View Full Version : tied out and about

Aug 10, 2011, 6:27 PM
so my fiance gave me this idea......

he has a forum on another website, so i decided i'd try a different website of my own.... to start.....

my fiance and i have the greatest sex life ever!!!!!
he's always been quite a bit kinkier then me, but has shared his "wisdom" with me which i love him dearly for.... who knew sex could be so much fun right?

well, it started with him wanting to tie me up, and i was a little hesitant at first, but come to find out, i absolutely love it!!! we've even gone as far as him tying me up to go out..... there's nothing like having my tits tied up under my clothes and going out! so i'm just wondering, any other ladies like to be tied up? any ideas you'd like to share?

i love hearing all kinds of suggestions *wink wink*

Aug 10, 2011, 11:01 PM
How about a Wireless remote control vibrator in your panties, but your fiancee has the remote? He can energize it when you least expect it!