View Full Version : Favorite magazine

Aug 13, 2011, 12:56 PM
I'm curious to know if anyone has a favorite gay/bi magazine.

I saw the new Instinct today and it was rather lame. I've found that DNA can be hot though.

I'm someone that still prefers to hold it my hands rather than read it or look at electronically. Holding it adds something.

Aug 13, 2011, 2:25 PM
Totally with you on preferring papery magazines. The web can just mean it's you and one other person: inky publications make community and culture a bit more tangible.

BCN (http://BiCommunityNews.co.uk) as it's the only regular UK bi magazine scores quite an easy win on this one for me. Stuff like Diva and g3 touch on bi more now than they used to but also are a bit too samey in punting out the consumer-culture press releases that flatter their advertisers.

I'm still very sad that Anything That Moves (http://www.AnythingThatMoves.com) folded. That was a big chunky bi magazine with lots of other queer influences, BDSM, faith, poly etc. Alas, no longer with us.