View Full Version : Government Debt and You

Aug 12, 2011, 7:19 AM

An attempt to explain. Your thoughts?

Aug 12, 2011, 9:00 AM

An attempt to explain. Your thoughts?

What does this have to do with being bisexual?

Aug 12, 2011, 11:37 AM
What does this have to do with being bisexual?

Without money, even your existence as a person in modern society may waver. In this case, unfortunately, bisexuals are still human beings. This makes us directly tied to the human condition. No money could mean no food, lack of service/s, no water, no electricity, no gas for automobiles and so on. I'd say it has a direct influence on bisexuals and mono-sexuals across the board.


My thoughts are varied and perhaps somewhat ignorant at times. Mainly I think we ought to eliminate the notion of money all together. Give everyone a "Living Wage" as proposed by MLK JR. and others. We can then barter labor / services / products for anything deemed luxury items. People can do what they love, base our wages off of pure merit then. Give better performers say 2% more than average Joe's. But make education purely free, to encourage Joe's to strive to do better. But again, I'm just some dumb hill billy who rather be fishing or bowling, living, laughing, loving. All this stuff is beyond me, advanced math with money. Will Roger's had a good trick for doubling money, fold it and put back in your pocket. Beyond that I figure common sense is a good meter. See, really dumb hick here.

Aug 12, 2011, 12:03 PM
Okay, but how does this affect bisexuals other than as members of the general public? The government doesn't give out subsidized lube....LOL

Aug 12, 2011, 3:29 PM
Well, where I live the government does give out subsidised lube, and condoms, but generally - yes, nothing specifically bi there really.

Still, it's that rare thread where we've got all the way to the fifth comment without anyone mentioning penis size... doh!

Aug 12, 2011, 5:28 PM
You are still relatively new here (8 months). Bisexuals exist outside of their sexuality is the usual rationale why there are threads about other topics. Some bisexuals like to discuss something other than the first time that they cum. What has Cat's "Adult thread" have to do with bisexuality? The riot threads? Your favourite music video? Threads on religion...etc. Although I generally agree with the idea that most threads are about and should be about bisexuality.

I thought that the video gave a simple enough explanation to something that many countries (therefore the bisexuals in those countries) are grappling with. (their government's debt and the consequences of the debt affecting many western countries). Debt is one of the big issues/tensions in most relationships if it exists.

Aug 12, 2011, 5:37 PM
You are still relatively new here (8 months). Bisexuals exist outside of their sexuality is the usual rationale why there are threads about other topics. Some bisexuals like to discuss something other than the first time that they cum. What has Cat's "Adult thread" have to do with bisexuality? The riot threads? Your favourite music video? Threads on religion...etc. Although I generally agree with the idea that most threads are about and should be about bisexuality.

I thought that the video gave a simple enough explanation to something that many countries (therefore the bisexuals in those countries) are grappling with. (their government's debt and the consequences of the debt affecting many western countries). Debt is one of the big issues/tensions in most relationships if it exists.

So you're posting this to stir up trouble? Gotcha

Aug 13, 2011, 2:45 AM
Much appreciated Tenni.

Although, I am not so sure that I agree with the given definition of the term "stagflation". Maybe my understanding is influenced by the same cultural difference that exists over the terms Billion and Trillion: UK billion is 1 million millions; USA billion is only one thousand millions.

How is this bisexual? Don't know.

Aug 13, 2011, 5:01 AM
Much appreciated Tenni.

Although, I am not so sure that I agree with the given definition of the term "stagflation". Maybe my understanding is influenced by the same cultural difference that exists over the terms Billion and Trillion: UK billion is 1 million millions; USA billion is only one thousand millions.

How is this bisexual? Don't know.

It isn't Heph me luffly... least not solely... it is summat that affects us all... an summat that affects us all is by definition summat that affects bisexuals.. o yea...an lil dykes like me.. tee hee... wy dus we discuss it 'ere? Cos we not just the sum of our tits an pussy an cock an arse an how many times we cum in a week or wot we do between the sheets an wiv whom...we r (well most of us..can think of a few dimmos) intelligent peeps wiv an interest in how our life pans out.. an who have summat 2 say...

Aug 13, 2011, 5:04 AM
So you're posting this to stir up trouble? Gotcha

Not sure thats wy 'e posted it at all, Marie me luffly...:)

Aug 13, 2011, 8:26 AM
One of the interesting points that I saw in the video was about government bonds. In my country, there is a system of government bonds for the average Joe to purchase. It is called Canada Savings bonds. Now, a lot/few companies participated in a payroll deduction approach to purchasing these Canada Savings Bonds. I participated in it. It was a good way to save money to have this payroll deduction. A lot of people that I worked with bought these government bonds through payroll deduction. Some cashed them in right away once a year had passed. They didn't save and gain the interest. I had never thought that purchasing these payroll deduction government bonds was encouraging the federal government to spend money that it didn't have! I guess it was though. I never thought that the interest that I gained had to come from somewhere in my government tax system?

With countries like Greece in such dire financial situations and the people protesting about having to pay taxes and cut backs. Apparently, the Greeks have become accustomed to not paying any taxes and not living within their means. Avoiding paying tax became a national past time practice? Several other countries have over extended and I guess had these government bonds.

I don't know who other than the average Joe purchasing savings bonds actually bought my government's bonds? Canada lost its triple A rating in the 90's. There were some serious cut backs to try to reduce the deficit and to some degree the debt. We have a triple A rating back now. I don't know who owns the bonds but we are still having to have bonds as we still have debt. In the past few years, we have gone from having an eleven year annual surplus to now the largest deficit in our history.

Our present government who created the largest deficit in our history blamed the need for this on stimulus spending. That's stopped and we still have a deficit. Government income from taxes have dropped due to loss in the economy but the government is still selling government bonds ...I guess. The government doesn't promote the idea that we are spending more than we bring in in taxes. We, the citizens, don't seem to question who is buying our government bonds or even think about it. We are told that we will not have a deficit by 2014. The threat of huge cutbacks in spending looms within the next few months. What is going to be cut is the question? Our government controlling party now has a majority and can make these cuts where ever they want. No one can stop them through democratic practice. Every party promised to end the deficit in our recent election and it became almost a game as who promised to do it quicker. There just wasn't a good discussion on where the cuts would come though. The first government employee cuts were just announced and surprise..the cuts are in the environment and weather climate predictions...just as our arctic ice is vanishing...nice.

I now look at government bonds slightly differently. Most of us want all the benefits from our governments to spend more than the tax that they bring in. We have been postponing what now may be a growing global financial mess. Apparently this is unprecidented? All of our governments seem to be financially interlinked or at least those of us living in a G7 country. I don't think that I have to stir anything up. We all need to wake up to the troubles that seem interlinked. I'm hoping that the markets improve as I can not afford having to wait years to regain what I may have lost this week. I think that my financial planner didn't listen or I didn't speak clear enough when I asked him to put my money in a safe place...lol

Aug 13, 2011, 8:07 PM
"It is called Canada Savings bonds."

We still have much the same here. U.S. Savings Bonds, the government in effect borrows the money of the people. In return we supposedly get double back. Example: You buy a $50 bond for $25, after say five years you get your $50. They also have the E series bonds which get deposited, or used to pay for a person's education.

The government uses the money of the people for whatever ends, then pays double back. But the interest on return rate on these has hit rock bottom, though I'm not sure exactly what that has to do with it, aside from it being cited as a reason to not invest.

Of course, we then also have taxes, which are wavering in creditability recently. More and more folks keep suggesting taxes are illegal. I'm not saying either way, but if so many from so many different walks keep reporting the same research, it seems to be a truth. Who is to say?

Aug 13, 2011, 8:19 PM
Without money, even your existence as a person in modern society may waver. In this case, unfortunately, bisexuals are still human beings. This makes us directly tied to the human condition. No money could mean no food, lack of service/s, no water, no electricity, no gas for automobiles and so on. I'd say it has a direct influence on bisexuals and mono-sexuals across the board.


My thoughts are varied and perhaps somewhat ignorant at times. Mainly I think we ought to eliminate the notion of money all together. Give everyone a "Living Wage" as proposed by MLK JR. and others. We can then barter labor / services / products for anything deemed luxury items. People can do what they love, base our wages off of pure merit then. Give better performers say 2% more than average Joe's. But make education purely free, to encourage Joe's to strive to do better. But again, I'm just some dumb hill billy who rather be fishing or bowling, living, laughing, loving. All this stuff is beyond me, advanced math with money. Will Roger's had a good trick for doubling money, fold it and put back in your pocket. Beyond that I figure common sense is a good meter. See, really dumb hick here.

LOL, for only 2% more nobody would excel, everyone would chill and everything, all progress would stagnate.
I love sleeping....who's gonna pay me to do it? some people like shooting up heroine......we really wanna reward them for that? I can tell you have a good heart, but a good heart does not sound economics make. :rolleyes:
Human condition demands rewards for those who strive and push the limits, who compete and dominate. When I was a kid, the winning sports team got trophies. the kids who lost got nothing but the advice to practice and try harder next season. Thats life. Now all the kids get trophies. where is the incentive to strive and be better? Same for the rest of us. "living wage"....just what is that? other than impossible. No offense friend, I would love to fish and hike and relax all day too, but if we all did that sooner rather than later the power would go out, the stores wouldnt have food, the gas would run out, etc, etc, etc. society is built on competition and money and everyone being productive and then rewarding the most productive over the lazy moochers
I wouldnt have it any other way. :)

Aug 14, 2011, 8:21 AM
"society is built on competition and money and everyone being
productive and then rewarding the most productive over the lazy

Actually society's roots come from a Droai, or Druid word Tues,
meaning family or tribe. It goes on back further, this term for a

I understand your point and am not offended. I am not suggesting lazy
moochers. Matter of fact, fishing, hunting, raising a garden can all
be productive. More (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Living+Wage) about
the living wage is out there, moocher. ;) What I am suggesting though
is a wage which provides each person's basic needs. If they want more,
then, do some form of work to pay for it.

And work does not necessarily mean going into a human meat grinding
factory to produce excess product no one buys. You can produce novels,
create music, provide a service of picking up refuse. Find something
you love doing, in reason and legal, then do it and strive to be good
at it.

And yes, base the system of paying above the living wage, on merit.
This means that say you've two people being doctors in a town, one
gets more patients because they provide accurate treatment & prevention
procedures. That means they get more credit at stores, money, whatever
the reward based on doing a better job.

You might also want to look up
Ithaca Hours (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Ithaca+Hours) which is
something different. The idea is people provide time in labor for goods
/ services / labor returned. Essentially that's what our current
notion of money does. There are alternatives which do work. So, why
can't we start giving them fair consideration? I mean considering the
state we're all in right now, we got to do something, something is
better than nothing or whining.

Aug 14, 2011, 1:37 PM
"It is called Canada Savings bonds."

We still have much the same here. U.S. Savings Bonds, the government in effect borrows the money of the people. In return we supposedly get double back. Example: You buy a $50 bond for $25, after say five years you get your $50. They also have the E series bonds which get deposited, or used to pay for a person's education.

The government uses the money of the people for whatever ends, then pays double back. But the interest on return rate on these has hit rock bottom, though I'm not sure exactly what that has to do with it, aside from it being cited as a reason to not invest.

Of course, we then also have taxes, which are wavering in creditability recently. More and more folks keep suggesting taxes are illegal. I'm not saying either way, but if so many from so many different walks keep reporting the same research, it seems to be a truth. Who is to say?

Savings-bond sales to small investors is mainly for show. The real market from U.S. teasury debt and the dsoverign debt of other countries is to institutional investors.