View Full Version : I love being bisexual :)

Besos para ella
Jul 16, 2011, 8:23 PM
So I just got back from a party... and yes I'm a little sozzled, I met some amazingly hot men and women, but I just wondered... I met an incredible girl tonight, who when I first saw her I knew that I was gonna like her and after speaking to her for a good while I felt like there was alot of chemistry, until she said..."yeah I live with my partner... he's...." and then I new there was no hope, but I still have butterflies in my stomach, I know that she would be the perfect person for me. I wondered if anyone else fell for someone straight (of the same sex) and how they dealt with this, I mean there were reallllllly hot guys tonight and I could identify that they were hot but there was something about this girl that just made me go all funny. It sucks to fall for someone who you can't have but I guess that's life. I think i'll regret telling my parents that I thought she was hot in the morning though!! :S on the other hand, I can type good for someone who's just spent the night partying :)

Jul 16, 2011, 9:28 PM
It sucks to fall for someone who you can't have but I guess that's life.

A wonderful, joyous letter. In reference to your little "missed opportunity" - that isn't just a bi problem - it happens to everyone all the time.
"Goodness - that man/woman is just so wonderful etc etc. Not available ???? - Oh well!!"

keep enjoying life the way you are.

One day you'll hit gold! :)

Jul 17, 2011, 3:49 AM
There was this guy I was so hot for but because of his job he played it straight. He knew I wanted him bad.

I would run into him sometimes kind of often. As he got older and was less worried about his job, well I was married. I could see it in his eyes that he was thinking he could have both of us. Wife was not into that kind of thing back then.

He is super long way away now.

Jul 17, 2011, 4:00 AM
So I just got back from a party... and yes I'm a little sozzled, I met some amazingly hot men and women, but I just wondered... I met an incredible girl tonight, who when I first saw her I knew that I was gonna like her and after speaking to her for a good while I felt like there was alot of chemistry, until she said..."yeah I live with my partner... he's...." and then I new there was no hope, but I still have butterflies in my stomach, I know that she would be the perfect person for me. I wondered if anyone else fell for someone straight (of the same sex) and how they dealt with this, I mean there were reallllllly hot guys tonight and I could identify that they were hot but there was something about this girl that just made me go all funny. It sucks to fall for someone who you can't have but I guess that's life. I think i'll regret telling my parents that I thought she was hot in the morning though!! :S on the other hand, I can type good for someone who's just spent the night partying :)

"Faint heart never won fair maiden".

If there's ever a chance that you'll meet again - go for it.

john jackson
Jul 17, 2011, 6:23 AM
You need to be patient and she might turn out to be a good friend to you ,just because she is with a guy doesnt mean she isnt attracted to you too.Keep being you and your be surprised.
good luck jj

Besos para ella
Jul 17, 2011, 7:26 AM
Thanks for the comments people :) I woke up this morning still thinking of her... at least my parents seemed to have forgotten my comments on how beautiful the women were... the only thing I got was "Why aren't you hung-over!?" Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Lol I agree that it happens to straight/gay/bi people all the time, if a person is unavailable-but there's unavailable and 'never going to happen' which is annoying, I guess my "gaydar" needs some work, I could have sworn she was interested, just in her mannerisms but maybe she's just a friendly person! I won't forget her in a hurry anyway :)

Jul 17, 2011, 12:49 PM
Yes I have a gaydar like that too.:(
I've tried to workout how to tell if a man is attracted to me sexually, or just friendly.
So far, I think that if they are sexually attracted to me, they try to hide it or show it discreetly. But just friendly people have nothing to hide.:)

Does that help you? I doubt it!:bigrin: