View Full Version : Picture Request

May 18, 2006, 5:52 PM
I had a conversation with a lady friend last night who was really freaking out over a request she got from a guy she was dating. Well actually they were dating and then he got pissed at her and now it is more he just stops by for sex when he is horny. While all that could very easily be a seperate conversation it's not the purpose of this thread.

He asked her for a picture of her pussy to jerk off to. She was really freaked and was asking me as a guy why the fuck was up with guys wanting pics like that. Now I am not opposed to porn pictures but I think his request was over the line. She asked me what to do and I suggested to her that she simply ask him if he forgot what it looked like or just never paid attention to it. I also told her to find a pic on the web and send it to him and I doubt if he would even know it wasn' her. That would be an interesting conversation later telling him he didn't it know it wasn't her.

Her and I have been together in the past and have talked about the fact that we have both masturbated thinking about each other. I mentioned that I didn't need a picture of her to remember how lovely and sexy she and "it" was, :)

I told her taking nude photos of each other as foreplay and doing it together is one thing but to simply want a picture to jerk off to is not really something I would do. I like erotic sexy nude photos with taste (no pun intended), and yes nude photo can have taste.

So what does everyone thing? I would assume most ladies have been asked for nude pictures but have you been asked for a close up pussy picture for the guy to jack off too?

May 19, 2006, 12:25 PM
Actually Billy I think what you said about their present relationship and the picture say the same thing. You said he only comes around for sex. By asking for a picture to masturbate to he practicually told her all she ever would be was a pussy. Nothing more.

Not my idea of a decent guy or relationship.



May 19, 2006, 12:59 PM
Actually Billy I think what you said about their present relationship and the picture say the same thing. You said he only comes around for sex. By asking for a picture to masturbate to he practicually told her all she ever would be was a pussy. Nothing more.

Not my idea of a decent guy or relationship.



Damn good point...

May 19, 2006, 4:29 PM
From a womans point of view I would have kicked that jerk to the curb :devil: and many other evil things. I think as a woman we desever more respect than just a pussy shot. Have her tell him if he wants a pussy shot he can go get a freaking playboy. :soapbox:
Billy tell her she deserves better than that and this is from a woman view. Sex can't be worth your self respect.


May 19, 2006, 5:40 PM
From a womans point of view I would have kicked that jerk to the curb :devil: and many other evil things. I think as a woman we desever more respect than just a pussy shot. Have her tell him if he wants a pussy shot he can go get a freaking playboy. :soapbox:
Billy tell her she deserves better than that and this is from a woman view. Sex can't be worth your self respect.

Agreed....I sent my gf one just for fun...but that's in the confines of a loving and commited relationship. I'd never give someone a pic just for sex purposes. I even made my ex give back the porno I made for him. Boy did he not like that...

May 19, 2006, 7:20 PM
From a womans point of view I would have kicked that jerk to the curb :devil: and many other evil things. I think as a woman we desever more respect than just a pussy shot. Have her tell him if he wants a pussy shot he can go get a freaking playboy. :soapbox:
Billy tell her she deserves better than that and this is from a woman view. Sex can't be worth your self respect.


I agreeeeee! Damn, what a shallow sounding jerk. Tell him there is more porn on the web than anyone could ever stomach looking at, have fun, and by the way- don't ever come back, call me again, etc.