looked like me 20 years ago I would make love to myself and enjoy my body and look at myself. I've had dreams just like this fantasy before.

Aug 25, 2011, 10:56 PM
Those things don't define you...What's in your heart and soul is the real you.

I wouldn't trade a lover for a pretty-boy, if my lover was compatible, could communicate well, and cared about each other.

I know, we can't help but wish for different sizes of body parts, less physical afflictions, more hair, youth, stamina, etc, etc...but in the end, someone will like you...or not like you for being you, not who you wish you could be.

Aug 26, 2011, 1:52 AM
All seems rather like incest to me. I wonder what Freud would have made of it. lol :rolleyes:

if you do it with yourself, its considered masturbation.

Pretty sure everyone here is guilty of that so it wouldn't be anything new.

Id would most likely knock mine out and take whatever money he had on him, then drop him off at the nearest emergency room because I am pretty he can't his past self did it.

Sep 4, 2011, 2:17 PM
Imagine that you're home alone, there's a knock at the door, you open the door to find another you standing there. He/she says that he/she is not allowed to explain how, but he/she has come back in time two weeks to visit you for 12 hours.

What would you do with yourself?

I have always wanted to find someone just like me! we would suck each other like animals for hours.:tongue:

Sep 4, 2011, 2:22 PM
Very interesting, if somewhat sci-fi scenario ! LOL I think 1st I would have other me suck my cock the same way he (me) sucks other men's cocks and judge if he (me) does a great enough job of it LOL If I moan and my cock throbs and pulsates and explodes all over him (me), it will confiirm that I do a pretty good job it ;) Of course then I would return the favor and try to outdo him (me)

OHHh, outdo me Cuttin; would love to 69 w/u!:tongue:

Sep 4, 2011, 2:24 PM
Wow, I would invite myself in and fuck together each minute of those twelve hours, in every way possible.

great ass!!! what does the flip side look like?:tongue:

Sep 4, 2011, 5:24 PM
Send him to work!

Sep 5, 2011, 12:34 PM
I once connected w/a twin; he told me he &his twin brother double-team a guy sometimes; I asked him if he ever sucked his twin; he said "sure, it's like sucking myself."

Sep 5, 2011, 2:17 PM
lol I'd contact my Boy Toys and tell them my twin sister was in town-- and for them to come make her, and me, a Very happy woman! lol :bigrin:
Silly Cat