View Full Version : bisexual books?

Aug 5, 2011, 5:13 PM
hi everyone, i'm a writer and i just got an idea about writing a book about the struggles and challenges of being a young bisexual. so i was wondering... have you ever read a book based on being bisexual? if so was it good? also what would you like to see in a book like this? is this even a good idea? i'd love feedback from anyone who's interested

Aug 6, 2011, 6:32 AM
You might want to look at some of the stuff that's been nominated for book awards? Take a nosey at http://bimedia.org/1523/2011s-best-bi-books/ for example.

Aug 10, 2011, 11:01 AM
hi everyone, i'm a writer and i just got an idea about writing a book about the struggles and challenges of being a young bisexual. so i was wondering... have you ever read a book based on being bisexual? if so was it good? also what would you like to see in a book like this? is this even a good idea? i'd love feedback from anyone who's interested

I'm not a professional writer myself but I've often had similar leanings, as I don't think there's enough of a "bi presence" in popular media.

I think for me if it wasn't necessarily the focus of the whole story it could still be compelling and help to open more people's minds up to the fact that we exist. I'm a geek so I enjoy SciFi stuff and personally I think (and hope) that it's inevitable for it to become more accepted (and hopefully understood) in the future. Myself I've wanted it to be a subtle subtext that didn't necessarily define a character, but just gave you more insight to their internal thought processes.

Without giving too much away what did you have in mind? In any case it sounds like a terrific idea and I'll be sure to check out the aforementioned bi reading list.

Aug 10, 2011, 11:18 AM
As a writer myself--I have been trying to do some sort of story about characters that are bisexual---I have done some preliminary work on such stories---I just haven't been able to quite get a coherent story to come together.

I do think that there is surely a place for writings about bisexuality whether it is non-fiction or fiction.

It does seem that quite often---well done fiction seems to have a bigger impact than does non-fiction.

Good luck to anyone who is trying to do some good writing on the topic of bisexuality.

The one thing you do have to take into consideration about such work----no matter how good it might be---the story will not be the end or and be all of bisexuality---it will simply be the story of those featured in the writing whether the writing is fiction or non-fiction and won't be all encompassing, tell the whole or "real story" of bisexuality---it will just be a "snap shot" detailing the experiences of the fictional or non-fiction characters in that particular work

Aug 10, 2011, 1:48 PM
If you write it, can we get autographed copies?

Aug 11, 2011, 12:09 AM
I'm not a professional writer myself but I've often had similar leanings, as I don't think there's enough of a "bi presence" in popular media.

I think for me if it wasn't necessarily the focus of the whole story it could still be compelling and help to open more people's minds up to the fact that we exist. I'm a geek so I enjoy SciFi stuff and personally I think (and hope) that it's inevitable for it to become more accepted (and hopefully understood) in the future. Myself I've wanted it to be a subtle subtext that didn't necessarily define a character, but just gave you more insight to their internal thought processes.

Without giving too much away what did you have in mind? In any case it sounds like a terrific idea and I'll be sure to check out the aforementioned bi reading list.

well... i was thinking about basing it around 4 girls, two turn out to be bi, one lesbian, one straight. i'm thinking throughout the book they struggle with coming out, figuring out who they really are, crushes, and all things nessessary in growing up. this is just a thought, that you could tweak if u like i'm always open to suggestions. :)

Aug 11, 2011, 12:29 AM
As a writer myself--I have been trying to do some sort of story about characters that are bisexual---I have done some preliminary work on such stories---I just haven't been able to quite get a coherent story to come together.

I do think that there is surely a place for writings about bisexuality whether it is non-fiction or fiction.

It does seem that quite often---well done fiction seems to have a bigger impact than does non-fiction.

Good luck to anyone who is trying to do some good writing on the topic of bisexuality.

The one thing you do have to take into consideration about such work----no matter how good it might be---the story will not be the end or and be all of bisexuality---it will simply be the story of those featured in the writing whether the writing is fiction or non-fiction and won't be all encompassing, tell the whole or "real story" of bisexuality---it will just be a "snap shot" detailing the experiences of the fictional or non-fiction characters in that particular work

i know it won't be the end or and be all of bisexuality. honestly with this book, i just want to extertain the bisexual community, help straight people who read this get a better understanding of us, and help people who are struggling to come out. i accept the fact that it will be a snap shot, i just hope that it's worth me writting it.

as for the fiction non fiction debate, it's going to be mostly fiction, or catagorized as fiction, but (with everyone's permission) i'd like to use a few interesting expearences people on this site have had. does this sound like a good idea to you?

Aug 11, 2011, 12:31 AM
If you write it, can we get autographed copies?

of course! ;)

Aug 11, 2011, 4:01 AM
well... i was thinking about basing it around 4 girls, two turn out to be bi, one lesbian, one straight. i'm thinking throughout the book they struggle with coming out, figuring out who they really are, crushes, and all things nessessary in growing up. this is just a thought, that you could tweak if u like i'm always open to suggestions. :)

Sounds like a great premise so far, beauty. What links all of them together, are they friends, lovers, confidants? Sort of like Girl, Interrupted or (to make a vulgar reference), Sex in the City with teens? Or how about setting it amongst the events of a major sweeping event (in the background) that acts as a metaphor for what's going on in their lives?

I think it's q great thing to get the awareness out there in a positive way, whatever you end up writing and will go right onto my reading list! :)

Aug 11, 2011, 9:31 AM
I agree.

Most women I've known are more tender and cerebral in their approach to love/sexuality/bisexuality.

I enjoy reading good works, that in my opinion, focus on building an interesting relationship, with emotional and sensual aspects, that develop slowly to a peak.

Sensuous book/stories I've read, authored a woman, usually bear out this theme. Many men writers, I'm afraid, are often orientated toward immediate gratification, with the peripherals of events never being considered. I realize that there are those of both sides of this subject, but I've written my experiences, which may not be as accurate as I thought.

As a person who is more relationship inclined, I enjoy reading the building story line in compelling, progressive, phases, involving emotions, thoughts, actions, while building tempo.........then the culmination of events with caring and sexuality being the results.

Then, as the story continues to progress, the lovers' explorations, discovery, trials, and then (hopefully) achievement of happiness and satisfaction, may be reached.

I know all stories don't have ideal finishes, but I have to admit .......I love happy endings!

Aug 11, 2011, 1:59 PM
Of the five books shortlisted on the site Softfruit recommends (http://bimedia.org/1409/best-of-bi-books/), I highly recommend If You Follow Me by Malena Watrous. I heard the author of Pride/Prejudice: A Novel of Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, and Their Forbidden Lovers read an excerpt from the novel, and it sounded like pornographic rubbish. Haven't read the others.

Have you read the nonfictional (true-life) story I published here?

Aug 11, 2011, 3:00 PM
I read a Victorian era book, Adventures of A Voluptuary, that was supposedly written by privileged son of a wealthy English family. The story was about a boy's boarding school adventures. I was particularly interested in reading it, because I had also attended private military schools. I had a few similar experiences, but compared to the book, my explorations weren't nearly as prolific!

It was written in the flowery language of that era and advertised as an true and accurate account.......... but seemed a little too far fetched, in my view.

Aug 11, 2011, 11:41 PM
Sounds like a great premise so far, beauty. What links all of them together, are they friends, lovers, confidants? Sort of like Girl, Interrupted or (to make a vulgar reference), Sex in the City with teens? Or how about setting it amongst the events of a major sweeping event (in the background) that acts as a metaphor for what's going on in their lives?

I think it's q great thing to get the awareness out there in a positive way, whatever you end up writing and will go right onto my reading list! :)

i'm not sure how to link them yet, either they'll occasionally hook up with eachother, go to the same school, or possible have no connection at all, i hadn't really thought about that lol but thank you for your support, i really appreciate it :)