View Full Version : Australian debate on SBS

May 16, 2006, 7:38 AM
For those who enjoy a good 'political-religious-equal rights' debate.

www.sbs.com.au/insight (16th May 2006)


New civil union laws allowing same sex couples to be ‘officially recognised’ are expected to become law in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) very soon. So, it seems, the tide may be turning on state recognition of same sex relationships. Or is it?

Resistance to civil unions and gay marriage - most notably from the Federal Government - threatens to overturn the new legislation before it gets on its feet.

These days, a same-sex couple walking hand-in-hand down the street barely raises an eyebrow. But it’s a different story if that couple is walking down the aisle together.

INSIGHT looks at why some gay people want to formalise their relationship - is it the recognition and public acceptance of their partnership that matters? Or is it because of hurdles that arise when everyday forms and documents simply don’t recognise you as a family - things like the Medicare Safety Net, taxation benefits and superannuation death benefits.

Is marriage a tradition that should be exclusively for a man and woman? Or should it keep in step with social change? Even politicians from the same party can’t agree.

And what happens when children are involved? Are kids with two mums or two dads worse off than those who grow up in more traditional home settings? Should the laws be changed so that the non-biological parent in a same-sex relationship can be legally identified as an equal parent?

INSIGHT brings together politicians who are at loggerheads on the issue, representatives of religious groups, and differing voices from the heterosexual and gay and lesbian community.

“GAY MARRIAGE” will be broadcast on TUESDAY MAY 16TH at 7.30pm on SBS. Repeated on FRIDAY at 1pm and MONDAY at 2pm.