View Full Version : "Bisexual", or merely "Heteroflexible" ?

Aug 15, 2011, 8:50 AM
I came across the term heteroflexible on another post and I think it fits me perfectly. Semantically, the term bisexual refers to nothing emotional, but it is generally understood as referring to those who "swing both ways". However, it's true meaning can be interpreted as referring to those able to engage in love relationships with people of either gender. I haven't found anything in myself that longs for setting up house, so to speak, with another man. Therefore, I think that heteroflexible describes me well because of my prediliction for homosexual sexual contact with out any romantic facet.

So, I'm wondering how many of you out there are more on the heteroflexible side of the cube. I'm guessing a majority, with more women being truly capable of emotional bisexuality. There may also be a number of men who are closeted to their partners and selves while actually being homosexual.

So, looking forward to hearing who's out there !

Aug 15, 2011, 8:58 AM
Well by your definition I would be heteroflexible as well. I have no emotional attraction to women, just physical. Obviously since I am married to a man I am emotionally attracted to men (sexually as well). I find myself having almost equal sexual attractions to both genders. I consider myself bisexual just a certain sort of bisexual.

Aug 15, 2011, 9:03 AM
I think this is another 'term game.' There are most definitely folks who want only sex, or sex with emotion, or emotion with or without sex; and the terms bisexual, heteroflexible, ambisexual, polyamorous and such all have slightly different definitions based on who is doing the defining.

Almost no one fits a definition exactly.

There do seem to be a bunch of people who prefer an emotional attachment to one gender and only sex with another. There also are a lot of folks who have only sex, or only emotional relationships with either.

I have had both sexual and emotional relationships with both genders.

So, I think labels are messy (a very common topic around here) and each person needs to find and be comfortable at their own level. Whatever that is..



Aug 15, 2011, 9:21 AM
Good points Liz ! I agree with you that labels are silly, as each person's sexuality can be as unique as they themselves are. I suppose I just wanted to post this query, because after coming out to my wife, I began to ask myself if I was actually attracted to men, truly, as well. Honestly, it's far more frequent, almost always, for a woman to turn my head in the street. It's just that from time to time I like to have some cock and eat it, too. I guess my sexuality is really more along the lines of that of Jobelorocks. Thanks again for sharing !

I think this is another 'term game.' There are most definitely folks who want only sex, or sex with emotion, or emotion with or without sex; and the terms bisexual, heteroflexible, ambisexual, polyamorous and such all have slightly different definitions based on who is doing the defining.

Almost no one fits a definition exactly.

There do seem to be a bunch of people who prefer an emotional attachment to one gender and only sex with another. There also are a lot of folks who have only sex, or only emotional relationships with either.

I have had both sexual and emotional relationships with both genders.

So, I think labels are messy (a very common topic around here) and each person needs to find and be comfortable at their own level. Whatever that is..



Aug 15, 2011, 9:23 AM
Hey Jobelorocks, thanks a lot for replying. It really does seem that my sexuality is similar to yours, from the male perspective, of course. If you wouldn't mind, could you explain to me a bit about how I might go about finding other people to play with ? Men and couples. How do you do so ? Do you have a few regular "fuckbuddies" that you share with your man. As you like ! Thanks again.

Well by your definition I would be heteroflexible as well. I have no emotional attraction to women, just physical. Obviously since I am married to a man I am emotionally attracted to men (sexually as well). I find myself having almost equal sexual attractions to both genders. I consider myself bisexual just a certain sort of bisexual.

Aug 15, 2011, 11:09 AM
Hi there
You may want to do a little more research on the meaning of bisexual.

Many definitions include such as
"Bisexuality is sexual behavior or an orientation involving (sexual) physical and/or romantic attraction to both males and females, especially in regards to men and women." (this one is from wiki)

The key elements are a (sexual)physical and /or (emotional) romantic attraction to the same gender and opposite gender.

If you are only interested in the same gender on a sexual physical level (no emotion) you are still bisexual if you are also sexually physcially attracted to the opposite gender. You may be emotionally/romantically attracted to one or both genders. There are lots of bisexuals who are only interested in physical sexual interaction with their own gender and are not emotionally /romantically attracted to their own gender. That can change over your lifetime though or stay the same. Bisexuality is a fluid sexuality.

I personally suspect that after more research bisexuality may become more than one sexuality...who knows though.

The term "heteroflexible" is a synonym (imo) for bi curious. It is a word to describe yourself if you are uncertain. It is a mental or attitude position. I'd say that if you have had same sex action more than two or three times...you should stop calling yourself heteroflexible or bi curious but that is just me....lol You can also identify as gay though and later become bi curious and eventually identify as bisexual. It has happened according to what some people have posted elsewhere. Should we label them gayflexible?

Aug 15, 2011, 11:23 AM
Thanks Tenni ! I'm regretting a little bit bringing this subject up due to your and other's observations, and especially because of the labeling. I don't like to label people as this or that, so I shouldn't be starting a post about labels. I guess my main idea was to find out what portion of people are just looking for some same-sex action on the side. We have the term "gay" to describe homosexuals in same gendered emotional relationships, and "straight" for the same heterosexually. "Bi" just doesn't quite fit it, because like myself, I am only interested in some same sex action on the side and I can't foresee ever shacking up with a man. I agree that "heteroflexible", aside from being silly sounding, might seem like a bit of a cop-out, but to imply that I might ever be romantically attracted to a man is just false. Yes, I am way beyond bi-curious, but I would never leave my wife for a man. Thanks all the same for your great comments.

Aug 15, 2011, 11:31 AM
"what portion of people are just looking for some same-sex action on the side. "
There are lots Trent..:eek: More guys but who knows about which gender will act more on their curiousity ...men or women? A person may be curious about same sex activity and tell absolutely no one let alone act on the desire for decades. Just keep it to themselves. It is in part a growth process to accept yourself and say ..damn it ...its ok to want sex/a relationship with both genders. Most people on this site have struggled with similar thoughts to your own.

Aug 15, 2011, 11:50 AM
I'm with you Trentino, I am definitely more turned on by women. While a man may turn my head, a woman will get my attention.I also find that, for meanyway, I get more turned on fantasizing about a mmf as opposed to being with just a male. Jobelorocks, I too would like to know how to go about finding other men or a couple to play with.

Aug 15, 2011, 11:55 AM
Well for all who want to know, my husband and I have found our friends through swinglifestyle.com. There are lots of couples on it. There are not so many single women, there are tons of single men, but most of the guys in couples or single are straight. It is worth checking out if you are wanting to get into the swing of things. lol...

Aug 15, 2011, 12:18 PM
Thanks Jobelorocks, I'll look that up.

Aug 15, 2011, 1:08 PM
I don't understand how any body could say that they can not feel emotional attraction to a whole gender. At what point can you be certain of it?

I've loved females and have loved a male, so I KNOW I am capable of it. BUT not before I experienced both though.
Even so, I don't feel emotional attraction to the many males I have sex with. Even though I enjoy intimate sex with them.
Same goes for the females I've had sex with. I've only felt emotional bonds/love for 3 of the many people I've encountered. Because I entered a relationship with them.

Hooking up with people just for same gender sex is no measure for emotional capability IMO.
If you really want to know your limits, try dating a few.;)

Aug 15, 2011, 1:59 PM
I have to second Gearbox..

While, in general, I tend to be more likely to enter an emotional relationship with a female rather than a male, and have a physical only relationships with guys; there have been exceptions both ways...

So at least in my experience and for some others, like bisexuality itself, there are no hard and fast rules. Even the pretty firms ones can drift over time, experience and the changes we all go through.

So, the way you feel today, may not even be the way you feel later..

Aug 15, 2011, 1:59 PM
excellent gearbox !!

Aug 15, 2011, 3:14 PM
That may be true about giving someone of your own gender a chance to see if you can become emotionally attached to them. I just suspect that there are people who just want the physical. I'm not sure if they won't give the same gendered person a chance or not though.

On the other hand, I think that the emotional part will be there or it won't regardless how much of a chance you give it (relationship). Sometimes, you just are not into the person in that way.

Another thought (bad?) is guys are just so easy that they don't give themselves a chance to develop any relationship with another guy ....they just want to get off.
Oh....is my sluttiness is showing?..:eek: That's not me ...:rolleyes: really!

Aug 15, 2011, 3:15 PM
Why don't we come up with our own terms for ourselves like mono/biromantic as most of us fit into the bisexual category at least by definition.

Annika L
Aug 15, 2011, 4:14 PM
I find that "Heteroflexible", while a cute play on words, is not adequate for describing what you want to describe (or to the extent that it is, it is heterocentric).

I believe I fit your definition...but that is ironic, as I have been partnered monogamously with a woman for around 25 years. Do we really need two terms, heteroflexible and homoflexible? Which should pertain to which concept? (For instance, I think "heteroflexible" better describes a person in my situation who can be flexible with respect to heterosex, and "homoflexible" better describes your situation.) Or can we get over our need for ever-more-detailed labeling, and just embrace "bisexual" as a generic umbrella term that covers either/both erotic and romantic attraction?

Aug 15, 2011, 5:07 PM


I don't understand all of this terminology, all the nuances make my head spin.

I'm bisexual -> I'm aroused by watching (or helping) both women and men (or any combination thereof) orgasm, I feel both romantic and sexual attractions toward both - depending on the person.

So what new-fangled label does that make me?

Aug 15, 2011, 5:10 PM
I find that "Heteroflexible", while a cute play on words, is not adequate for describing what you want to describe (or to the extent that it is, it is heterocentric).

I believe I fit your definition...but that is ironic, as I have been partnered monogamously with a woman for around 25 years. Do we really need two terms, heteroflexible and homoflexible? Which should pertain to which concept? (For instance, I think "heteroflexible" better describes a person in my situation who can be flexible with respect to heterosex, and "homoflexible" better describes your situation.) Or can we get over our need for ever-more-detailed labeling, and just embrace "bisexual" as a generic umbrella term that covers either/both erotic and romantic attraction?

I agree with you.

There's no point in creating even more terms and synonyms for bisexuality and ones that avoid calling someone bisexual like heteroflexible or other labels.

I'm married to a woman yet I'm still bisexual and always have been.

Heteroflexible is nothing but a weasel word for being bisexual and it's used by people who are bisexual yet who are afraid to come out as being bisexual and they want to try to hold onto a heterosexual identity when they're not heterosexual and never have been.

Aug 15, 2011, 5:11 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about labels, or what to call yourself. Just my :2cents:

Aug 15, 2011, 5:18 PM
I agree with you.

Heteroflexible is nothing but a weasel word for being bisexual and it's used by people who are bisexual yet who are afraid to come out as being bisexual and they want to try to hold onto a heterosexual identity when they're not heterosexual and never have been.

I don't want to slander anyone, if someone finds comfort in identifying with another "word" then fine

Personally although I've been throughly confused growing up bisexual (thinking I HAD to be either gay or straight) I've never considered it to be a dirty word.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 15, 2011, 7:23 PM
trentino....... nothing wrong with refering to yourself as heteroflexible... as it defines your bisexuality for yourself......

bisexual is a broad term, it covers so many different types of bisexuality..... and yes heteroflexible can define you as a bisexual that is more hetero minded and natured, than equally bisexual.....

its a bit like a person saying I am a person of color..... sure they are, but what races and cultures are a part of that person, are they south african, maori, aboriginal etc etc....

saying you are heterosexual is not denying the fact you are bisexual, its defining your bisexual nature clearer

Aug 15, 2011, 7:49 PM
Another thought (bad?) is guys are just so easy that they don't give themselves a chance to develop any relationship with another guy ....they just want to get off.
Oh....is my sluttiness is showing?.. That's not me ... really!
It's amazing how well people (M&F) can guard themselves emotionally. Even during sex. Especially after it.:bigrin:
I'm absolutely fascinated by one bloke who turns '100% straight' soon as his cum hits ground zero, and acts as if I just raped him. Although he was 900000000%gay as fu*k 1sec beforehand egging me on with his gay porn potty mouth.:eek:
BTW your sluttiness was never hidden!:rolleyes:

saying you are heterosexual is not denying the fact you are bisexual, its defining your bisexual nature clearer.
Yes it's confusing isn't it?:bigrin:

Long Duck Dong
Aug 15, 2011, 8:26 PM
saying you are heterosexual is not denying the fact you are bisexual, its defining your bisexual nature clearer

shit that should read, saying you are heteroflexible.... lol

thats the trouble with not proof reading lol

Aug 15, 2011, 8:39 PM
trentino....... nothing wrong with refering to yourself as heteroflexible... as it defines your bisexuality for yourself......

bisexual is a broad term, it covers so many different types of bisexuality..... and yes heteroflexible can define you as a bisexual that is more hetero minded and natured, than equally bisexual.....

its a bit like a person saying I am a person of color..... sure they are, but what races and cultures are a part of that person, are they south african, maori, aboriginal etc etc....

saying you are heterosexual is not denying the fact you are bisexual, its defining your bisexual nature clearer

Do you ever read what you write or post?

Your posts make zero sense whatsoever and they're rather funny at times.

Someone who is heterosexual or even asexual is NOT bisexual at all.

I don't want to slander anyone, if someone finds comfort in identifying with another "word" then fine

Personally although I've been throughly confused growing up bisexual (thinking I HAD to be either gay or straight) I've never considered it to be a dirty word.

That's nice elian but you're proving Anikka's point and my point.

Someone who identifies as heteroflexible is just showing how they still have the mentality that you did where they have to be either straight or gay and they're trying to hold onto their heterosexuality that was never there at all since they're bisexual.

The person could just say, "I'm bisexual but I prefer the opposite gender" instead of using the weasel word of saying how they're heteroflexible and pretending that this is something completely different, unique, or separate from actually coming out and saying how they're bisexual.

Annika L
Aug 15, 2011, 9:28 PM
That's nice elian but you're proving Anikka's point and my point.

Someone who identifies as heteroflexible is just showing how they still have the mentality that you did where they have to be either straight or gay and they're trying to hold onto their heterosexuality that was never there at all since they're bisexual.

The person could just say, "I'm bisexual but I prefer the opposite gender" instead of using the weasel word of saying how they're heteroflexible and pretending that this is something completely different, unique, or separate from actually coming out and saying how they're bisexual.

I'm not sure how Elian was proving my point, which dealt mainly with language, rather than with trying to put people down for how they identify.

To clarify my feelings about words/expressions, I think it is fine if someone (including the OP) wants to use the word "heteroflexible" to describe themself...or identifies as "flidget", if that word speaks to them. Just don't ask the rest of us to adopt it ourselves (not that the OP was), or necessarily expect that we'll know what you're talking about if you use the word. But also, do ask yourself what part of "bisexual" seems not to apply, and/or whether/why a word with more specific meaning is necessary.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 15, 2011, 9:55 PM
Do you ever read what you write or post?

Your posts make zero sense whatsoever and they're rather funny at times.

Someone who is heterosexual or even asexual is NOT bisexual at all.

quess you missed the post just before yours, where I stated I used the wrong word....and corrected myself....

if I didn't know better, I would be inclined to think that you don't read the threads that well, and only get to the point that you can pick holes in somebodies posts, then rush to post your own opinions.... and make a fool of yourself cos you never read the rest of the thread

Aug 15, 2011, 10:22 PM
Well, I for one love the term and believe it is a very catchy way to describe what I believe I am. What else could describe a man who considers himself to be born straight, naturally, but enjoys the stimulating arousal of having casual oral sex with other guys from time to time?

That was a rhetorical question; does not require a response :)

drugstore cowboy
Aug 15, 2011, 10:32 PM
Well, I for one love the term and believe it is a very catchy way to describe what I believe I am. What else could describe a man who considers himself to be born straight, naturally, but enjoys the stimulating arousal of having casual oral sex with other guys from time to time?

It makes you bisexual.

You aren't hetero/straight at all and since you're sexually attracted to men you never have been hetero or straight at all, and were not born straight/hetero.

Aug 15, 2011, 11:09 PM
It makes you bisexual.

You aren't hetero/straight at all and since you're sexually attracted to men you never have been hetero or straight at all, and were not born straight/hetero.

He said it was rhetorical. Doesn't anyone read before replying???

Aug 15, 2011, 11:22 PM
The person could just say, "I'm bisexual but I prefer the opposite gender" instead of using the weasel word of saying how they're heteroflexible and pretending that this is something completely different, unique, or separate from actually coming out and saying how they're bisexual.

maybe to you and I, now - it seems more obvious but I struggled until I grew into the definition of being bi; confronting the thought of being gay in a rural community almost killed me. Who am I to really say whether or not what seems valid for someone else is right or wrong?

I was just trying to highlight that the purpose of the post was to give people something to think about, not to attack them personally for being more comfortable with one word or another.

That's like asking someone what's "True" ? You might get a different answer every time you ask.

Aug 16, 2011, 12:26 AM
Ahh! label overload, again!! Labels belong on soup cans!

I know we whatever-you-choose-to-call-us-sexuals/flexibles are very complex, but good grief, no fucking wonder people can't stand us. We're annoying as hell with all this terminology! It's enough to make you cross-eyed! :eek:

I see "bisexual" as just the main term for it. I cringe while saying this again, but it is a blanket term. It's the one people recognize and understand, whether they are "bi" or not. (All of you who are always so quick to spout-off in anger, please don't read too far into that. I simply mean they understand the commonality of the word, not necessarily what "bisexual" is.)

Here's my opinion. (MY O-P-I-N-I-O-N. Just thought I'd make it clear.)
I, myself, use the term bisexual. I am not actually 50-50 (a Kinsey 3) but I use that word so people at least somewhat understand because they've heard of it before. Using another word like pansexual or heteroflexible or WHATEVER-exualexible, means that I THEN have to start explaining and talking to them as if I were a human textbook... and really, we know they don't ACTUALLY care to hear us drone on about it, most of the time. So, therefore, I'm bi. I make jokes, like saying I'm half gay. I'm really not HALF gay, but where's the harm? Or I'll say "I'm bisexual, but..." and proceed to explain to them (in a SHORT and quick-to-the-point way) my Kinsey rating, or the fact that I have an amazing boyfriend but girls are simply HOT and I can appreciate them from afar... or up close, in bed! :bigrin: Sometimes I say I'm just really open minded. That sums it up pretty well. Wish we were all simply open-minded. My, wouldn't that save some time and activism efforts.

Simply put, I think you can call yourself whatever the fuck you want. If you're a redneck and you feel like calling yourself a hillbilly, than you do that. It's our right as humans. I'm a tomboy but I can take a damn long time to get ready doing my hair and makeup like some high-maintenance "girl", if I so choose. Like I said, labels are for soup cans. Whatever you feel you are, that's what you are, and you can call yourself whatever you want. It's your decision.

We all need to stop jumping down people's throats, and start jumping down people's throats, if ya know what I mean! I just think this whole world is uptight and needs to lighten up. We're all so worried about accurate labels and being "PC" *shudders* that we can't enjoy a damn thing- we're too busy worrying about whether or not it's acceptable. Fuck acceptable. Look! I swear a lot! That's unacceptable to some people! Who cares?! Everyone is too easily offended. We all need to chill out and have a little fun. Learn how to enjoy life! My last girl (and my bf... and a few others...) have said to me "you're so gay!" It's funny to me! I take it as a compliment! When I'm having sex with a girl, the last thing I want her to say is "Ugh, you're so straight!" because that means my skills in the pink department are sub par. My best friend is a lesbian and we make it a point to joke about our sexuality CONSTANTLY. I throw hilarious jokes at her about tuna sandwiches, tacos, cats, the color pink, and telling her to "go straight" when she's driving, and in return, she asks me if I like half and half in my coffee, tells me to look both ways before crossing the road, or asks me if I'm in the mood for tacos or hot dogs for dinner. I don't care. I don't sit there and go "Well, it's really not HALF... actually, it's..." SNOOOOORE. You know that wah-wah trumpet sound they play in cartoons (it makes me think of a limp dick, honestly). Well, that's what I think of when someone ruins the fun with all their "technical" bullshit. Hey, Debbie Downer, get the fuck off my cloud!!

So, instead of worrying about stupid little details that are going to irritate the piss out of someone I'm with, I just call myself bisexual so they can say "oh, ok" and move on. Where's the harm? I'm attracted to both sexes, so hence, BI. No one needs to know the details of which direction I sway more to, which genitals I prefer in bed with me, who I've slept with, or who I've been in actual relationships with, anymore than they need to know what my crazy beauty regimens are when they aren't around. We don't tell everyone we meet how many people we've slept with, now do we?!!!

So call yourself whatever you want, like I said, it's your right. But have "bisexual" as a backup. You're all here, on this site, right? This IS bisexual.com, after all, and you've made a conscience decision to join. Anyway, what I'm saying is, all of us awesome, sexy, fascinating people here can understand the many facets of our sexuality, but "outsiders" are just fucking confused (and boring!) Haha, I'm just kidding, but seriously, are we not awesome?! :cool:

So, Happy Whateversexualflexibleing!

Aug 16, 2011, 12:30 AM
My wife and I have met many single men and we have spoken to many married men on sls who post themselves as straight who later reveal they are either bi or bi curious or willing to let the guy give him head. Many of them say they post as straight because they are hiding their true colors from others they know on the site or just in case someone they know just happens to see their profile. I bet half of the guys on that site are really bi. I totally understand.

Aug 16, 2011, 8:40 AM
Wow ! A lot of great observations here. Yes, I do feel silly having brought up the subject of labels. I guess in the end, bisexual full-stop is fine with me. That's why we have the Kinsey scale !

Speaking of that, I wonder how much of the population falls fully at either end of the scale. I would wager that a great deal of people are really floating in the middle realm somewhere.

A lot of the comments mention that one was bi and always bi. Thinking about it, I'm wondering how much society has to do with that. I didn't start fantasizing about men until I was in college, and then it took a number of years to actually act on it. You know, the nature/nurture situation.

Just my :2cents: for the time being !!

Aug 17, 2011, 9:43 PM
100% Heteroflexible.

Aug 18, 2011, 1:33 AM
I love how some people can tell what other people were born as. To tell someone that they were never this, or never that is insulting. It's just as insulting as gay men who tell a bi man that he's not really bi, just gay in denial. And it deserves the same sort of reaction we would give a gay man saying such things. It deserves our derision, and our refusal of acceptance. I, for one, will not accept anyone telling me what I am or am not, and won't accept that behavior from anyone whether directed at me or others.

To address the original question: Bisexuality covers a wide spectrum. Essentially anything between gay and straight, and there is a LOT of ground to cover there.

Heteroflexible seems to be a fairly accurate term for many people. I consider myself heteroflexible. I'm far more attracted to women, and I have only ever been able to have romantic relationships with women. If a guy happens to join us in bed, I'll be more than happy to have fun with him and share him with my wife. Also, I just don't like kissing guys. I tried it, but don't like it at all.

Am I straight? Nah. I'm under the umbrella of bisexuality, and more specifically, heteroflexible. I'm fairly comfortable with that. And it's MY comfort and MY definition of my sexuality that counts. Not anyone else's.


drugstore cowboy
Aug 18, 2011, 1:52 AM
I love how some people can tell what other people were born as. To tell someone that they were never this, or never that is insulting. It's just as insulting as gay men who tell a bi man that he's not really bi, just gay in denial. And it deserves the same sort of reaction we would give a gay man saying such things. It deserves our derision, and our refusal of acceptance. I, for one, will not accept anyone telling me what I am or am not, and won't accept that behavior from anyone whether directed at me or others.

To address the original question: Bisexuality covers a wide spectrum. Essentially anything between gay and straight, and there is a LOT of ground to cover there.

Heteroflexible seems to be a fairly accurate term for many people. I consider myself heteroflexible. I'm far more attracted to women, and I have only ever been able to have romantic relationships with women. If a guy happens to join us in bed, I'll be more than happy to have fun with him and share him with my wife. Also, I just don't like kissing guys. I tried it, but don't like it at all.

Am I straight? Nah. I'm under the umbrella of bisexuality, and more specifically, heteroflexible. I'm fairly comfortable with that. And it's MY comfort and MY definition of my sexuality that counts. Not anyone else's.


You're also deeply closeted, living in fear, and like to pretend that you're "straight" when it comes down to it when your co-workers, bosses, students, or family were to hypothetically ask you about your sexuality and it's not commendable or a good thing that you're like this.

I know you'll use the "You're from SF!" argument/excuse but listen buddy I've been out as bisexual for decades and I've been out while living in different regions of the United States, while living in small towns, and while living in big cities and I've never lost my job, been beat up, or harassed because of my sexuality.

No it's not insulting or anything like a gay man or lesbian telling a bisexual person that they're gay or lesbian or even hetero, when you tell someone who is asexual, gay, or lesbian that they never were bisexual and that someone who is bisexual has never been monosexual or straight or gay.

Someone who's monosexual (gay, lesbian, or straight) can't somehow magically or suddenly become bisexual or choose to be bisexual as others have argued here on this site. It's like someone who is bisexual, gay, or lesbian somehow becoming actually heterosexual or becoming heterosexual/straight by choice when sexuality does not work this way.

If you're bisexual then yes your sexuality is fluid in that you're going to be attracted to both genders and your sexual attraction to those genders changes but you've never actually been straight, gay, or lesbian even if you did once identify as any of these since you're bisexual.

If you're monosexual then you're not bisexual at all and do not have a fluid sexuality and you're always going to be heterosexual, gay, or lesbian.

So you personally came out later in life, that's nice. You simply didn't know that you are bisexual and you were in denial and now you're just majorly closeted. End of story. Nothing new to see here.

I agree with everyone who has posted how the silly pointless label of Heteroflexible is just another term for bisexual that people who are closeted use to try to pretend or hold onto a false hetero/straight identity that never existed or was there at all for them and never will be in this lifetime. ;)

Then again we have an asexual on this site who has frequently said how he's always been asexual and has never had any sort of sexual attraction to anyone at all or a desire for sex and he likes to pretend he's bisexual when he's not and never has been.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 18, 2011, 2:37 AM
Then again we have an asexual on this site who has frequently said how he's always been asexual and has never had any sort of sexual attraction to anyone at all or a desire for sex and he likes to pretend he's bisexual when he's not and never has been.

Lack of sex drive!!!!!!!!!

I just love the way that a person that has had sex with males and females for 20+ years is still not bisexual, cos I lack a sex drive, but get any person in the site to say they touched another males cock and you are in here pounding your chest and declaring them bisexual......

what is it with people like you??? the viagra not working so you need to try and make others miserable as well ?????

Aug 18, 2011, 7:25 AM
I agree with Pasadena... everyone has the right to define what their sexuality is. Also people have a right to decide if they want to be out or not and to whom. It is really not anyone's business unless they decide that it is. I don't like when the community tries to "guilt" people into coming out. We should be creating an atmosphere of acceptance of life choices, not a damned if you do damned if you don't. The problem is no one really knows another's full situation and they should be able to make decisions for themselves.:2cents:

Aug 18, 2011, 10:51 AM
I agree with Pasadena... everyone has the right to define what their sexuality is. Also people have a right to decide if they want to be out or not and to whom. It is really not anyone's business unless they decide that it is. I don't like when the community tries to "guilt" people into coming out. We should be creating an atmosphere of acceptance of life choices, not a damned if you do damned if you don't. The problem is no one really knows another's full situation and they should be able to make decisions for themselves.:2cents:


Aug 18, 2011, 4:42 PM
I personally love woman and have been married for 39 years, I can't imagine not being married to a woman. I also like to have sex with another man mostly fondling and Oral, there are days when the only thing I want is sex with my wife and other days when I just want to get together with a man for sex. I don't think I could ever "love" a man the way I love my wife. I prefer to have sex with a man that I'm also friends with but the emotional attachment just isn't there for me with a man. I also don't care to hug and kiss a man, I just like to play with his cock :) even thought we are friends.

Aug 18, 2011, 9:06 PM
My diet consists of vegetables. But sometimes I like a bit of meat for dinner. Not hardcore rump steaks! Just a bit of beef to tickle my fancy.
Of course I wouldn't stock my freezer with meats, as that would be too carnivorous for me.
No! I have spur of the moment fast food meats from Mc'donalds etc just to scratch an itch.

Now some Nazi diet fascists would label me as Omnivorous.:rolleyes:
But I'm not having THAT! I'm nothing of the sort!!!!

Annika L
Aug 18, 2011, 9:26 PM
My diet consists of vegetables. But sometimes I like a bit of meat for dinner. Not hardcore rump steaks! Just a bit of beef to tickle my fancy.
Of course I wouldn't stock my freezer with meats, as that would be too carnivorous for me.
No! I have spur of the moment fast food meats from Mc'donalds etc just to scratch an itch.

Now some Nazi diet fascists would label me as Omnivorous.:rolleyes:
But I'm not having THAT! I'm nothing of the sort!!!!

Bless you, Geary! That just perfectly mirrors my sentiments! :tong:

Aug 19, 2011, 12:07 AM
Gearbox, your posts are my fave! Lol

drugstore cowboy
Aug 26, 2011, 10:00 PM
Lack of sex drive!!!!!!!!!

I just love the way that a person that has had sex with males and females for 20+ years is still not bisexual, cos I lack a sex drive, but get any person in the site to say they touched another males cock and you are in here pounding your chest and declaring them bisexual......

what is it with people like you??? the viagra not working so you need to try and make others miserable as well ?????

LMAO no Viagra or anything else needed here, now perhaps you yourself need them but my husband and I do not. ;)

I never claimed that all men who have sexual attraction to men are bisexual, but they're at least bisexual or gay.

You yourself have said many times how you are asexual and have no sexual attraction to anyone and no sex drive at all, hence the fact that you're asexual.

I am asexual I was born without a sex drive, I don't have sexual attraction to anyone.....if you want to know what it's like to be someone like me think back to the time when you were younger before you were sexually attracted to anyone at all and this is what I am like.....

ok, I am a asexual which means I lack a sex drive and I don't have any sexual attraction to anyone....

Long Duck Dong
Aug 26, 2011, 11:22 PM
I have said many times I lack a sex drive.... you are the one that keeps stating the sexual attraction part.... I think you are too busy reading your own posts and too stupid to realise its you saying it, not me.....

unless you want to believe that you can use chemical treatments to enhance a lack of sexual attraction.... cos I have said a number of times that I can use chemical treatments to artificially create a sex drive