View Full Version : A Bisexual Religion-only for New Yorkers

Jul 19, 2011, 9:53 AM
Civilisationism as a religion believes in Bisexuality, Sensitive Sex and Multiple Sexual Partners. It also believes in Nationalism ,culture and local community as a strong sources of happiness. It’s moral belief that is believed in above all is sensitivity (wanting of happiness for others). Also the beliefs of Genderlessness and Harmlessness are very, very important and belief in Freedom and Liberty and belief in God and devotion to God.
Harmony between cultures and religions is also very strongly held. Also a belief in something called the Spiritis is very important in Civilisationism and is believed then as such to be central to many feelings of happiness in both culture and local community and represents a very strongly held and believed in value and understanding in Civilisationism. You are of a Spiritis because and since particular coloured and shaped or structured that is indictable and invisible cell like things are flowing through you’re bloodstream. In every country there is the Spiritis of that country and the Spirtai (as they are called) are of equally distanced to all the others. Anybody can be part of the same Spiritis whatever their ethnicity. If you immigrate to a country you will naturally become of that Spiritis and the Spirits you are already a part of. You can then display you are of a Spiritis by wearing particular coloured shirts called Spiritis Shirts.

