View Full Version : Any chance of injury from anal?

Aug 12, 2011, 8:53 PM
While I don't have any strong desire to receive a guy analy, I am curious about what so many others enjoy about it. While contemplating this recently, I had a minor health issue that resulted in a bit of blood in my stool for a couple of days. (It had me concerned, so I consulted a doctor, and determined that it was an easily corrected issue.)

The thing is, if I HAD engaged in anal, and a few days after, some bleeding had occured, I would have assumed it was from some kind of injury from the sex. I'd have been wrong, and hesitant to get help.

So my question is, what injuries (aside from the obvious diseases) are possible from receiving (or for that matter, delivering) anal sex with a guy or a sex toy?

Long Duck Dong
Aug 12, 2011, 9:21 PM
tissue tearing, non std type infections, internal bleeding and they are all things that can happen normally and not as a result of anal sex...... and they are all things that can happen cos of anal sex......

when I was in prison, there was a guy anally raped in the minimum sec section, 18 stitches.... and I had the chance to talk with him years later.... he spent a number of weeks living on liquid food so that his anal passage had a chance to heal without tearing the stitches..... and said its a pain that will live in his mind for the rest of his life.....

tissue tearing is something that can handle during normal anal sex and a lot of the time, its accidental, a mistimed thrust. a bad position and one person slips etc etc but everybody I have talked to that has had stitches anally have all said OUCH

yet there are people that want and need it, deep, hard and aggressive, that suffer no side effects, other than a well pounded ass that still feels like its being fucked a few days later...lol......

Aug 12, 2011, 9:26 PM
A friend told me an anal sex gone wrong story recently. I won't give details, but it was awful and required many follow up visits to a nurse.

Aug 13, 2011, 3:11 AM
Depends what is being inserted.

Someone here (who and when was it) posted a link which showed someone using a glass tumbler that broke inside him. I confess that I switched that one off quickly and am still wincing over it even as I write.

1)Tears have already been mentioned.
2) Human Papiloma Virus may be introduced and has a correlation with cancer.
3) Other STD's
4) Weakening of the anal sphincters which may allow prolapse through the anus.
5) General weakening of the sphincters which may promote incontinence
6) Sleeving may occur where the internal gut folds over itself and may be seen as an internal prolapse (best I can do to describe).
7)There may be limited internal support at times which may allow (varicosities) internal haemorrhoids to develop. These may prolapse if severe.

(Ischaemic death of tissue may follow with any of the prolapses)

8) Tears may develop into fistulas - ulcers which develop their characterisitic duoble ended openings inside and outside of the body. The anal sphincters may be scarred / badly damaged as a result.
9) If the tearis in the wrong place then peritonitis and blood poisoning (septicaemia) may ensue.

10) Death from sheer pleasure

Aug 13, 2011, 9:29 PM
In a word ....... YES!

The whole thing is designed for soft stuff to go out, not something hard & rigid going in.

Just take care at all times.

Aug 13, 2011, 11:09 PM
duh! exit only or play at your own risk. OUCH!

Aug 14, 2011, 2:45 AM
Its very risky.

I would guess millions have died from it?

Aug 14, 2011, 9:07 AM
"Its very risky. I would guess millions have died from it? "

Good thing we don't all base our lives off your guesses huh? I have been discriminate in having male partners. I enjoy being on the receiving end of anal sex, very much. :) But it is difficult for lovers with me, as I'm so picky. I become tight, almost virginal, due to just simply wanting flesh over toys. Which means when lovers try, they need to 'work' me out.

Yes, there is pain. At times it may seem unbearable. This is one reason I am discriminate. I want to trust a lover to stop when I ask. But there is also pleasure. It is so euphoric, it can be unbearable. I want to trust a lover to grip me tighter should I try wiggling away. :)

Wow, I'm still living. :) Imagine that. And there are millions of homosexual guys who enjoy anal. Not sure of millions, but obviously a good few bisexual guys do as well. Some women even like getting it up the bum.

In all seriousness though, I have been told of a nerve center in that area which could possibly kill a person, if struck the 'correct' way. But you really have to be versed in medicine to know the 'correct' way. It's not something likely to happen just off handed.

So, dude. Lemme guess, you hate queers or faggots, huh? :tong: Sorry baby, we out here.

Bikash Pandey
Aug 14, 2011, 9:34 AM
new one here.. Hello all..
My personsl experience says tht its a muslce after all.. You have to str lightly before getting pounded.. Take it like the way you do dumble press.. You dnt hit 30 poundd strght rather str with 15 pounds..

Aug 14, 2011, 1:13 PM
The pleasure (at least in men) comes from the many nerve endings in the anus and stimulation of the prostate gland - there may be other psychological pleasures as well..or all of this might seem very scary - that's why it's very important to have developed trust with a partner before you try it.

I worry about tears and loosening of the muscles - of course it's only me here, and I do every once in a while but I usually try to give myself time to heal up afterward if I'm too aggressive. I think it's easy to get impatient and not use enough lube or force things that aren't ready...

Like anything else in life anal penetration can be taken to extremes and abused. I see some videos of guys who have abused themselves on the internet to the point where they have prolapses and stuff - doesn't seem very sexy when i think about it.

Aug 15, 2011, 1:14 AM
Omg, thank you! All of you!! I have had to argue with others on here before about whether or not it can be harmful, even just slightly, bc they all love to tell people "no"!! Someone even said you can't get hemorrhoids from it. Um, seriously?! If you can get them from big, hard shit, then you can get them from a rock hard cock, doing way more than just exiting your back door! Do some research! I have a real issue with the fact that so many people in this world just aren't doing their homework before attempting ANYTHING sexual, especially those that are medically risky. It's irresponsible and uncaring.

There are definitely risks. Most are painful. Some are mild and no big deal, some are major. Some can be long-lasting, gross, nuisances, too. So think about these things. There ARE other ways to get off, afterall.

I don't discourage anal. I think if you do it right that it can be ok sometimes. It's not MY favorite thing to do, personally, but then again my bf is quite hung.

And don't even get me started on what it's like to explain to a straight man (who desires NO anal contact, ever!) what the big issue is as to why some of us are always saying no! :banghead: :rolleyes:

Aug 16, 2011, 2:37 PM
Of course you can be injured from anal penetration.

The list of diseases you can contract from anal sex is longer than most people think. HIV, Hepatitis B, C, and D, gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, HPV, and many others that are less common and cause less problems. Honestly, besides the obvious ones, it is anal gonorrhea and chlamydia that are more dangerous than most people understand. It is the opinion of many public health people that untreated, asymptomatic gonorrhea and chlamydia are responsible for many porn stars having issues with prolapses. They are also responsible for an uptick in anal cancer as well.

And, you can have traumatic injury if you are taking something too large, or are not relaxed and prepared.

So, the advice is, as it should be, be careful. Take things slow. Stop if it hurts. Use protection. Be smart. And, also if you do perform unprotected sex, get the DNA test everywhere you receive. Oral and anal gonorrhea and chlamydia seldom have symptoms, but are generally easily treatable.

drugstore cowboy
Aug 17, 2011, 12:20 AM
While I don't have any strong desire to receive a guy analy, I am curious about what so many others enjoy about it. While contemplating this recently, I had a minor health issue that resulted in a bit of blood in my stool for a couple of days. (It had me concerned, so I consulted a doctor, and determined that it was an easily corrected issue.)

The thing is, if I HAD engaged in anal, and a few days after, some bleeding had occured, I would have assumed it was from some kind of injury from the sex. I'd have been wrong, and hesitant to get help.

So my question is, what injuries (aside from the obvious diseases) are possible from receiving (or for that matter, delivering) anal sex with a guy or a sex toy?

People do sometimes bleed from anal sex. Not always but it can happen and you might not even know it.

I'm not into getting fucked or putting anything up my ass but my friends who are have said how they have bled after taking a large penis or getting fucked hard.

Many have also been hurt from using sex toys either with someone or alone.