View Full Version : Are Toys Better Than Guys?

May 17, 2006, 9:50 PM
Are there any females that feel that they get better orgasms from toys than men? And are there any men that feel that they get better orgasms from fake toy pussies than a real one? Personally, I feel I get a slightly better orgasm from a vibrator, because a man can't vibrate, and it feels so awesome!!!!! :tong:

May 17, 2006, 10:08 PM
Strawberry, I think the best thing is a combination of both - toys and others. Perhaps you'd find that a toy with a man watching even enhances the orgasm further. Or...maybe a well placed tongue working on another area of your body while you work your vibrator where it pleases you.

May 18, 2006, 12:53 AM
Are blow up dolls better than women? Of course not!

Long Duck Dong
May 18, 2006, 7:06 AM
lol try using a vibratoring ring on a male...it can cause his penis to * hum* as you both get it on... that or a male with good timing and skill can alternate sliding in and out of you with his penis and a vibrator

May 18, 2006, 8:26 AM
My short answer is not only NO, but HELL NO!

I'm not a fan of toys at all. Not allergic to them, or bashful or embarrassed.......it's just that there's no vibrator or any other plastic/latex/fake thing that can replace the wonder of feeling the heat and power of my lover inside me. Better yet, to feel his own excitement building, swelling til his explosion rocks us both....no toy can give me that.

With my girlfriend, I want to feel her silky skin, the taste of her sweetness, watch her face as I drive her to ecstasy with my mouth....no toy can give me that.

Whew, warmed me up for the day!

May 18, 2006, 6:32 PM
Anyone who uses a vibrator to reach orgasm excessively will find that they become desensitized after a point..whereas reaching orgasm the traditional way will no longer be enough for them. Just something you may want to consider in your choice of toys over men...or women. Yeah..it may feel good...but where is the sharing...do you want a relationship with a person or with a vibrator?


May 18, 2006, 6:47 PM
Never forget - a toy is something you play with: they can be very, very nice, admittedly, but...

A person (m/f, who cares) gives you passion and (sometimes :rolleyes: ) love.

They both have their place, but I know which I prefer. :love1:

May 18, 2006, 7:36 PM
Toys are always good but to much of a good thing now.........I don't know. Personally I think the real thing is wonderful it is something that can't be replaced by toys. Toys on the other hand are also there when your mate isn't. :2cents:

Oragsims are one of lifes pleasures that you really do need to share with a real person and not a toy. You can't hold a toy after and tell it how wonderful it was and it can't resiprocate in turn. :love1:

May 18, 2006, 8:08 PM
As toys are great when the mood strikes and a :male: or :female: is not around. I personally very much prefer the REAL thing!!!!!!! A tool cannot give you the passion, the loving and caressing or the heat that comes from 2 people being together.

My :2cents:

Mrs.F :)

May 18, 2006, 9:19 PM
Love my toys, but I'll take a real person anyday. Toys are good for teaching yourself what feels good so you can show your partner what works. ANd they're fun for sharing. lol But if I had to give up one or the other, I'd give up the toys to keep the person

May 18, 2006, 10:30 PM
Toys are great.. to explore and come when there isn't a real person around.. but i'd take someone that i'm really into-- male or female over a toy any day...

sharing toys with your partner, that adds to the excitement..sharing toys.. strap ons, vibrators, etc.. if both partners are willing to explore, anal, pussy penetration, etc... there is a whole new level of intimacy that is reached when sharing toys with another......that is mighty fine indeed...

but like i said.. there's nothing better than fucking and making love when two people are really into each other... there is no replacement. imo.

the good thing about toys though.. you can come and not have to worry about calling the person the next morning... lol.

May 19, 2006, 9:10 AM
Toys are great, but they can't replace the real thing which I prefer. The main reason, toys can't ejaculate.

May 19, 2006, 12:22 PM
:female: The only thing that I agree on is that about the vibrating toy thing...as much as I love my boyfriend...there is no way on this earth that he can vibrate like a vibrator...especially on my clit.
Are there any females that feel that they get better orgasms from toys than men? And are there any men that feel that they get better orgasms from fake toy pussies than a real one? Personally, I feel I get a slightly better orgasm from a vibrator, because a man can't vibrate, and it feels so awesome!!!!! :tong:

May 20, 2006, 2:07 PM
Toys are great, but they can't replace the real thing which I prefer. The main reason, toys can't ejaculate.

Umm, hey sparks, they are making toys more like the real thing, and there ARE toy penises that ejacualte, it's just not real cum, of course!

May 20, 2006, 3:01 PM
... And are there any men that feel that they get better orgasms from fake toy pussies than a real one? ....

I can not imagine anyone getting a better orgasm from a fake toy pussy than at real one. Personally, I only tried the fake pussy once and it really didn't do it for me. If I can't have the real thing then I just rather use my hand. But then each to his own I guess.

As to other toys that guys use, I have used them on myself but really don't enjoy that as much as I do when either someone else is using them on me or watching me use them.

I play with toys with ladies but all the ladies I know seem to enjoy more having an orgasm from oral sex than a toy. So guys work on those tongue exercises so you can kept up with her virbator. ;)

May 20, 2006, 8:58 PM
I personally prefer guys over toys. No matter what toy I have tried, They never have the same warmth and soft give to them like a real guy. They don't moan like a guy, smell like a guy.. I prefer the real thing..Vibrating just make me numb.

May 21, 2006, 10:15 AM
No matter what pleasure a toy may provide, whwther you're using one to simulate a man or a woman (or both), there a lot of things they can't do:

They can't:

hold you in their arms
kiss you here there and everywhere
bite your nipples just so and suck away the pain
wiggle their tongue that special way while giving oral sex
stroke your hair
wrap their body around yours as you fall asleep afterwards

And that's just to start...