View Full Version : Ready to experement

Aug 10, 2011, 7:47 PM
Hi everyone...I am new to the site. Here is what I want advice on.

I had a few bi experiences in my late teens. I often have been turned on by the thought of identifying as bi wishing I had gone with it then. I don't find a lot of guys attractive but I do get turned on with the thought of being bi. I have been embracing my thoughts and visited a few gay clubs. Really I am not connecting with the "gay" scene. I am also not sure what types of experiences that I am looking for?

What I am fantasizing about is hanging out with people who are like me and not being tied to boundaries as my social group is fairly restrictive. I am however trying to become better friends with a guy that I have met before and someone told me he is bi. I am hoping to connect through him.

Does anyone have a similar experience.

Aug 10, 2011, 9:11 PM
We asked around, no.

Aug 10, 2011, 9:14 PM
I can sort-of relate. I didn't realize I was bi until I was 19, so I didn't have many opportunities to explore it. I've become very comfortable with guys, but I am completely awkward around girls. I love the gay scene but I sorta feel anxious, like I'm the new kid, and maybe people are looking at me like I'm confused. I'm not insecure whatsoever with myself and my sexuality, but my lack of experience makes me shy with girls. I'm like this stupid teenager all over again, lol. Like you, I prefer a crowd of people I fit in with. Bi or not, I sometimes feel like I don't fit in well. It's ok, to a point, because I like to be different, but everyone wants friends and people they can relate to. I've always been a tomboy. I think a lot of girls don't know what to think of me, bc I look like a girl, but I'm not prissy and fashionable, and when they start to gossip or talk about girl stuff, I'll walk away and go join the guys. Of course, then I feel like I'm the girl interrupting guy time, but I can relate to their conversations more. Maybe I just confuse people, lol.

Sorry, I'm rambling, but you've made me think a little, lol!

I guess I'm not sure what kind of advice you're looking for. I think you're doing the right thing by seeking out like-minded people. You don't have to go to gay clubs and do things like that, just find people with open minds. I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for! :)

Aug 10, 2011, 10:53 PM
First, Welcome to the site, E

This is NOT advice...but what I'd do, if I had an opportunity to do it all again!

Being more relationship inclined, myself, I'd sit down and figure out what I would like to try and definitely what I DON'T want to try, then find someone I can trust and communicate well with, then see it they're interested, too. I wouldn't get in too big a hurry, or don't settle for less than you want.

In your case, since you had some experience as a teen, maybe you can start out with something you remember and enjoyed, then. If you meet the right person....maybe you can venture into new realms of sensuous.

I'll guarantee you that there's someone out there, looking for the same things you are. All you've got to do, is find them!

Aug 10, 2011, 11:42 PM
I'm new to this site too.... I have had a few bi experiences myself, nor do I know what I'm looking for.. So what are you expecting out of the site? I just want to meet someone I can be friends with atleast.

Aug 11, 2011, 11:59 AM
I can totally relate , Im in the same position in liife myself. I would love to find people to hang out with and broaden my horizons with my bisexuality. Its hard to jump into this side of the fun pool when you have no experiance.

Aug 12, 2011, 7:57 AM
I know there are lots of different facets to being bi but I wonder how common each is? I mean if you look at the Kinsey scale most people probably fit into the shades of gray in between the middle and both sides of the spectrum.

So what you're going through is normal, of course.

Myself I've always identified as more a 2 or 3 on the scale. I enjoy hanging out with gay friends but it's definitely not a community I really identify with (and that would necessarily welcome me either).

Hard cocks really turn me on, and like many girls I've dated, I can understand when someone says they have a "craving" to go down. Yum!

I hardly ever have the compulsion to kiss guys, except maybe Hunter Parrish (Silas from Weeds-- I wouldn't mind a threesome with him and Mary-Louise Parker, messed up fantasy I know, but so right for so many reasons). I've met a few other bis lately that feel the same, they just can't see men in the same way they see women, but then I do run in swinger/non-monogamous/poly circles. If you're closer to the hetero side of the scale, it's only natural for you to feel more comfortable with a particular gender identification.

Aug 12, 2011, 9:45 AM
I don't have any experiences that I can share to relate to your question. But, I'll share my feelings on bisexual.

I've been hetrosexual my whole life, staying with the ladies exclusively and I love it. I played with some guys when I was a teenager but that was it and I didn't have strong feelings with them at all.

Now that I've gotten older, the pictures of dicks excite the hell out of me. If I look at too many, I'm looking for a napkin, if you know what I mean! I want to touch, fondle, play with, kiss, tongue, put it in my mouth and make deep passionate slurping love to it until I'm rewarded with a moan and a squirt! I haven't done that yet but want to passionately. I've found that a lot of men on here just want to pursue their fantasy with chat, that's cool because I'll do the same, but deep down, I want a real dick in my mouth!

I'm married, and I love the ladies but I need this other side of my sexuality to blossom!