View Full Version : Labels

Jul 21, 2011, 4:51 AM
I read a comment in another thread referring to "straight" men who enjoy sucking cock. I don't understand how a man who likes to suck cock can be straight.

My wife knows of my desire to have sex with a man, and she knows that I have sucked another man & even swallowed his load, yet she refuses to admit that I am bisexual. She says I am "straight."

Am I the only one who thinks that the desire to suck a cock, and especially having done it & wanting to do it again, disqualifies a man from being "straight"?

Long Duck Dong
Jul 21, 2011, 6:39 AM
it really depends..... on what is a bisexual ?? and as seen in this site, you try and define a bisexual and it starts a argument over labels and trying to define what a bisexual is.....

what is straight, what is bisexual and what is homosexual and where are the lines drawn...??? then you enter the world of kinks / fetishs / paraphilia and sexuality.....

so you know if your desire to suck another males cock, is simply a kink / fetish or a desire within yourself that is not purely a sexual thrill, a adrenaline rush, or even like a drug fix...... and actually a desire, a fantasy, a warm fuzzy feeling that leaves you content and happy......

you define it as being bisexual... and then you see other males acting in the same way, as a bisexual cos its how you relate to it......
where the issue is, is that your female doesn't relate to it the same way, with the same understanding.... she may see it as a straight male with a kink / fetish.... in the same way some males wear females clothing cos its comfortable, but others wear females clothes cos its sexually arousing and they become more sexually intense...... and one is a crossdresser and the other is a sexual perv.... yet they are both regarded as cross dressers....

that is based around the many years of feedback from other bisexuals and straight males with kinks / fetishes..... and I am saying that cos no doubt captain closeted will waddle into the thread with another * asexuals do not have any idea * type load of BS in order to discredit anything I say..... when the infos come from other bisexuals and straight males

Jul 21, 2011, 8:36 AM
I think each person can label themselves, or not. I know many folks get fired up over labels .......and the degrees of each.

But personally, I consider myself bisexual and you can think whatever you wish, about yourself.

To my way of thinking, though, if it arouses you to have sex with someone of the same gender as well as the opposite, you are.......at least to some degree, bisexual.

Jul 21, 2011, 1:21 PM
I think each person can label themselves, or not. I know many folks get fired up over labels .......and the degrees of each.

But personally, I consider myself bisexual and you can think whatever you wish, about yourself.

To my way of thinking, though, if it arouses you to have sex with someone of the same gender as well as the opposite, you are.......at least to some degree, bisexual.

yes, I agree with your comments. I say I prefer women over men only because it's with women that I establish and enjoy the full spectrum of experience; intellectually, spiritually, physically, sexually, etc...and being involved in a full relationship. Where with men, and I should clarify, men I am sexual with, it is only for sex. I do have friendships, but not one of the males that I am sexual with on a regular basis do I have an in depth experience. We are respectful and friendly but we do very little socializing together. Our social time is when we get together to have sex actually.

My male friends I am not sexual with, I am very close to. This is just how I am. So, when discussing sex or sexuality with my closest friends, the vast majority I have let know that I'm bi. And fortunately for me, not one of them judges me or has ever judged me for it.

So, giving myself the label of being bi has simply made it easier for me to accept who I am as a human being. I so often wish now that we could move beyond labels and that humanity could just simply accept whatever choices we make in our identities sexually. Unfortunately, it's not the case. But it has made the difference for me to identify as bi and since I am truly active with both sexes, the label fits for me.

Jul 21, 2011, 5:54 PM
To do away with labels, there has to be no labels at all. Heterosexuality would have to go too.
So what we're left with is a world where everybody is the same sexuality, but have 'likes & dislikes'.:bigrin:

That's not confusing at all! No sir!:rolleyes:

Jul 21, 2011, 6:31 PM
I read a comment in another thread referring to "straight" men who enjoy sucking cock. I don't understand how a man who likes to suck cock can be straight.

My wife knows of my desire to have sex with a man, and she knows that I have sucked another man & even swallowed his load, yet she refuses to admit that I am bisexual. She says I am "straight."

Am I the only one who thinks that the desire to suck a cock, and especially having done it & wanting to do it again, disqualifies a man from being "straight"?

Why worry about a label. Just say "OK, Honey, I'm whatever you want to call me. Just don't call me late for dinner. By the way, would you like to share a cock with me?"


Jul 22, 2011, 1:28 AM
Thanks for the replies/opinions. This is just something that I have a hard time wrapping my brain around. I try to understand how one can desire sex with both genders yet deny that they are bi. Perhaps one day something will click in my itty-bitty brain so it will make sense to me.

Jul 22, 2011, 4:42 AM
first time was in a threesome guy put his dick on my mouth while i was fucking his wife but when i got him hard he then went and give me a good buttfucking and liked it all

Jul 22, 2011, 4:49 AM
Thats hot feeling there tits on my back as they whisper in my ear. But a real cock sliding in me I can't explain it it just feels so good. It's hot when cum just comes out of your cock weather it's flaccid or hard as a rock it just comes out.