View Full Version : J/O question for my NYC friends.....

Jul 31, 2011, 9:20 PM
Are any of you familiar with the jackoff clubs around the city? I'm interested in taking hubby but not exactly sure what's involved. NYJacks is the club that I'm most interested in as they have no restrictions concerning age or body type. And I like the tone of their code of conduct. But....we all know that things are not always as advertised, right?

So, if anyone has first hand (no pun intended:tong:) experience with that club or any others I'd appreciate your sharing your thoughts.
Thanks so much!

Til Then....

Jul 31, 2011, 10:55 PM
If you don't mind, since you singled out the NYC folks, may I piggyback off of your thread?

I'm in NYC now, and I was wondering if any of the NYC crowd couple point me to any TS/TG frequented clubs/bars. I've searched online and had very little success. It's stunning to me that in a place as large as NYC, there seems to be precious little information on this.

Aug 1, 2011, 7:16 AM
I'd be interested in a j/o club.

Aug 2, 2011, 5:55 PM
I too would be interested in a j/o club if I can ALWAYS drink all their cum either from a used condom, glass or any container & of course straight from the spigot.:)