View Full Version : Bareback desires

Jul 22, 2011, 9:17 AM
I kind of threw caution to the wind last week with a guy I met on here. We have similar interests and had a few dates. He was into barebacking and I finally gave it a try with him. The feeling was sooo sensational that it's the only way I want to go from now on. It was like having sex for the first time. We lubed and had the best sex I've ever experienced. Has anyone had a similar awakening?

Jul 22, 2011, 1:15 PM
if i go bareback really have to know the person very well but still druther use condoms

Jul 22, 2011, 2:36 PM
No doubt using condoms is the best way to go. But 4 years ago I barebacked with a guy and it was amazing....had one of the most incredible orgasms and it certainly helped to have another friend jacking me off at the same time...I was breathless and spellbound; completely satiated....for a while anyway....

Jul 22, 2011, 7:28 PM
I think bareback is the way to go, but only with conditions attached. It just has to be that way nowadays: You only do it with certain people you know well and know are clean.

Both (or whoever else is involved) of you should get checked for STDs for starters. Once you're both known to be clean, keep the barebacking between yourselves. I'd even make a commitment between the two of you that you won't bareback with anyone but each other and, if one of you slips up and does anyway, you'll promise to let the other know so you can get tested before barebacking with each other again.

I know those of us who prefer and promote barebacking can take a lot of heat for doing so, but I'm referring to a committed relationship between two or more guys. If you're doing the Craigslist thing and seeing multiple strangers in random encounters, there's really no choice but protected sex.

roy m cox
Jul 23, 2011, 1:17 AM
oh god yes i love going bareback :tong:


Jul 23, 2011, 11:30 AM
I haven't in years but do enjoy it a lot. Love the feeling of the warm rush u get.

Jul 23, 2011, 11:49 AM
There is no doubt that bareback anal sex does feel wonderful---but of course--you do have to weigh the risks involved.

All we can do is to advise you to play safe as much as possible--either by vetting your partner well or practicing safe sex--but then again---you could have a lifetime partner and he or she steps outside the bounds of your relationship, such as it is, doesn't play safe and brings home something nasty.

The only sure fire way to be totally safe when it comes to sex is to not NEVER have sex with another human being---but in reality---how probable is that???

I say--all the best to you--and have fun at the very least!!!

Jul 23, 2011, 6:06 PM
Volty, not trying to hijack the thread, but ...................you used the word, "VETTING".

I've never heard that one....so I tried to find it in my small dictionary. Nothing there, so I looked in the big, 20 pound Websters....it's not in there, either.

Could that be a misspelled word, or something new? (Both of my dictionaries are old...like me)

Not trying to put you on the spot, just Inquiring Minds Wanna Know!

Jul 23, 2011, 6:24 PM
It's not the oldest of words, but it is a word. I'm not sure about its etymology. You hear it all the time during election season in America when presidential candidates are doing background checks on possible VPs for their ticket..."vetting".

I've been wanting to get fucked for some time...getting barebacked almost seems like an impossible dream. Last year, I thought I had arranged both. I started talking to an old classmate who had stayed in our small hometown, never married, and whom I was certain was gay and yet inexperienced. Seemed like the perfect situation. He sent me naked pictures of himself, I sent some to him, we sent racy texts, everything, I felt certain of success. I thought he was going to be my safe barebacking dream. I didn't take into account the intense closeting that had prevented him from setting foot outside his hometown and which had kept him from exploring his sexuality from age 18 to his thirties could also preclude him from being intimate with me. Long story short, he begged off after I sucked him almost to climax...freaked out on me a bit. The safety provided by a closet case turned out to be my undoing. Very disappointing. Safety is a funny thing.

Jul 23, 2011, 6:36 PM
vet — v. (-tt-) make a careful and critical examination of (a scheme, work, candidate, etc.).

A version of the OED (Oxford English Dicitonary)

Was commonly used in UK until UK became very international in its composition.

Jul 23, 2011, 8:21 PM
Thanx, Hep and Louise.

Louise, don't give up, surely someone will come along and help you alone your way. Most of my lovers, of both genders, seemed to appear when I least expected it!

Jul 23, 2011, 10:22 PM
I kind of threw caution to the wind last week with a guy I met on here. We have similar interests and had a few dates. He was into barebacking and I finally gave it a try with him. The feeling was sooo sensational that it's the only way I want to go from now on. It was like having sex for the first time. We lubed and had the best sex I've ever experienced. Has anyone had a similar awakening?

I hate to sound slow, but what is "barebacking"

Long Duck Dong
Jul 23, 2011, 10:43 PM
sex without the use of protection

Jul 23, 2011, 11:17 PM
Babydoll, in this day and age its just plain Ignorant to go bareback. Unless its an established partner that you know and Trust anyway... I know it probably feels wonderful, but is giving up your life That worth it? Just sayin'...:(

Jul 24, 2011, 12:16 AM
Yeah Chris - if that is what you want you need to find yourself an exclusive partner..health is very important.

roy m cox
Jul 24, 2011, 1:13 AM
i for got to say tho , #1 get a good blood test and other std's test b4 you or any one go's Bareback ,, i get tested on a regular time just if you want to be safe ,, then enjoy :bigrin:

Jul 24, 2011, 12:22 PM
I kind of threw caution to the wind


Jul 25, 2011, 2:33 PM
No thank you, I prefer to live.

Jul 31, 2011, 5:10 PM
I love bareback....but don't get it much...

Aug 14, 2011, 3:14 AM
I love getting fucked bareback. I mostly bareback with getting the guys hot load inside me unless I want him to pull out and let me suck the cum out of his cock.

Aug 14, 2011, 6:36 PM
Babydoll, in this day and age its just plain Ignorant to go bareback. Unless its an established partner that you know and Trust anyway... I know it probably feels wonderful, but is giving up your life That worth it? Just sayin'...:(

Even knowing the partner is no guarantee of safety. Recent story - one husband secretly played away while abroad with a fella who then died of needle induced AIDS. His wife and their threesome third had a heart stopping time until the results came through - fortunately all negative. The three way relationship fell apart. The husband is on his way to being an isolated ex

Aug 14, 2011, 10:16 PM
Something to keep in mind is the nature of HIV testing. I can get tested tomorrow and get negative results and it would be meaningless. The test doesn't screen for the presence of HIV, it tests for the presence of the antibodies your immune system makes in a half-assed attempt to combat the virus. This means you can have the virus present in the body but not yet be producing antibodies. Danger Will Robinson! Danger!!!

In the wacky world of medicine we don't consider someone to be HIV negative until they have had 2 blood tests six months apart that come back negative. Even this is no assurance they have not picked up the virus in the 6 month interval between the two tests and are just not expressing antibodies yet. Pretty crappy, I know but that is how it is.

Personally, I think the only solution is not to bareback with anyone you don't intimately trust not to put you at risk. The other big concept is to get tested regularly. At least every six months. Sorry if I have rained on someone's parade, but those are the hard cold facts and even if HIV has become a disease that doesn't kill outright as much as it used to you don't want it.

Aug 15, 2011, 5:29 AM
We all know that condoms are NOT good for sexual pleasures. They just make it 'safer'. They are just necessary burdens.:(

I've tried MANY brands of condoms, and can recommend Pasante naturelle.;)