View Full Version : Boring!

Aug 13, 2011, 10:57 AM
My life is so boring. I just need some fun and not the same thing over and over again. Are many of you feeling the same?

Aug 13, 2011, 11:09 AM
Life is what u make it. If u get lemons make a Gim and Tonic.
If u want fun Im horny lol.
Keep smiling.

Aug 13, 2011, 11:11 AM
Someone said that "man" is a creature of habit. Can you explain what you mean ? What is your typical day like ?

Besos para ella
Aug 13, 2011, 11:11 AM
Pretty much! :(

I've just finished uni and am living back at home... EEEK... independence well and truly gone. I'm hoping a job will re-invent my current lack of life and then when I earn enough... go travelling... I am thinking 22 is an annoying age because as much as i'd like to think i'm independent and ready to take on the world... i'm probably not quite there! It's funny you should post this today... you kinda beat me to it! At least I know there's someone else pretty much as fed up as me! :)

Aug 13, 2011, 11:17 AM
FUCK YES :bigrin:

Aug 13, 2011, 11:50 AM
Go out and do something nice for someone. Keep doing something nice for someone and soon you won't be bored

Aug 13, 2011, 12:09 PM
Nope, I'm not bored.......rarely ever bored! Never have been, even in my youth.

Maybe being older and having a lot of skills to do interesting things, helps.

Being under your parents' control is not fun, though. I left home as soon as I could, to see where my path would lead. I've been lucky and have had a great time..........mostly. At least, what bad times I had made me appreciate the good times and they were learning process.

As long as you're home, they will probably think of you as their little girl and expect you to act accordingly.

Aug 13, 2011, 2:12 PM
Nope.. boredom is summat me hardly eva suffers from.. have kate (yum yum) an the kids 2 keep me goin.. have a full life... gud job me luffs doin.. gr8 m8s, me music (playin as well as lissnin), concerts, theatre, cinema, readin, writin poetry an me journal (lot less raunchy than 1ce 'pon a time), a city wich is fulla life all the year round.. we walk, we cycle, we swim, we talk.. we argue... hav me causes.. hav Sybina (yep.. she still works...).. an hav me Jambos now the foootie season has restarted(who r crap but they r the Jambos)...an we hav the weekends... shoppin, pubs, clubs, parties, dancin, plonk, cognac, lotsa laffs... an me luffly dad 2 spoil me.. as well as me mum 2 hav enjoyable lil tiff wiv...

... an course ther is this place.. not really back here rite enow.. me is an illusion.. back 2 work after the school hols in a lil ova a week... no time for yas then ver much...

Suffer boredom? Ya must b kiddin..:)

Aug 15, 2011, 5:17 AM
At about 18yo I was a wages clerk. OMFG I knew the true meaning of soul destroying tedium!:(
I had to TYPE out the cheques with a MANUAL TYPEWRITER!! Oh yes! It was THAT long ago.
I hated every minute of the working week. EVERY MINUTE OF IT!:(

I changed jobs to be a painter/decorator for my local council. Totally different!:) Not being stuck in an office and not knowing where I'd be one day to the next, meeting new people etc etc was fantastic!:)

If your bored, change things!;)

Annika L
Aug 15, 2011, 11:12 AM
I vaguely remember being bored as a child/young adolescent.

But honestly, I cannot recall the last time such a thing happened.

Aug 15, 2011, 11:55 AM
If I am in chat in this or any other site and receive a message by someone who says that they are bored, it usually means the same as "horny". "Do I fancy a quick cyber quicky?" It is a word which, when it comes up in my pm chat box makes me groan in despair and roll my eyes at the stupidity of the bored.

I'm seldom bored but it has happened. Like Annika I was quite young and more easily prone to not using my mind to occupy myself. I'm more often fed up which isn't quite the same thing and this is more to do with mood and happenings or non happenings in my life. But on the rare occasions I have been bored there is always plenty to occupy me and so I squirrel about finding something to make me less bored. It's quite easy.

Boredom is an indication of a very lazy and idle mind.

drugstore cowboy
Aug 17, 2011, 12:08 AM
If you're bored do something about it.

Aug 17, 2011, 8:23 AM
The reason for this was because I was bored. I couldn't find anything that needed doing to occupy me or my mind.

Anyway I should with any look I should be joining gym within the next week where I will be training to get in shape to try out for becoming a firefighter.

I'm currently unemployed and struggling to find a job, but so are a lot of other people. But my point is I had literally ran out of things to do to occupy me.

My mind is always busy so when I find I've nothing to focus on my life becomes boring.

Boredom is an indication of a very lazy and idle mind. <<<Are you for reel?

To me boredom is where things become routine, second nature, could do it with your eyes closed, non exciting, no challenge, something of non interest etc etc.

I read a lot to keep my mind busy, I will play mind games etc. But even things you do for fun will become routine. It's what you do to make that something exciting again.