Aug 17, 2011, 6:14 AM
I know, I know, we already knew that. But it feels nice to see Dan Savage seeming to backtrack a bit.

New study by the famous Mr Bailey finds bi men do exist. (Thanks Mr Bailey very kind of you.)


Why is this news in the national press like the last study that said bi men dont exist. Can someone put it out there? This study may help public understanding of bi men and stop some of the bi erasure, hostility and ignorence.

This study needs to be publisised.

Aug 17, 2011, 8:41 AM
Thanks Jada, and WOW, I feel real for the first time :bigrin:

Aug 17, 2011, 10:26 AM
Yay! It's about damn time, Dan!

Unfortunately, I don't agree with the study. It doesn't seem very scientific to me. The variables have too many... well, variables. Some bi men may have more experience with women and thus, become aroused more by gay porn bc of the "newness" and the taboo of it. And then you have to consider the whole scale of sexuality. All kinds of porn and images do different things for different people. Sometimes, I'm simply turned off bc someone in the image is just plain ugly as sin.

Still, this is awesome! We really need more and more things like this to show the world that we bisexuals exist!! :flag4:

Aug 17, 2011, 11:21 AM
Dan Savage is not backtracking and he's never been supportive of us bisexuals at all and still is not.

Even just recently he wrote about how he's supposedly "not biphobic" yet then wrote about how bisexual teens and young adults don't exist and will just come out as gay or lesbian eventually.

When the J. Michael Bailey study first happened in 2005 Savage supported it and even said how bisexual men don't exist both in his "advice" column rantings and in the bisexual documentary Bi the way.

Aug 17, 2011, 8:47 PM
Bi's don't lie about being bi. Gays lie about being bi! (some).:rolleyes:

Aug 17, 2011, 9:04 PM
Bi's don't lie about being bi. Gays lie about being bi! (some).:rolleyes:
Boy did I find that one out. Apparently I attract gay guys cause I'm a DILF.

Aug 17, 2011, 9:26 PM
Bi's don't lie about being bi. Gays lie about being bi! (some).:rolleyes:

That is the truth of it right there ! I see bumper stickers, T-Shirts, coffee cups, pins, posters, etc, etc, etc, with that as a slogan on it ! If they don't already exist, they will soon !

Thanks for the concise perspective !

Aug 18, 2011, 12:35 AM
Bi's don't lie about being bi. Gays lie about being bi! (some).:rolleyes:


Aug 24, 2011, 5:11 AM
Yay! It's about damn time, Dan!

Please, he's not going to stop being biphobic or practicing bisexual erasure at all.

Need more proof? See here: http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/bisexuals/Content?oid=8743322

His degree is in theater. He originally started his sex advice column as a joke but just always winds up coming off as the media whore, band wagonner (Does anyone remember how he supported the 2nd Iraq war completely?), and conceited asshole he's always been. There are actual people who have studied human sexuality and who are not nearly as bigoted as Savage is who have given out tons of excellent advice about sex both vanilla and kink related over the years.

It's not surprising that he started his "It gets better" project not to help GLBT teens/youth but to self promote himself and get a reality TV show on MTV.

Aug 24, 2011, 5:55 AM
Bi's don't lie about being bi. Gays lie about being bi! (some).:rolleyes:

True, but I have been with at least one bisexual woman who claimed she was a lesbian to both men and women to make herself attractive to them.

Many people lie about being all kinds of things for purposes of their own, and some bisexuals are no different from some who are straight or gay in doing that.

Aug 24, 2011, 6:02 AM
I have always known us bisexual guys existed.

Aug 24, 2011, 10:11 AM
True, but I have been with at least one bisexual woman who claimed she was a lesbian to both men and women to make herself attractive to them.

Many people lie about being all kinds of things for purposes of their own, and some bisexuals are no different from some who are straight or gay in doing that.
I'm kind of guilty of that too. I don't outright lie, but I don't always correct or inform others.:rolleyes:
I never tell females that I'm bi, and I don't always correct males who say I'm gay.
TBH I'm sick of pointless arguments with gay men who I'm only going to have sex with. I wouldn't mind if I had any intention of marrying them. They'd have a reason to have to psychoanalyse me.:bigrin:

Recently I was chatting on the phone to a total stranger arranging to meet for sex. He said in a sarcastic tone, "So your bi are you?".:tongue:
So I replied, "What difference does it make? I'd fuck you as good as any gay!".;)
We didn't meet. lol

Yesterday a long term fuckbud casually chatting about a site I used to frequent, and said, "Oh that's when you turned gay!".:tongue:
I just shut my mouth.

So I do kind of lie sometimes. I don't need sexual politics popping up when all I want is a good time.:bigrin:
Maybe that's wrong? Maybe I'd have less politics if I claimed to be a communist instead.lol

Aug 24, 2011, 11:53 AM
Yay! It's about damn time, Dan!

Unfortunately, I don't agree with the study. It doesn't seem very scientific to me. The variables have too many... well, variables. Some bi men may have more experience with women and thus, become aroused more by gay porn bc of the "newness" and the taboo of it. And then you have to consider the whole scale of sexuality. All kinds of porn and images do different things for different people. Sometimes, I'm simply turned off bc someone in the image is just plain ugly as sin.

Still, this is awesome! We really need more and more things like this to show the world that we bisexuals exist!! :flag4:

yes hgf33, you and I seem to be on the same page quite often about many things on the topic of bisexuality. For myself, I can say that my degree of being turned on to each sex has more to do with the situation and person(s) involved. For example: there are some women that I just don't seem to register much with when the moment of arousal is suppose to happen; i.e., lack of interest for whatever reason. It can be the lack of attraction to or the lack of passion that the particular woman isn't expressing. And yet from the very first moment of a kiss, I think we all know whether or not we are turned on by the woman with whom we are engaged in those moments with. This is the case with the woman who I regularly have sex with. As soon as the kissing begins, we are both immersed in a mutual attraction and enjoy each other sexually totally and completely. By the same token, it is true with men...some I'm immediately turned on to and others are either non-existent for the same reasons with women. I can tell from the first moments whether or not the experience is going to be worhwhile or not. And with a certain male friend who I am with from time to time, the same thing happens with him. I generally don't engage in kissing with men but for whatever reason it is amazing with him. As soon as it starts, we are both turned on and totally focused on each other sexually. And even without kissing which I don't engage in with other male friends, their passion and mine is enough to enjoy each other fully just the same. Though attraction is a key factor, lack of passion or the presence of it will determine whether the experience is going to be enjoyable. There are so many factors involved when it comes time to engage in sexual play and they vary from person to person. Why rely on scientific research when our own personal experiences tell us what we already know or have learned or will or can know. To me, this is the best science....people will believe whatever they want to believe anyway.

Aug 24, 2011, 1:48 PM
Right. The study makes it sound like we're attracted to just the sex/gender or the stimulus rather than the person. Bisexuals are no different than any other orientation in terms of attraction. Just because we're bi doesn't mean we're attracted to everything on two legs! For example, my boyfriend is straight, so he's attracted to women. He is not attracted to ALL women! Everyone is turned on/turned off by different things. Sometimes, we'll skip a porn scene because neither of us is remotely turned on by anyone in it, regardless of what they're doing.

BiDaveTown, I never said Dan has changed. He's still a biphobic douche. However, we are being acknowledged. I refuse to scoff at any progress in bi visibility, no matter how small, and regardless of how phony and insincere the person discussing it may be. Whether people like him or hate him, this study is being read by many and doesn't make us look bad. There's no harm in that.

Aug 24, 2011, 4:20 PM
Of course they do, I are one.

Aug 24, 2011, 6:40 PM
Given the correct level of beer, all humans are bisexual.

Aug 24, 2011, 7:39 PM
Thanks - I did not need confirmation that it is both reasonable and acceptable that I am sexually aroused by images of both unclothed men and unclothed women! However I am now inspired to use a tape measure to analyze the relative extent of that arousal, and whether it varies depending on the night of the week, how much I have had to drink, etc., etc.

Aug 25, 2011, 11:27 AM
I do have one final comment: Well imagine that!!!....who would have known?...sheesh....

Aug 25, 2011, 12:53 PM
Thanks - I did not need confirmation that it is both reasonable and acceptable that I am sexually aroused by images of both unclothed men and unclothed women! However I am now inspired to use a tape measure to analyze the relative extent of that arousal, and whether it varies depending on the night of the week, how much I have had to drink, etc., etc.

Ha ha, now that is just funny. Guess I better get out the tape myself and see if I am more aroused by men or women.