View Full Version : My ad

Aug 14, 2011, 4:28 AM
A few months ago went off me rocker a lil.. didnt intend to.. but did.. part irritation part not bein well..part spose just stupidity an gross thoughtlessness.. am human after all..

As we say up here I had decided that it was time I ''shot the craw''.. took me leave ofya.. well had me hospital treatment(nowt 2 do wiv insanity eitha) an am much better now tyvm.. yesterday mornin finally hit me target weight an feel brill.. back 2 normal..

Ne ways.. when I decided to leave I disabled me ad. Wasnt gonna be here so why bother with an ad? Well things bein wot they r.. as time passed, I got better started postin from lurkin an jumpin on heads.. has struck me it wos a lil cowardly..didnt intend it to be an never thought of it that way.. much prefer peeps 2 have an idea me is comin' an they cant have that if I lurk in the background signed in but invisible..

Well.. have been postin again of late.. bit too much, but its a burst of activity thats not gonna last... will still post and still annoy the hell out of lotsofyas but go back 2 work soon after months off tween bein ill an the school hols... an so it will curtail the opportunity..

Its been fun an have enjoyed it more than for a long time.. few nice beefy threads 2 get me teeth in2... still have the reservations 'bout this place that made me bolt in the first instance, but I'm around again.. least till next time me has fit of pique.. tee hee. 'Spose ya noticed...:)

Aug 14, 2011, 5:17 AM
okayyyy.. have tried 2 becum visible..ticked the box but am still invisible.. a clue sum 1?

Droosy Woosy??? This ur place so gimme a lil hand 'ere... pwetty pwetty pwease...:)

Aug 14, 2011, 6:00 AM
Glad you're back on your ornery feet, Fran! Hope your health will remain good and whatever caused your trouble will not return. Good luck and I'm happy to see ya back......even if it will be intermittently.

Aug 14, 2011, 3:07 PM
okayyyy.. have tried 2 becum visible..ticked the box but am still invisible.. a clue sum 1?

Droosy Woosy??? This ur place so gimme a lil hand 'ere... pwetty pwetty pwease...:)

Fran hon... after you change your status to become visible, scroll down to the bottom of the page and (this is key) wait for all the icons to load and then be sure to click 'save changes' (at the bottom of the page).

Aug 14, 2011, 7:50 PM
Fran hon... after you change your status to become visible, scroll down to the bottom of the page and (this is key) wait for all the icons to load and then be sure to click 'save changes' (at the bottom of the page).

Did all that, Granmumise... at the same time I changed me ad text and also altered me age wich I noticed I hadnt done at me last birfday.. those alterations changed fine...but am still invisible...:(

Aug 14, 2011, 7:57 PM
Yeaaaaaaaa:bigrin::tong:!!!! Success!!!!:bigrin: