View Full Version : At what age did you first cum?

R. R. Wayne
Aug 10, 2011, 9:06 PM
I was probably around 11 years old, but actually was able to have the sensation of ejacualtion without any fluids from the age of 7 or 8 at latest.
Got my first blow job in 8th grade, 13 years old and have loved them ever since.

Aug 10, 2011, 9:14 PM
I believe (OR HOPE) that discussing sexual activity involving children is strictly prohibited here.

Aug 11, 2011, 7:52 AM
Had to be 12 or 13 for me too .

Aug 11, 2011, 8:04 AM
i was 15--had the sensation along time but just little bubbles

Aug 11, 2011, 8:38 AM
At about 10.. But I'd been working on it for some time :bigrin:

(SlipnSlide, we are just relating personal experience, I don't think anyone is considering that pedo.. If someone said that when they were 18, they gave a 12 YO his first orgasm, that would be different, at least to me...)

Aug 11, 2011, 8:49 AM

I feel that the OP posted that, as asking about a person's first experiences, which would have been common at a young age.......there has been many questions and stories about this subject, here, which were discussed before.

Some of us were maybe too young to understand the full impact of our actions, some were older and more mature...so what?

His question was only about what age that occurred.

Aug 11, 2011, 10:47 AM
Most of us lost our virginities before we were of age. Oh boy we should all see psychologists, we're all pedophiles! *gasp!* :eek:

Unless we're talking about something harmful and illegal that's currently going on (and should be reported), we should all be open and compassionate to things people have experienced as children, good or bad. Why all the judgement lately? It's seriously exhausting.

My first time really doing anything was when I was 14. But I figured out how to have an orgasm by myself as a child (although I didn't know what it was.) Not sure what age, but very young. I think most people figure this out at a young age, although there are some adults who still have never touched themselves!

Aug 11, 2011, 10:48 AM
I guess this was mostly aimed at guys. Can't really relate to ejaculating... wish I could! LOL!!!

Aug 11, 2011, 11:32 AM
I think that I was around 13 and it surprised me a bit...not enough to worry about it or stop though.:bigrin:

I also had been messsin about for some time. In fact, I have this strange memory about being in my crib during an afternoon nap.(so about two years old?) I had developed a curiousity about the electrical outlet near my crib. I can remember sticking things in the socket and getting a little shock. Somehow, I also remember touching myself at the same time. I was a kinky two year old...:eek:

Aug 11, 2011, 3:37 PM
Ahh, so Thats what caused Tenni to be the way he is...*;) and lecherous grin:bigrin:*
I was 14 when I had my first true orgasm. I had found a wonderful Herm lover, and she made me have my first orgasm, and I in turn gave her her firsts as well..:}
Wonderful times..;)

Prince of Thieves
Aug 11, 2011, 3:56 PM
I was 19. My household was a "bit" religious and totalitarian. I managed to get a hold of a porn and watch it. I was in awe. I had never seen anything sexual to this point in my life. At that time, I didn't even realize that was what cumming was for a man. The whole idea of cum shooting from one's penis at such force was quite shocking to see for me. So later, I masturbated for the first time afterward, and when I came was as much surprised and queasy, as pleasured. After that, there was no stopping me. :cool:

BJ Hunter
Aug 11, 2011, 5:40 PM
As I've always been a horny guy, I think it's because I first came around 9. Didn't really know what happened, and what that stuff was, but I knew it felt good. I was most likely the only guy I knew of in grade 5 wanking every chance I got. Friends at the time never played with there dicks, and thought I was wierd doing that. Too bad for them.
I still love to blow a nice load at 60 too. ;)

Aug 11, 2011, 5:56 PM
I was 19. [...snip...]

Wow, by 13 if I didn't jack off or have sex for about 3 days, I'd have a nocturnal emission and wake up in a puddle of goo... Now at 54 it's about a week or so.. (and I try to never let it happen :bigrin:

Prince of Thieves
Aug 11, 2011, 6:23 PM
Wow, by 13 if I didn't jack off or have sex for about 3 days, I'd have a nocturnal emission and wake up in a puddle of goo... Now at 54 it's about a week or so.. (and I try to never let it happen :bigrin:

Like I said I lived in a totalitarian household--one where my mother was uber-religious and my father was a gung-ho military man. Threats and the promises of the wrath of God did much to quell sexual curiosity as a teenager. But rest assured, I more than made up for lost time in the years after.

Aug 12, 2011, 6:51 PM
Around 10/11yo. I remember making my best friend cum for the first time too. It was much later on that I made a girl cum though.:rolleyes:

Aug 12, 2011, 7:43 PM
Well, it's been quite some time but I think that it was around 13 or so. If I recall the first time was quite explosive. Wish that I could still cum like that.

Aug 12, 2011, 8:04 PM
Probably like most girls - the "nice tickly feeling" suddenly got very interesting about age 14-15.
Don't know precisely when "nearly there" turned into "Gotcha!" Sometime about then!

i was adept by 16.

Aug 12, 2011, 8:36 PM
14 for me. And yes, I thought I invented it. Not entirely sure I didn't!

Aug 13, 2011, 11:35 AM
12 for me. Went to a same age friends house after school, a regular thing. His folks were gone, and we were just doing/discussing the things 12yo do after school. Out of the blue, he said we should jack off, so we sat across from each other and did.

Aug 13, 2011, 2:26 PM
Actually cant 'memba if me wos 12 or 13.. all me dus kno is that me had 2 bloody bring mesel off... an do recall thinkin omgggggggggggggggggggg..:bigrin: