View Full Version : Another study by J.M. Bailey about bisexuals.

drugstore cowboy
Jul 30, 2011, 5:56 AM
Let's see if the NY Times and other magazines/newspapers actually run this like they did with his BS 2005 "study". :rolleyes:

DO NOT buy the "study" or "article" it will be published and public very soon.

Sexual arousal patterns of bisexual men revisited
Biological Psychology

A.M. Rosenthal, D. Sylva, A. Safron and J.M. Bailey

"We examined sexual arousal patterns of highly selected bisexual men. • On average, they had bisexual subjective and genital sexual arousal patterns."


Men who identify themselves as bisexual report feeling sexually aroused by both men and women. However, past research has not demonstrated that such men exhibit substantial genital arousal to both male and female erotic stimuli, suggesting that they identify as bisexual for reasons other than their genital arousal pattern. The purpose of the present study was to examine arousal patterns among bisexual men who were recruited using stringent criteria involving sexual and romantic experience with both men and women in order to increase the likelihood of finding a bisexual arousal pattern. Bisexual men in the present study demonstrated bisexual patterns of both subjective and genital arousal. It remains unclear which pattern is most typical of contemporary bisexual men: the present results supporting a bisexual arousal pattern, or previous results not finding one. In either case, understanding men with bisexual arousal patterns could help illuminate the etiology and development of male sexual orientation.

• Bisexual men have not shown a bisexual genital arousal pattern in past research. • We examined sexual arousal patterns of highly selected bisexual men. • On average, they had bisexual subjective and genital sexual arousal patterns. • Bisexual arousal patterns may be rare, even among bisexual-identified men. • Men with bisexual arousal patterns remain an intriguing, under-studied group.

Jul 30, 2011, 7:26 AM
We examined sexual arousal patterns of highly selected bisexual men.

While this will certainly be interesting reading doesn't the above statement disqualify the possibility of any real substantive data. Bisexual studies (at least to me) are ALWAYS suspect, the huge range of interests in bisexuality not to mention the potential for genetic predisposition in some cases while it's simply about sex in others would make any data suspect. JMHO

Long Duck Dong
Jul 30, 2011, 7:32 AM
in simple terms.... we have not proven that bisexual males are aroused by porn, and therefore we are not able to prove what attracts bisexual males to other males, but we will continue to try and isolate it down to one aspect of sex that attracts bisexual males, and then argue that bisexual males are not actually bisexual but males showing a homo erotic attraction to genitalia

or in very simple terms, we hope to have research that reinforces the idea that bisexual males are actually heteros with a cock fetish..... and we are struggling to do so and that makes it harder to rule out bisexuality as a valid sexuality

but we already knew that...... bisexuality is real, very real and differs from male to male, as to what, who and how they are attracted to other males......

its why you can not define bisexuality....

Jul 30, 2011, 8:10 AM
I have little faith in any test/survey that involves 'erotic stimuli' in the form of images/videos.
It has it's probs!

1: Who picks the pics/vids? I personally am not attracted to ALL m/f. I don't think anybody else is either.

2: Performance anxiety. Voyeurs watching you trying to get in the mood while your hooked up to computer isn't every bodies cup of tea.

3: Some are less visually stimulated than others. Some are more sensually orientated. I've fu**ed plenty of people who I'd never want a pic of to 'enjoy' by myself. Their touch/sensuality is what got me going, not their image.
Also I've had some very hot looking m/f's who had the sensuality of a dead cod.:(

4: Given the right stimuli (twinks, bearded women etc) I could be classed as asexual in such a test, where in reality I'm a dirty old promiscuous hoar of a man.:rolleyes:

5: For the stimuli to have ANY credibility, the researchers should be hot (in subjects opinion) and be willing to perform ANY task suggested.:)

Jul 30, 2011, 7:25 PM
Indeed on #1 and 4. Personally, I prefer women to men. HOWEVER, if you put very generic porn in front of me (I really don't like generic porn) I might actually be more aroused by the male-on-male variety of it for the reason that male-male sex still stimulates the novelty-naughty part of my brain even if it is between two generally uninteresting men. Now, generic female porn with huge fake jugs and blonde hair is about as interesting, naughty, and novel to me as an Evangelical prayer service.

Jul 31, 2011, 9:53 AM
Isn't this the same dingleberry that wrote "The Man Who Would Be Queen" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_Who_Would_Be_Queen)?

Seems like he cherry picks for all his studies. Worthless "science", if you can even call it that.

Jul 31, 2011, 11:23 AM
It seems from what was posted that some of the control factors are not controlled enough. There is no reference to age as a control factor. There is a mixing of physical sexual attraction and emotional attraction to both genders. That probably should be restricted to physical sexual attraction to both genders and especially if the implication of measurement is that device attached to a penis to determine if there is a physical change.

As far as LDD suggestion about the group of males who report only being interested in another man's cock, that is a possibility for a control factor. Certainly, there is a self reported group of men who state that they have no sexual interest in anything but the cock...nothing else about another man sexually attracts them. Although to label it a "fetish" may be too subjective for a scientific study. (that may eventually be seen as equal to stating that bisexuality is a stage on the way to being gay). There are sufficient self disclosure on sites like this to consider that a specific group to be assessed. In fact, it may be a sexuality on its own?

How you would measure any emotional attraction of men to both genders may be more difficult in a study other than self disclosure surveys. It is possible to use survey self disclosure and examine other personality etc. factors. I'm unaware of any attempt to evaluate men who are emotionally attracted to both genders. It seems that examining sexual physical attraction in men to both genders is difficult enough.

Too bad that the researcher who has been given money doesn't have credability. Who has sponsored this study?

Jul 31, 2011, 4:01 PM
I have little faith in any test/survey that involves 'erotic stimuli' in the form of images/videos.
It has it's probs!

1: Who picks the pics/vids? I personally am not attracted to ALL m/f. I don't think anybody else is either.

2: Performance anxiety. Voyeurs watching you trying to get in the mood while your hooked up to computer isn't every bodies cup of tea.

3: Some are less visually stimulated than others. Some are more sensually orientated. I've fu**ed plenty of people who I'd never want a pic of to 'enjoy' by myself. Their touch/sensuality is what got me going, not their image.
Also I've had some very hot looking m/f's who had the sensuality of a dead cod.:(

4: Given the right stimuli (twinks, bearded women etc) I could be classed as asexual in such a test, where in reality I'm a dirty old promiscuous hoar of a man.:rolleyes:

5: For the stimuli to have ANY credibility, the researchers should be hot (in subjects opinion) and be willing to perform ANY task suggested.:)

You hit the nail on the head - many times, in fact !

And thanks for the laughs !