View Full Version : My life has done a U-turn and for the best too.

Jul 31, 2011, 9:53 PM
I posted not long back about a situation i found myself in and i was a mess. I realised after a few days it was me causing this by having lack of communication. That was not the first time my communication skills have come back to bite me. I'm getting better at it though so i will get there. Anyway my life at this moment in time is great. I've got an ex with whom i am still very good friends with. We still sleep together, see each other regularly. In actual fact we're more of a couple than most actual couples we know. We do very much love each other but both had no teenage life where we should of slept about and drank stupid amounts of alcohol lol. So we decided that we should get that fun back and we have. If one wants to go the other watches the kids etc. We are both bisexual and exploring those desires are a big reason for our split. Is an earlier post i stated i thought she was seeing someone we knew which was a problem for me. But it wasn't because i knew him it was because i just don't like the guy. She is actual meeting a friend of ours from school this week and i have no problem at all. Difference is i like the guy, we (me and her) are talking about asking him for a threesome. Anyway i have also arrange a meeting with a young lad who is 22 which is my age which I'm hoping goes well. And I'm currently talking to an old colleague (i think that is right) from work. But damn is she playing hard to get. Which is how i like them. Challenging :)
Anyway i will keep you posted on any spectacular fun that i may have.

Aug 1, 2011, 4:07 AM
Again sorry for the lack of punctuation etc. Posting in the stupidly early hours of the morning is clearly a bad idea as my brain obviously doesn't function properly.

Aug 1, 2011, 7:26 PM
I'm glad to hear that you are doing better, life is never a "Norman Rockwell" poster but if you work at it good things can come eventually. I am glad you were able to stay friends with your ex.
