View Full Version : Is there such a thing as PUSSY BREATH MINTS?

May 17, 2006, 9:28 AM
I am a woman who is recently trying oral sex on a woman, and having it done to me. I was wondering if there is the pussy equivelent of a breath mint? Does anyone know. What other methods do people use to make the area seem fresh and clean? All helpful hints would be appreciated. Want to make sure that I will be appealing to this wonderful woman.

Driver 8
May 17, 2006, 10:10 AM
Just take a shower, and make sure you're in good health. IMO "feminine hygiene" products taste vile. I could not get one of my ex-girlfriends to give up her favorite and it was like licking an air freshener.

May 17, 2006, 10:24 AM
Just take a shower, and make sure you're in good health. IMO "feminine hygiene" products taste vile. I could not get one of my ex-girlfriends to give up her favorite and it was like licking an air freshener.

I have to agree. Cunnilingus is probably my specialty, and part of what I like about it is tasting the woman's juices, even if it's sweaty or a little pungent. When women perfume themselves down there it ruins the fun.


May 17, 2006, 1:03 PM
Vaginal infections, including yeast blooms cand cause a distasteful odor from a woman's vagina. If the vagina is clean and healthy, the only aroma should be the natural scents that were originally sexually attractants. Yeast spores are naturally present in the vagina and taking antibiotics for some other reason can reduce the other biota that keep them in check. There is sometimes a discharge and itching associated with any infection and should the condition persist you should see you gynocologist for the appropriate medication.
Otherwise the vaginal aroma is pleasant and a sexual turn-on, and the natural juices taste good as well.

May 17, 2006, 1:05 PM
Just take a shower, and make sure you're in good health. IMO "feminine hygiene" products taste vile.

I think Driver 8 is spot on and feminine hygene products should really be avoided, a bath or shower beforehand is all that's needed as some of these products can also cause problems in that area when used long term.

I'm sure you'll be appealing to this other woman, enjoy. :)

May 17, 2006, 8:39 PM
I'm with the rest of you here. A quick shower before is all thats needed. I love the natural taste. Perfumes taste horrible. However something that definitely works is consuming pineapple juice for a few days. It really works! I think there was a previous thread about this.

May 18, 2006, 3:02 AM
I'm not sure if you're just very self-conscious (like we all were the first few times..... :female: :tong: :female: ) or if you felt genuinely that it wasn't quite right??

Regardless of the when, after an initial excitement kicks in, what you smell and taste should be a lovely sexy muskiness.

If not .... possibly, almost certainly the ph. is wrong and there are external factors (Fungus, aka Thrush) causing unpleasantness.

BTW - Pineapple juice is a WINNER!!!

May 18, 2006, 6:24 PM
I think if you are going down or she is going down on you, a nice bath before would be nice. Use some nice herbal bathsoap, and do not use perfume before you down, sometimes it does change the flavor. You can use some of the fresh tasting rubs, that you can lick. but being clean is the number 1 item.

May 18, 2006, 7:21 PM
my girlfriend just uses a little warm water and hand-soap while sitting on the toilet. she's super clean and her juices start flowing soon after i start licking her so i get the taste. no need to take a whole shower just to wash your pussy.

May 19, 2006, 9:20 AM
Shower or bath. Being clean is THE most important aspect of oral sex. It doesn't matter if you're eating pussy or sucking cock. The natural scent and taste of men and women I find totally erotic.

May 19, 2006, 7:06 PM
I'm with everyone else...just a good warm water wash will do wonders... Actually, stay away from any kind of fragranced soap and if you use soap in there at all make sure you rinse well... a soapy set of lips is almost as bad as being musty... I don't use soap but just warm water and some friction. I don't want my area over dry and I have a bit of a prob with dry skin in odd places. According to my gf she can't believe that's all i do cuz I'm sqeeky clean. But in answer to your question, there are 'breath mints' so to speak.

May 19, 2006, 7:25 PM
just be clean. If there are no underlying health issues, normally there really isn't a strong or unpleasant oder. Don't be too aggressive with cleansers, perfumes, and other junk- a nice rinse set's the table- all that's left is too enjoy!

BTW- back in my extremely sexually active days (high school) I encountered this issue with both guys and girls! Personal Hygiene is paramount to good sex!

May 26, 2006, 7:38 PM
:) I agree with being clean and healthy, definitely!
The only time you should notice an unusual or strong odor from a (healthy!) vagina would be after intercourse during which a man ejaculated into a woman's vagina. Usually the semen 's interaction with the vagina over an extended period - hours - will cause an odor. Unfortunately, not a lot of research has been done as to why or how that works. The solution is the same, proper bathing with a non-abrasive soap.

There is a product that you can use if you really prefer to: VCF Dissolving Vaginal Cleansing Film. It's exactly what it sounds like. It's a thin film that you insert into your vagina and it gradually dissolves naturally. I've never tried them, so I couldn't tell you about taste or scent, but my sister swears by them.

BTW, eating lots of red meat and starch can also produce strong odors, so watch that too...