View Full Version : Inconsistancies in life

May 18, 2006, 9:26 AM
Ever notice the inconsistancies in life. For instance...for the most part it's considered cool if a female is bi-sexual, but sick if a man is. Why is that?
Also in what is considered acceptable clothing for men, and women. A woman for the most part can wear anything she wants, and noboby really thinks twice...But if a man wears anything remotely feminine he has "issues".
When I came out to my wife, she said I was sick...that was a few years ago, and she lets me persuit my wishes/feelings for dressing as long as she or our daughter doesn't to see it. She likes the fact that we can watch people and I can pick out hot guys for her, or me, and she will point out good looking women to me. She's a GREAT wife!

May 18, 2006, 9:36 AM
Ever notice the inconsistancies in life. For instance...for the most part it's considered cool if a female is bi-sexual, but sick if a man is. Why is that?
Also in what is considered acceptable clothing for men, and women. A woman for the most part can wear anything she wants, and noboby really thinks twice...But if a man wears anything remotely feminine he has "issues".

*Sigh* I wish it wasnt like that, but some people are becoming more accectable of guys that are feminine.Theres a lot of guys now that dress nice, and like to take care of their skin and nails and stuff like a gurl does, and I think everyone excepts that, but then again some people dont bc only "females" should be able to do that, and if a man does that stuff hes gay, well hes not gay..Hes taking care of himself and doesnt wanna look like a slob! lol And I wish I knew why i bisexual female is kool. Most guys think its kool bc they think they will get the chance to have a 3some. And whats SAD now is that a lot of gurls say they are Bisexual to get a guys attention...But really they arent bisexual. Bisexual has now became a trend for females and its sad and I think it hurts all of us who are REALLY bisexual. I dont see a problem with 2 men being together, but people do, And I dont know why! Its been happening forever! You read history and see its there! When I took world history and we talkin about midevil times and stuff, they clearly stated that a lot of the "kings" slept with men! So its been around a long time, people just are VERY close minded and its sad..Ok im done rambling! :tong:

May 18, 2006, 1:29 PM
Ever notice the inconsistancies in life. For instance...for the most part it's considered cool if a female is bi-sexual, but sick if a man is. Why is that?
Also in what is considered acceptable clothing for men, and women. A woman for the most part can wear anything she wants, and noboby really thinks twice...But if a man wears anything remotely feminine he has "issues".
When I came out to my wife, she said I was sick...that was a few years ago, and she lets me persuit my wishes/feelings for dressing as long as she or our daughter doesn't to see it. She likes the fact that we can watch people and I can pick out hot guys for her, or me, and she will point out good looking women to me. She's a GREAT wife!

Well unfortunately, men have a huge ego issue. Ego is what keeps most men straight. Straight men love to see to girls kissing, fighting in mud, and suckin each other off. Who knows why? This is why lots of men hope that when 2 women are fighting, they will start to kiss. Men just love seeing 2 females gettin it on. Now, if it's two men, to them, it's immasculine. This theory goes way back into caveman times. You would have to do some research on why men think that it's ok for females to be gay, but it's not okay for men to be. On the clothing issue, if a guy is clearly wearing a female piece of clothing, like a skirt, most likely its going to turn heads, because its a FEMALE piece of clothing. Therefore if a male wears it, it's going to seem FEMININE. I don't see why it's ok for females to dress like sluts- oh yea, cuz most men like that, cuz u can tell a girl is easy that way, and it won't take much to get her to sleep with you. I do think your wife was wrong for calling you "sick". It wasn't that serious. At least you told her, you could've kept it and been on the "downlow" for who knows how long.

May 18, 2006, 1:54 PM
I have to agree with Strawberry, a lot of the negativity comes from men in the first place. Men have dominated and put into societies minds what is and isn't acceptable for centuries. Women sort of followed suit with what they were told to think. Women haven't been taken seriously for many years and we've always had to protest and take extreme actions to be heard. It wasn't always acceptable for women to wear whatever they wanted or do what they wanted. Maybe you guys need to make a bigger stand at your right to being individuals.

Your wife really does sound like a great woman, more people need that type of support system in their lives.

May 21, 2006, 4:57 PM
I think it's great that you had the courage to come out to your wife, and even though she wasn't excepting right at first you were able to grow and sustain a healthy relationship. I had somewhat of similar reaction from my partner when I came out and we're still working through it. It's not an easy thing to deal with.
As for the clothing issue, ladys can get away with wearing more or less, and have more to choose from. It does suck that we as men don't have more options. But everytime I find a really cool and different clothing store it usually closes within a couple years, because "Men" don't like to shop and try new things. So then we are forced to go to the same department stores that only have one little corner of mens clothing that looks like the same crap from every other store so we all look the same. Or the guys that don't like to dress nice then they look like slobs. I completely understand how you feel. Because I think it great when men take care of themselves and take pride in their appearance. But I do have a question for you though. How are you dressing that your wife and daughter don't want to see? Are you talking about cross dressing? Just a little confused on that point. Best of luck.
Michael :flag3:

May 22, 2006, 12:44 PM
Hi Micheal,

First off, thnk you for replying. My wife does not want to see me crossdressed. My daughter would have no rpoblem. I just don't let her see me that way.